Plane Universe

Chapter 1983: Where to escape!

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The rules of the universe seem to be changed in an instant, and a huge volume is heard.


With a huge tremor, the King of Death only felt a sharp pain in his body and immediately flew up.

With a lot of space debris rushing at a rapid speed, even stable movements are difficult to do.

At this time, he was like a cargo, and was rushed by an endless force.

"Just like rubbish, you still want to jump in front of me?" Alice's disdainful tone of the golden horn beast sounded faintly, and it turned the large number of strong people who watched by countless people discolor.

This power!

It broke through everyone's imagination.

In the end, what is the difference in the strength levels of Wei'an in order to burn the **** body on one side, without even burning the **** body on the other side, but take the former as a ball and easily fly out?


Someone's throat slipped.

"Puff! Puff!"

The golden horn beast flapped its wings gently, but the huge figure flew into the ghost area very quickly, chasing behind the dying king who was struggling and flying up.

The Death King who was shot for more than 100,000 kilometers has just stabilized his body. Alice ’s golden horn beast has also arrived in front of him, and his right wing has even been raised again.

The expression on the face of Life Death King became extremely ugly.

Although the opponent's attack didn't hurt him, he could shoot him at once with no secret method. In terms of strength, he was too much.

Yes, he burned the divine body, and the power level has reached more than tens of thousands of times. Comparing the size of the two sides, the gap is still very large.

The two sides are not in proportion, and the foundation is far away.

He didn't think that the other party's wings were so hard.

As far as defense is concerned, he cannot penetrate.

Combining all aspects, he is at a disadvantage!

The larger the size, the stronger the base strength!

This conclusion is generally accepted.

If there is a strong man of thousands of kilometers in body shape, whose strength is only the same as that of a two-meter high person, who will pursue the body shape?


The giant flapping flies, even if the life-falling king struggling successively with rage and roar, can't change his ravaged result.

Yes, Alice ’s golden horned monster did not cast a secret method and did not cause any harm to him, but it was too ugly!

It's easy to slap and fly again and again, as if addicted, Alice's golden horned beast has fun.

Wing fan, hoof trample, head bombardment, all kinds of tricks, all the strong observers' eyelids jumped.

This strength is a bit bad!

The Death King can't even make a counterattack, and the gap is naturally so large.

Everyone can see that the Silver Wing King is not serious!


The two strong men fought against each other and thought it would be an extremely powerful battle evenly matched, but did not expect that it would be such a result.


Such results are unpredictable by all bystanders.

"God, this gap ..."

"It's like a father beating his son ..."

"The Silver Wing King is so powerful that it is a bit scary."

All the strong men in the camp, whether they are aliens or humans, are shocked.

The Death King is the top superpower here in the seventh battlefield outside the region. Today, it is easily crushed by the Silver Wing King, and he has no ability to fight back.

It can be seen that the gap between the two's strength is large.

They determined that the Silver Wing King is the real invincible level of the invincible king, not the pseudo invincible king who relies on Chongbao.

The strength of the two is not the same.

One million times the level of divine power is already a qualitative and quantitative change, just like the comparison between immortal and Venerable. Immortal spirits burn the **** body again, but in the eyes of Venerable level, the child plays the sword.

It can be solved with a slap!

At this time, King Mingxue had no way to listen to the comments of bystanders, and was easily crushed by the Silver Wing King, and his proud mind had exploded.

Very ashamed!

I wish I could hit my head to the ground, and I even had the thought of running away.

"How could it be so ridiculously strong?" The death king is very frightened, and regrets why he should come over, damn, why should he reward the sword river king's coordinates?

Why should we be greedy?

The wages of avarice is death!

Burning the body of the gods, he made all the tricks, and even couldn't even shake the Silver Wing King, and then hit it, it is estimated that his life must be sent here.

So ... he wanted to escape.

Like the human being said, the so-called staying green hill is here!


Death King is waiting for a chance to escape.

It's a pity that this kind of thought is an extravagant hope. Now, how can Alice easily let him escape!

The book's unannounced strength is not a contrast, and Alice can easily crush it.

In his hand, there is the peak-level defensive secret of the Lord of the Universe. You don't need to worry about the other party's attack.

Fan Feiyu once again, and continued to chase, suddenly, Alice discovered that Yushui escaped into the distance.

"Run away!"

"Fate King is fleeing!"

There was a huge uproar around, and many powerful people sighed one after another, and it was reasonable that the Death King was beaten and fled.

After all, even if you continue to fight, you won't be pleased, but you will lose face even more.

"Run away!"

Luo Feng was also stunned, looking at the figure of Mingyue Dynasty escaping from afar, and quickly said to the soul: "Sister Alice, you need me to stop him."

Although he can't cause any damage to the Death King, it is possible to block it. With excellent speed, catching up is not a problem.

"No, once he explodes, it will inevitably cause damage to you. I have a way to restrain him." Alice's golden horn beast responded to Luo Feng, and then slammed his wings, chasing past quickly, while roaring, "Fate King, where to escape!"


The endless light radiated outward from the golden horn beast, and a large piece of golden light spread quickly towards the distance, instantly covering the embarrassing figure who fled towards the distance with all his strength.

Suddenly, the death king, covered in golden light, directly dropped by more than half, making him extremely frightened and frightened, and roaring inwardly, "Damn, it turned out to be a domain-limiting treasure. How could the Silver Wing King have this kind of Important thing, **** it! Damn it! "

Domain treasures, treasure levels that ordinary ordinary venerable universe may not possess.

Because this type of treasure is too expensive.

One piece is equivalent to twenty or thirty pieces of attack, or armor type treasure.

"It's a treasure of domain restriction!"

"God, I don't think there are such treasures on the King of the Silver Wings. The King of Death is about to die."

"Once the field-restricted treasure is out, it is impossible to escape. It is estimated that the Death King will fall into this Gemini spiral today!"

"Since even such treasures are exposed, the fool knows how easily the Silver Wing King spared his life."

In the shock and uproar of many powerful men, Alice ’s golden horn beast quickly chased the past, roared and raised his wings, towards the death king who is still struggling frantically, roaring repeatedly, "Dead, mechanical clan ’s Rubbish!"

The golden sword light, like the long river, Hengheng sky, like a brilliant brilliance, so that the death king was shocked, and hurriedly waved the trident to resist.


The **** body burns 5% without any reservation. Under the crisis of life and death, if you can replace the chance of falling with the loss of 10% of the **** body, no one will be stingy!

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