Plane Universe

Chapter 1984: Post-war influences and doubts

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Under the mysterious law at the level of the venerable universe, any resistance is futile.

In particular, after millions of years of understanding, Alice has studied a large number of high-level secrets and assembled herself to learn. The power of the secret level is no less than that of any cosmic venerable.

It is even more terrifying than the secret law created by most cosmic Venerables.

Barely close to the level of Venerable Nine Swords and Lord Wu Wu.


The knife flashed away, the extremely terrible power exploded, and the universe seemed to have opened its eyes at this moment, and the Death King felt extremely painful, and made him scream involuntarily.

A strong breath is weakening with the naked eye.

Compared with just now, under the tactics of the Silver Wing King, the **** body has been reduced by more than 30%.

The heavy armor on his body couldn't defend the secret of such power.

"Impossible, even one stroke killed me 30% of my **** body, impossible!" The King of Death is going crazy, and the Silver Wing King has such powerful attack secrets, which is beyond his expectations, and he can't even go. Imagine that a king is immortal.

Can you learn such a powerful secret?

Is there such an understanding?

There are powerful mysteries in any ethnic group, even the weak ones, there are many respecters in their clan. Even if the advanced mysteries are in front of you, can you understand them?

Life Death King is very suspicious of 'machine' life!

How can there be so many humans like these abnormal people?

Cheng Buyun some time ago was the silver wing king in front of him.

Does n’t it mean that the beasts ’understanding is very weak?

The Death King is going crazy.

"The King of Death is about to finish. I can't think of the Silver Wings' attacking secrets being so terrible.

"The knife light I waved was shocked just now, and I couldn't recover. It was so gorgeous."

Powerful secret method, the general attack speed is extremely fast, and can cross the space, just like a teleport.

Alice ’s golden horned monster wielded this powerful secret technique. Not only many powerful men were shocked, but even Luo Feng was shocked.

This trick is several levels higher than the galactic hanging sky he created earlier. It is difficult for him to imagine how these secret methods are realized.

Over the thousands of years I have been trapped, the gap between Sister Alice and Brother Yun has grown wider.

But he didn't regret it. In 6000 years, he got a more powerful background, and he has such super treasures as the Star Tower.

It can't be exchanged for more time.

The enlightenment of the mysterious method, as long as there is time in the future, slowly understand it.

Realm strength is something that can be caught up.

There is no way to catch up because of the treasure.

Yes, yes, no!

Can't force it!

"I said, today you can't escape your life from me." The golden horn beast roared, roaring with rage, and the voice rumbling in the twin domains, "Is there any result now?"

Not waiting for the death king to reply, Alice's golden horned monster avatar and roared, "Go to death, abominable mechanical clan!"


The brilliant golden knife flashed again.

The extremely powerful attack secret method is so weak that it ca n’t be resisted by the ultimate death king. In order not to fall asleep, he was captured and enslaved by the silver wing king. I will be back, and I will definitely avenge you by then! "


Alice sneered, disdainfully.


After a figure that had collapsed, the extremely fierce brilliance exploded, and a large area of ​​the space where the Death King was located collapsed.

The intense airflow instantly covered Alice's golden horned monster avatar.

It's just that Alice was too lazy to use her wings to defend and directly face the shock wave from the bombardment.

The huge shock wave quickly spread over a million kilometers, but unfortunately, it had no effect on Alice ’s golden horn beast.

The powerful magic shield protects the secret method, which is difficult for the general universe venerable.

A little self-explosion of the king's limit, the breeze bashing!

A fight, or even a fight, is not considered as a one-sided ravages.

End with the death of the Death King!

The fighting is over.

But the impact is extremely huge.

The power of Alice ’s golden horned monster avatar was slightly rolling, and the treasures and wealth left behind by the death of the Death King had been collected by her, and then towards Luo Feng a little huge head, soul transmission said: Luo Feng, let's go. "

Luo Feng nodded, chasing behind Alice's golden horned monster, and flew away.

The two are gone, many powerful people are still shocked.

In particular, many members of the Hongmen League are as happy as the New Year.

With such powerful players as the Silver Wing King, here is their human story on the seventh battlefield.

After all, there is the Silver Wing King. When the other three strong camps are fighting against humans, they must consider the support of the Silver Wing King.

Can't do a full fight attack.

Because once the Silver Wing King arrives for support, it can be said that no one is the opponent of the Silver Wing King.

That is no longer a normal immortal powerhouse, but a truly invincible powerhouse in immortality.

"It's really too strong. Fortunately, I was just polite just now, and I didn't talk badly about Luo Feng and the Silver Wing King. Otherwise, the end of the poor Life Death King is my end." Heisha Wang witnessed Life Death Wang had no resistance to resist, and his body was in trembling.


The Silver Wing King was terrible to this point.

However, it is a bit strange.

What happened to Daohe Wang?

The previous fight, the death king has bullied him like that, and he still can't bear the consumption of a little divine body.

Looking at the rise of the Sword King, he is not such a stingy person.

After all, the most powerful source of fire God Crystal, hundreds of billions of blue items, said to throw it away, but he did not have any painful expression.

But today this thing is full of strange places.


Suddenly, Hei Shao Wang thought about a possibility.

Unless the Sword River King cannot burn the **** body.


Hei Shao Wang was shocked by the thoughts in his head.

How can a real master be strong on this one?

That is more terrible than the Silver Wing King!

He quickly recalled the information about Daohe Wang in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the possibility.

Because all along, the data about the King of the Knife River has been studied by many strong people.

Only one thing is very strange.

Regardless of the battle, Sword River King has never burned a divine body.


This must be the case, the King of the Blade River is just a realm.

Therefore, when fighting with the King of Death, even if he is bullied, there is no way for him to reverse it, because he is not immortal, and naturally cannot burn the **** body.

The black shaved king couldn't help but brighten his eyes!

I found the same great information.

Such information can certainly be used to sell a good price.

The three pinnacle ethnic groups are bound to be interested in this information.

In fact, today's fighting details, not only the Black Shave King feels strange, but many powerful people are also very strange.

Everyone feels a little inexplicable about Daohe Wang's move, which is very inconsistent with his previous character.

Many powerful people are talking about it.

ps: Void had dinner with friends last night. I was so happy to drink the fragments, so that I could n’t update them. I ’ll forgive you, and the two chapters you owe will be updated. I ’ll be sorry in a few days!

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