Plane Universe

Chapter 1975: The Abnormal Power of the Silver Wing King

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"King River King's terrible instantaneous speed of movement, the direction of change is also ridiculously fast."

"With so many space debris, he can change to thousands of times in an instant, hesitantly, amazingly fast."

"Hundreds of powerful men besieged, I'm afraid no one can get close to him."

"too strong."

"There is such a terrible moment bursting speed, this sword river king, the vast universe, he can go anywhere."

Seeing the lively alien strong men are aware of the terrible sword king, with such a sudden burst of speed, then the ability to escape is too strong.

If there is no space blockade, Sword River King can teleport away directly.

There is room for blockade, the speed of the Dao River King bursts out in an instant, arrogant to countless powerful people, and can also slip away.

In general.

The Blade River King's ability to escape lives is against the sky, unless it is a restricted heavy treasure like ‘Icy Silk Screen’, or a special mind weapon combat secret, or soul illusion.

In short, you must first control the escape speed of the sword river king, so that you can deal with the sword river king.

Otherwise it is difficult to kill!

But how difficult it is to limit Lord Luo Feng.

He wears the most treasure behind him, even if he can't fully play it, he can only play a part of his power, and it is not limited by some treasures owned by the powerful kings.

Where is the treasure level!

"This soul attack also wants to affect me?" Luo Feng roared and roared, and the silver figure jumped and flew, and he was approaching an alien in the blink of an eye, "This snow king is really annoying, killing him."

The alien strong man approached by Luo Feng has a snowy white horn, a majestic body of blue color, thick hooves, and a strange animal named Snow King!

Generally, they can be called alien beasts, and most of them are very special life in the universe.

Although it is not a special life, the general life genes are more than 20 to 30 times and less than 100 times.

Very special life group.

"Why is his speed like this?" Seeing the sword river king approaching himself, the snow horn king was also losing color, and his heart understood that the sword river king wanted to kill himself.

When Luo Feng was about to approach King Xuejiao, he suddenly showed a strong power in the distance, and the huge figure that enveloped the audience flew towards here quickly.

Countless strong men felt this powerful momentum and even turned their heads to see.

"Oh my god!"

It was extremely large, with a figure wrapped in golden armor over a thousand kilometers in length, and a pair of silver wings covered with peculiar patterns spread open and patted, as if knowing that everyone noticed themselves, and the big mouth roared again and again.

"It's the Silverwing King!"

"Silver Wing King of the human camp, trouble!"

The alien strongmen who besieged Luo Feng had to temporarily stop their hands, apparently fearing the power of the comers.

At this time, even Luo Feng was stunned.

Silver Wing King?

You said it was the Silver Wing King?

Your own golden horn beast stays in the body world, where is the Silver Wing King?

Of course, Luo Feng also judged that the arrival of this alien beast, Silver Wing King, is obviously very similar to his own golden horn beast.

It must be a golden horned monster.

There is a human camp, and there is such a great prestige, and it is still golden. At a glance, it is known that it should be the look of the war armor. Who will it be?

Suddenly, Luo Feng turned his head and secretly guessed, "Isn't that Alice?"

After all, first look at what the other party wants to do before deciding.

The arrival of the Silver Wing King made the water more muddy. After over a hundred strong aliens, they were so frightened to stop their hands, which shows that the Silver Wing King is so powerful.

The roaring Silver Wing King, roaring again and again, tens of thousands of kilometers away, almost arrived in a blink of an eye, as soon as he approached the scene, he shouted directly and unkindly: "Your group of garbage aliens, dare to kill me human strong , Die. "

At the same time, a voice sounded in Luo Feng's ear, "Luo Feng, we joined forces to kill the aliens."

In an instant, Luo Feng determined who was coming.

Knowing that he is the king of Daohe, only Chaos teacher and Zhenyan teacher, the last one is Cheng Buyun.

Can he say his real name on the battlefield outside the territory, and it is similar to his golden horn beast doppelganger, still need to ask again?

It must be Alice.

Luo Feng also quickly responded with a soul-transmitting voice and said, "Well, Sister Alice, let us turn them upside down together."

"No, the Silver Wing King actually helped the King of Blades."

"I have long heard that Silver Wing King and Daohe King are good friends."

Alice ’s golden horn beast rushed very arrogantly, with an extremely fast speed, and Luo Feng was also very different. In the blink of an eye, he came to an alien strong man.

Suddenly, bang!

Huge hoofs descended from the sky, covering a huge space. While the hoof of the Alice Golden Horn Beast was pressed down, the space below collapsed and exploded.

The alien strong man seemed to have suffered a huge attack. The collapsed and broken airflow alone caused him to fall into a huge wave vortex, and his figure became unstable.

Not to mention resistance.

There was a big bang, and the eyes were almost glared at the lively interracial.


The attacked alien strongman was completely annihilated by a blow, leaving no ash left.

Even Luo Feng was shocked.

The attack was so outrageous!

An alien strongman who was barely close to the limit of Feng Wang and was at the peak of Feng Wang fell directly.

Alice ’s golden horned monster avatar, now the power of the realm of the realm has reached 100,000 times without calculating the equipment. The gift of the universe gives the double secret body, which is directly pushed to the power of 200,000 times the realm The amplitude of the layer is 36 times the power, the talent secret law is strengthened by 2 times, the total is 72 times, and the strength level is 14.4 million times.

The mystery is the pinnacle of the self-made universe Venerable.

The body is also tens of thousands of kilometers in length, which is terrifying in strength and comprehensive in many aspects.

This result is not exaggerated.

The third layer of the heaven and earth of the golden horn beast is much easier than the beast **** change practice.

The strength of Alice today is much higher than that of Luo Feng.

Today, Luo Feng, the Nine Tribulation Secret Code is only the second layer, and the life gene of the deity is only about 500 times, the gap is huge.

The power of one blow frightened countless aliens.

All expressions change color!

The enemy was frightened, and instead of stopping, Alice intensified, and her huge body turned to accelerate and rushed towards another strong interracial man.

"Not good, attack together, kill the Silver Wing King and **** his treasure."

Although Alice ’s golden horn beast is extremely powerful, the aliens awakened at once and attacked repeatedly.

The huge golden horned beast has little room for evasion, and directly hits.

It is a pity that Alice sneered again and again, covered with a golden light, blocking all attacks from the deep surface.

Guarding the shield, hanging children!

It's really a rogue. If these alien strongmen know that Alice bullies them with the secrets of the top level of the two universe masters, I don't know how I should feel!

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