Plane Universe

Chapter 1979: The storm

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The Death King made a group of taunts. Except for some strong aliens in the human camp, almost all members of the human race changed their faces.

Just because of his own strength, he dare not speak out.

Of course, some human beings who are not afraid of the power of the King of Death, still say immediately, "Father of King Death, you are also a strong person with identity. Where is this insult? Is it impossible for me to be human?"

"Fate Death King, you don't have to be much stronger than my human sword river king. Don't think that the sword river king doesn't answer your words, think he is afraid of you, he just disdains to answer you."

"Where is the person, are you blind?"

"I think I am pretentious, but I do not know that I am a fool. It makes people laugh!"

Many people on the human side came forward to sneer, and the King of Life was not annoyed. Instead, he laughed loudly and shouted loudly: "Good, there is a kind, depends on the number of people, right?"

There are really hundreds of strong men in the human race. There are really a lot of them. Although there are a lot of first-class and advanced strong kings, most of them are at the peak level or even the extreme level. .

But the threat in his mouth is very clear.

Don't stop the order.

You will know by that time, I'm awesome!

"It's such a fool, it makes people laugh jokingly." Luo Feng also looked at the King of Death, smiling softly, with a sneering expression on his face.

"Haha, Daohe Wang, you finally dare to answer the phone, why did you dare not even answer the words before?" Although Mingyu Wang saw the two black shaved kings and silver winged kings standing not far from Daohe King The strong man, but he is not afraid, directly approaching and flying away, with an arrogant look and said: "Is there a lot of human voice support now, I thought I would let you go?"

"This stupid fork!" Alice's golden horn beast twitched its head slightly, and looked down upon the self-righteous Fate King.

Too ego.

It is estimated that it is too much people here in the extraterritorial battlefield, making its character so arrogant, so it is unclear!

"Unpretentious, Silver Wing King, wait for me to kill the Daohe King, and then make you up." The death king is furious, and his expression becomes very fierce. He looks at the black shaven king provocatively and asks, "Why are you ready Fight me? "

The black shaved king shook his head and then backed away, indicating that he would not intervene in the hatred between them.

This king of death is a madman, he does not want to waste money to fight an ineffective battle with such a madman!

"Very good!" Seeing the actions of Hei Sha Wang, Ming Yu Wang directly chuckled, but knew that this was an inevitable result.

Only the Black Shave King, a strong ethnic group in a remote area of ​​the universe, is naturally not comparable to him, and certainly will not waste wealth and fight with him.

"King River King, do him." Alice was too lazy to continue talking to the other party, and quickly focused on Luo Feng, and then the soul said: "You go to do him, sharpen the combat experience, and then I will clean up he."

Luo Feng naturally agreed. Rarely there are strong men. Let him sharpen and see the style of many strong men.

"Haha, do me? It's vulgar, but I like it, come!" King Mingyu laughed and shouted, "Come on, let's go together, let me see, the style of King Sword River and King Silver Wing."

Also go together?

The strong men of the many human camps around smiled.

The Death King is almost dead and dead. The King of the Blade River is enough for him to suffer. Will the Silver Wing King go together?

What a joke!

They are already looking forward to waiting for the discolored look of Death King.

I really thought no one could cure him?

Under the hand of the King of Life, a golden hand-carved strange pattern appeared, and a trident with a length of hundreds of meters appeared in the large palm.

The trident, which is hundreds of meters long, is only as high as the body of the King of Death.

In the mechanical family, the height and distance of each member is not small, because they can easily add metal to the future to increase their own volume.

Of course, increasing the volume is not an easy task.

Rely on huge time to cultivate integration.

The difficulty is very high.

Just like a flesh-and-blood life, it is similar to find a way to enhance your life gene multiple.

The trident pointed, and the King of Death met with a roar, a huge golden light leaked around him, and he approached Luo Feng as fast as possible.


The golden rule!

Luo Feng knew in his heart that it was no wonder that the Death King could make a big name in the extraterrestrial battlefield, with the combination of attacking treasures, and the golden rule was also known for sharpness, which made his secret attack power rise several steps.

He turned these thoughts in his mind, but his movements were not slow. Almost at the time of the death of the King of Death, ten black **** had been thrown, forming a mind beast god, blocking it in front.


Seeing that the knife river king threw ten black balls, the black shave king couldn't help but whispered his teeth, secretly clenching his teeth, "This knife river king is still so reserved when fighting with himself, hum!"

"Haha, okay, remote control, let me break you." Mingyu Wang laughed, very proud, and did not put the mind beast **** formed by the sword river king in his eyes.

The body kept on, and the golden trident with a length of 100 meters in the hand was gleaming with light, which was a poke in the distance. The golden glory broke through the void like a spear, making the space slap.

Luo Feng smiled, his figure flickered, and controlled the beast **** of nianli to roll, easily avoiding the long-range blow of the death king.

For melee warriors, long-range attacks are usually straight-forward. Once attacked, they can no longer be controlled remotely, and they cannot be compared with spiritual teachers.


Nianli Beast God was tumbling, and his tail whipped out at once. The fast approaching Life Death King attacked fast, which also surprised the Life Death King snack.


Although surprised by the attack speed of the Nianli Wangdao weapon, Keming Wang was not afraid. As soon as the trident in his hand turned, he immediately cut towards the tail of the Nianli Beast God that slammed into his eyes.

Think about it and interrupt the main weapon of Nian Li Beast God.

Once Nianli Beast God has no tail, not only no main weapon, but also affects the flight speed and balance.

This guy, Life Death King, can be said to have a superb knowledge response.

"Think beautiful."

Luo Feng's soul consciousness was shocked, and the tail of the remotely minded beast **** shrunk back immediately, avoiding the trident cut by King Mingyu, and ejected again.

As fast as the ultimate attack speed, the Death King did not rush to resist, and had to quickly turn the trident across the head.



The huge face of the Death King was directly hit by the tail of Nian Li Beast God, and the whole person flew back.

You know, the tail is flexible, even if he builds a trident to block it, it only weakens part of its power.

So under contempt, I ate a big loss.


"Killing me!"

"Just want to fight with the King of the Blade River?"

"This is trying to laugh at me and then inherit my wealth?"

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