Plane Universe

Chapter 1967: Star Tower recognition is complete

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Three years after Cheng Buyun returned to Earth again.

The core of the Star Tower.

Like a creeping figure of a dying fish lying on the shore, Luo Feng's body trembles with an unconscious sound in his mouth, and blood continuously flows out.

He is struggling, not willing to die, even if he knows that he can be resurrected in time and space.

He also held a obsession.

I miss the softest place in my heart, where is the shadow of my family.

The old man on the other side looked down silently, expressing silent emotion all the time. "You are powerful enough to support more than 6000 years."

"Proud to be proud of."

"The first candidate is 2600 years, the second is 3300 years, but you have persisted for more than 6000 years, which is very powerful."

"give up!"

Due to the help of Cheng Buyun in the early stage, Luo Feng scored stronger in will and mood.

But how awesome is the Star Tower, the **** of treasures, the difficulty of identifying the Lord, even Cheng Buyun did not dare to try it easily, and did not dare to grab the chance of Luo Feng.

The reason is here.

Cheng Buyun was not sure.

Even time and space dared not propose him to do this.

This shows the huge difficulty.

For more than 6000 years, the soul has been oppressed, so miserable.

This shows the tenacity of Luo Feng's soul.

The old man muttered to himself, but Luo Feng, where he was traveling, didn't even hear a word. He struggled, and he shivered.

One side is life, the other side is death!

Luo Feng chose the raw side.

Crazy obsession supports his soul not to fall, even though the main consciousness is already asleep, but obsession is extremely powerful.

Make him struggle hard towards the side of life.

It seems to be under the wheel, trying to escape the misery of being crushed!


Suddenly, the entire Star Tower was trembling, as if shaken vigorously by a giant.

The old man sitting on the opposite side of the table was also amazed, and his expression changed greatly: "Successful, it is incredible!"


Luo Feng also opened his eyes at this moment, his tired eyes were full of joy, he whispered with joy, "I succeeded, I can go back to see them."

After this sentence was finished, suddenly, he was so tired that he couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep instantly.

The motionless body, the old man was stunned for a while, and said with a laugh: "It's even an awkward to be able to make a real master fall asleep even though he fell asleep!"

In general, it is difficult for the strong to get tired and completely unconscious.

Immortal gods will fall asleep because they have lost too much of their bodies and souls too much.

Once the Soul of the Realm broke, it fell.

Only when the soul is squeezed indefinitely, resulting in repeated consumption and squeezing, completely exhausting the soul power will fall into a sleep.

Luo Feng, who had fallen asleep, seemed to be in a good mood, with a soft smile on his face.

One year, two years ... It was not until nearly ten years before he woke up from a deep sleep.

After sleeping for nearly ten years, he is also a god-man.

Luo Feng, who was awake, had a smile on his face, and did not notice that there was another superpower on his side.

The side of the hall was concerned about Luo Feng's existence. When he saw that he was awake, the heart-warming voice rang directly, "Child ..."

This extremely familiar voice made Luo Feng stand up immediately, because he had heard this voice countless times, and it highly overlapped with the sound in the metal plate he owned.

He quickly turned his head and looked over.

There are two figures in front.

One is the ‘Puti’, the master of the universe he is familiar with, the old man who cares for Luo Feng before.

At this time, Puti was very low-key and concentrated on one side, and at the forefront of the entire hall, a giant figure standing more than 900 meters tall stood.

He wore a seemingly ordinary cyan armor, his forehead had transparent double angles, and he looked down at Luo Feng.

The endless Wei'an breath enveloped the whole hall.

Under this breath, Luo Feng fell into shock.

He could not imagine that while he could not feel any oppression, he could not feel the law of the universe's origin.

"Congratulations, from now on, you are the leader of the earth's veins, qualified to be ranked among the universe's super strong forest." The majestic figure of the old man thundered straight into the heart of Luo Feng.

The Lord of the Universe ‘Puti’ next to him smiled at Luo Feng and was happy for Luo Feng. He said, “Sister Three, congratulations.”

The saying of the majestic figure that 'qualifies to rank among the superpowers of the universe' made Luo Feng have a great move in his heart, but this is the strongest in the universe ... the alien mighty who can match the founder of the giant axe Yes, in the eyes of aliens, it can be called the superpower of the universe, I am afraid at least it must be the master of the universe.

There are two disciples of aliens.

The disciple Puti is the master of the universe.

Yan Di, the leader of the second disciple Yan, is also the master of the universe.

I am about to become a third disciple, and I feel that I have hope to become the master of the universe.

This made Luo Feng's heart burst into flames, Lord of the universe!


Suddenly, Luo Feng seemed to remember something ...

Three brothers?

The position of the three young teachers made Luo Feng look stunned. Shouldn't he be ranked fourth?

At least it should be fourth!

Is it wrong?

Because according to his understanding, the Yan Emperor of the Yan God Clan is the second disciple of the alien almighty, so is Brother Yun not the third? ... I should be ranked fourth!

what happened?

He was dumbfounded ...

Or Brother Yun is not this disciple?

But it makes no sense.

Brother Yun can make those armor, how could it not be this powerful disciple?

Isn't it really?

In fact, before he did not recognize the star tower, Puti also told him about this matter, but at that time, he had not really recognized the Lord, and he suspected that Puti did not tell him the truth.

But now he has successfully recognized the Lord.

But still saying that, obviously there is a problem.

Due to suspicion, even the disciple who is about to become a mighty person cannot keep his excitement in mind.

He didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, the majestic figure of aliens spoke again.

"Earth's veins and Yan's clan's veins are my children." The majestic aliens who are as tall as a mountain overlook Luo Feng, and the figure is booming. "You have passed many trials in the dark and you can pass the inheritance of the Star Tower The test is my disciple, and it is estimated to be my last disciple. "

Luo Feng stunned, the last disciple?

Am I third?

His thoughts almost jumped over his face, how could he not see the majestic figure, but he didn't explain or ask.

The character Cheng Buyun is too mysterious.

It was so mysterious that he dared not approach it at will.

I was afraid that in case of involvement, it would affect his own safety.

The law of the universe is not catching his handle, he will not give the other party a chance.

In the event of an accident, countless hundreds of millions of years of hard work hit the water, and there was no chance to cry.

Because at that time he was suppressed, saying that the opportunity was too late.

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