Plane Universe

Chapter 1980: This is not playable

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After a big loss, the Death King is already in rage, and he is ridiculed by the powerful humans around him, and it is even more rage and madness.

"King River King, you annoyed me, **** guy, I'm going to tear you up, I swear." Ming Wang snarled, and then attacked extremely crazy.

Even ignoring the tail split by Nianli Beast God, he squeezed the trident in both hands, even ignoring his own defenses, and immediately stabbed at Nian Li's huge belly.

Luo Feng was shocked when he saw such a crazy life-falling king, and his thoughts turned, thinking I was afraid of you desperately?

I ’m a weapon of Nianli, you ’re a tough body, who suffers?

He didn't think too much about it, and he didn't let Nian Li Beast God evade at all, so he was ready to exchange with each other.

Who is afraid of who!

Such a crazy fighting action, a large number of powerful people around looked dumbfounded.

"Death King is really crazy enough."

"Yeah, it's crazy, and it's crazy to be ready to change the King of the Beast God of the River King at his own expense!"

"Crazy man, big crazy man!"

"Such a character, it is no wonder that the Black Shaven King is not willing to face it."

"Haha, let's die!" Life Death King's face is grim, and his expression is extremely crazy, as if he is hysterical, Luo Feng is also discolored.

Such a person, once he can't be beaten to death, will inevitably chase with himself more crazily.



Two sounds erupted almost at the same time, only to see the tail of Nianli Beast God slammed into the head of the Death King, but it could not be crushed, as if hitting the steel body.

Such a result undoubtedly shocked Luo Feng.

The trident of the King of Death Meteor penetrated into the body of the Nianli Beast God to a depth of tens of meters, and almost stabbed it in a pair.

At the same time, both sides were shocked by the power of the other side.

But at the same time that the King of Death met with a retreat, the trident in his hand turned and cut, causing a huge second damage to the Nianli Beast God.

In an instant, the breath of Nian Li Beast God became extremely weak.

Nianli Beast God also needs the maintenance of soul power, being injured, naturally Luo Feng consumes soul spiritual power to supplement.

"King River King suffered a loss this time."

"Unexpectedly, the attack of the King of the Blade River could not break the strong defense of the Death King. This is a big problem."

Losing money, Luo Feng responded calmly.

"Haha, come again." The life-falling king seemed roaring loudly, and his expression was extremely cruel and swiftly rushed up, and he wanted to replace the injury again.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth!

Insulting endlessly, the Death King not only has weapons and treasures, but the armor on his body is not a mortal, it must be a treasure of armor level.

Now that he knows that the other party's defense is strong, Luo Feng certainly won't fight silly with the other party.

Remotely controlling the beast **** of power, it began to flash flexibly, no longer fighting stupidly with the other party, but fighting with the body of the soul, just like the battle with the black shaven king before.

Luo Feng is no longer fighting hard, and the so-called strong defense of the Death King will not have much effect.

Of course, Luo Feng can't just take the other party.

It's just that sometimes when fighting, you can't just look at the results, but the surface process.

Once the Death King is in the beaten position, he has been attacked too many times in a row, even if these attacks do not work for him, he must be ridiculed!

The tail of Nianli Beast God flinched, almost turning the Death King into a dizzy turn, raging again and again.

His skill is able to bear, even the black shaved king, Luo Feng was choking enough.

"Death King's reaction is too bad, it's almost helpless." Hei Shao Wang is also grinning, encountering such powerful skills as Daohe Wang, who has no power to vent, like a clown. Similar.

The Death King is really half dead at this time, chase the King of the Blade River. When the speed is not enough, he is always blocked by the Beast God of Nianli. A little slap can affect his flight speed.

Moreover, the speed change of both sides, the burst speed, etc., are not within one level.

Often Luo Feng makes a pause and turns, and there is not much way for the Death King.

This is where the speed of bursting comes from.

Just like a car, how much kinetic energy does it need to brake and turn when the speed rises?

Can the fragile body resist?

Once that operation, it is estimated that it is not far from the rollover.

Like Luo Feng now, even if the Death King is close, he has enough energy to get rid of each other.

Flying at a very high speed, suddenly stopping the brake and turning, while the Death King can stop the turn immediately, but the burst speed is much slower than Luo Feng, and he trails behind a lot. If he wants to chase, he has to accelerate.

So bad, like a monkey!

The strong men who saw a large number of human camps glanced at each other and burst into laughter!

Life Death King's face was very embarrassed. The more he pursued, the more angry he was, and there was nowhere to vent in his heart.

The more and more the more angry.

Being played by the sword river king like a monkey, and in front of such a large number of powerful people, even those who snarled again, could not bear it at this time.

What's more, it is the life-demanding king who wants to face!

Suddenly roared violently, with a terrible look and shouted wildly: "Damn Sword River King, I let you flash, let you hide, go to die!"


A powerful, tornado-like color divine power erupted outward from the body of Mingyu Wang and rose into the sky.

The huge power can directly collapse a void around the body, and a large number of broken space debris is crushed into a stream of particles.

The void also seems to overlap.

The prestige of the prestige is at least several times stronger than before it broke out.

"Is this desperate?"

"Fate Death King is a bit of a play!"

"It's shameless to start burning the body!"

Seeing that the King of Death met with burning gods, a large number of powerful human camps were full of contempt, and they disdain the former's actions.

When the strength of each other is not equal, and it is difficult to divide the victory and defeat, the side that burns the **** body will be scorned by many powerful people.

Because such behavior is to bully people with financial resources.

Burning the divine body consumes divine power, and finally needs wealth to supplement.

After all, in the extraterritorial battlefield, the wealth of many strong men themselves is not enough. They are not the pinnacle ethnic group. A large number of strong men are all weak ethnic groups.

Ethnic groups are relatively poor.

So in general fighting, there is not much benefit, or when the strength is equivalent, it will definitely not burn the **** body.

And the death king's move was naturally criticized!

At this moment, Luo Feng is also discolored.

The opponent's strength was originally higher than him, and now the **** body is still burning, and the level of power that has erupted, he can't resist.

Almost in the blink of an eye, after the outbreak of the Death King, the trident in his hand was cut off, and the endless power could explode, even if Luo Feng responded extremely quickly, controlling the Nianli Beast God to avoid.

It is a pity that after the eruption, the Mystic King, the mysterious power of the bombardment is too strong, the flash of the sharp edge, the mind beast **** is still cut off a hind leg, which leads to the imbalance of the mind beast **** body, causing a lot of impact .

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