Plane Universe

Chapter 1976: Black Shaven King intervenes, Snow Horn King escapes

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Simply ridiculous.

Fighting with some strong kings, almost exhausted all the cards.


With the rise of killing, Alice's golden horned monster avatar suddenly raised its wings, and a fierce light tore the void, as if the void suddenly opened its eyelids, and the flashing light disappeared.

Suddenly, the entire body of the seven Feng Wangqiang who had been attacked was annihilated.



The Silver Wing King is invincible.

The alien strongmen who besieged Luo Feng were almost broken by Alice, and immediately turned around and fled.

Hate father and mother had fewer legs.

"Where to escape!"

Alice's Golden Horn avatar roared and roared, the huge sound was like a magic sound, and the space was also broken layer by layer, terrifying!

The aliens who felt the movement behind them were scared.

"How could it be so outrageous?"

Looking at the lively aliens, their faces are also changing color, and everyone is talking and talking.

"More than a thousand years ago, I have seen the Silver Wing King's shot, and his strength is not as strong as it is. Over the past thousands of years, what kind of great encounter has the Silver Wing King encountered, which has transformed his strength to such a point.

"This can no longer be regarded as the limit level of the King of Sealing!"

"At least the level of the invincible king must be sealed to have such power!"

"It's terrifying!"

Luo Feng on the other side was also shocked and inexplicable. In just a few thousand years, he was just trapped for a period of time. Has so many things changed?

In terms of strength, she was surpassed by a big sister Alice!

Without stopping, Luo Feng bombarded the Snow King repeatedly, and six Zhenfeng Xingchen turned over and chased each other, suppressing the other.

Killing each other is just a matter of time.

"Try my trick again!" Holding the star sermon map, Luo Feng took a little more serious, and six stars flew out of his hand, forming a six-star formation.

"Roar, what's the matter with you, and it can hurt ..." Suddenly a huge tortoise shell ghost phantom appeared in the back of the Snow Horn King, holding two war knives in his hand, and instantly turned into a giant that cut the world. Cut like, want to resist.

Under the impetus of the Hexagon Star Array, the Beast God Phantom collided directly with the Great Insight at the next moment.


Wow ~~~ The space debris floating around is instantly converted into a stream of particles by the impact of the shock wave. The star mission map is a treasure of the highest treasure level, and the powerful one can be, "Bang Ka Xia ~~" directly stretches the giant scissors of the Snow King. Broken, making the latter's face incredible.

At this time, the beast **** phantom was driven by six stars, the power was not reduced, and the right hoof claw instantly hit the snow horn king who could not escape.


The god's body was shattered instantly.

A large part of the **** body was even annihilated by the mighty claw power.

Such a powerful blow actually caused the Snow Horn King's body to be annihilated by about 10%.

"No, I don't even need to burn the divine power, but I knocked out my tenth body with a single blow. What a joke." The snow horn king was full of panic in his heart at this time, and his expression looked very frightened.


The Beast God Phantom roared again, his eyes full of cruel eyes, and flew towards him quickly.

"No good, escape!" King Xuejiao can no longer rise up to confrontation, and King Daohe is too strong.

Even the **** body does not need to be burned, and even one tenth of his **** body can be knocked out in one blow. The two are not at all a strong man of one level.

But how fast the Beast God Phantom attacked was just a slam, the Snow Horn King who wanted to escape was shrouded in a huge shadow.

"It's finished!"

The snow horn king was so panic that his entire face was bloodless, and his eyes were so panic that ordinary people could feel it.

It was also exhilarating to see the lively aliens and humans around.

Sword River King is a bit too strong!

How can the strength jump so much.

Are human beings so powerful?


There is no emotion in Luo Feng's eyes. What about the members of the human camp?

He was not a member of Hongmeng and killed each other. Luo Feng didn't show any mercy at all.


The Snow Horn King was once again attacked, and the divine body was once again sharply reduced. The divine body has fallen below the warning line, and its strength has been directly reduced by 30%.

Anyone can see the situation of the Snow Horner.

The peak moment is not the opponent of the Daohe King, not to mention that only 70% of the strength is left now?

When Luo Feng was going to make persistent efforts to kill this abominable guy, a roar and roar suddenly appeared in the distance, "King River King, stop!"

An extremely cold and proud voice poured into Luo Feng's brain, and an invisible and terrible attack struck from a distance. I saw a black lightning hammer with a height of more than 300 meters breaking through the air. The speed was amazingly fast. At that point, the broken space seemed to break the rolled steel plate.

boom! boom! boom!

Everywhere the space was crushed and exploded into a stream of particles, and the black lightning hammer quickly read Luo Feng's face.

Suddenly, the shadow flashed in front of me, but Alice ’s golden horned monster moved directly over and stopped in front of Luo Feng. In the roar, the huge wings lifted up, and the black giant hammer was like being hit by a giant door. Instantly flew away.

Afterwards, the Golden Horn Beast even shouted loudly, his voice rumbling: "Black Shaved King, if you want to save the Snow Horned King, you have to ask me to say it again."

The sledgehammer flew away and continued to shrink, becoming an arc falling into the distance of a giant man with a black **** bizarre armor about 20 meters tall and three sharp knives on his forehead.

At this moment, his eyes were staring at the huge figure blocking him, and there were some cautious colors on his face, saying: "Silver King!"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Although he has not played against the Silver Wing King, but over the years, the reputation of the other party is definitely not under him, and may even be higher than him.

The comer is also a member of the human camp-Black Shaven King.

Although they are both human camps, they cannot fight in the military system, but it depends on the matter itself, such as the black shaved king attacking the Hongmeng member, even if the Hongmeng member is not in the military system, there are strong people to prevent him from killing the Hongmeng member Is allowed.

Even the military system will secretly give rewards.

Although this matter is not on the bright side, it is not surprising.

After all, the human camp on the foreign battlefield is mainly based on human beings, so naturally we must consider the overall interests of human beings!

The two strong men are far away from each other, and the aliens and humans watching around are even more excited.

Secretly looking forward to the two strong players able to fight a big game, and let yourself and others open their horizons.

It is a pity that the expectations of the aliens will inevitably fail, and being members of the human camp, it is impossible to fight.

"Good luck, let's go!" Luo Feng saw that someone was coming to rescue him, and he was no longer embarrassed by the snow horn king. Although the latter was very annoying him, but finally he was a member of the human camp. It is still useful to stay.

After all, the anger is also out, and they have destroyed 20% of the opponent's body. This lesson is enough.

20% of the divine body is already a great loss. If you want to replenish it, don't consume thousands of dollars or even a trillion yuan of wealth. Don't even think about it.

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