Plane Universe

Chapter 1997: Treasure open

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Alice once again appeared on Bauhinia Island, exuding the breath of the most respected universe at the pinnacle level, and the intelligence was transmitted back to the human territory, which also caused huge discussion among the high-level.

"At least the highest level of the universe Venerable level?" When the nine sword Venerable heard this news, he immediately took a breath.

A face is full of shock.

How long is this?

From that war of genius to the present day, it is only 10,000 years since the battle was full.

Venerable universe?

It is still at the peak level, one level higher than his "Nine Swords"!

What an amazing thing!

Cheng Buyun had been outrageous before, and now there is another Alice.

Isn't the earth all perverted?

The bitterness of Venerable Nine Swords has been mixed for countless thousands of years, and at the end it is not comparable to the achievements of others for 10,000 years!

He has nothing to say!

Can only hit one head to the ground!

"What a terrible potential." Lord Gan Wu was in the palace, looking up at the void, his face was amazed, and he also had a thankful expression.

Ha ha, now I know who laughed to the end!

However, there is no record, except for some strong people believe that other strong people are skeptical.

Only 10,000 years of practice, the Venerable Universe?

Ask who will believe it.

Many strong people are still very skeptical that Alice may have used other treasures to confuse others.

Whatever the case, doubts or discussions have no effect on Cheng Buyun.

And Alice is even more arrogant. As long as the inquiry mail sent by anyone, as long as it does not exist, she is too cold to ignore it and ignore it directly!

Can't find the person Alice, some strong men had to bother Zhenyan King.

These days, the palace of King Zhen Yan in Thunder Island is very lively.

"Haha, King Zhenyan, congratulations, there is a disciple of the Lord of the Universe quietly. Afterwards, Huang Tengda will be just around the corner." An alien Lord of the Universe smiled kindly towards the King of Zhenyan.

"Haha, the same joy and joy, also because my disciples worked hard enough to have today, I don't dare to take credit." Zhen Yan Wang's face also blossomed.

When he heard this news before, he was also shocked. He quickly sent Alice an inquiry email asking if she had broken through continuously and became a respected cosmic venerable.

Then, Alice's recovery made him dumbfounded and terrified.

Immortal gods, cosmic overlord combat power!

With this kind of reply, I would like to ask what kind of lying trough Zhen Zhen ’s heart felt, and he was trembling, what kind of evil did he take?

This is the situation in just ten thousand years!


Bauhinia Island.

Alice, who has stabilized the fourth realm of beast **** inheritance, once again stepped out of the manor, wearing a silver armor, wearing gorgeous shoes with gold and red patterns, and long golden hair dancing with the wind, setting off the enchanting Body, all her beauty bloomed.

What a beauty!

But this beauty is the kind with thorns.

Almost, Alice appeared, once again attracting countless light, and many alien eyes moved with her.

A moment later, I reached Alice in the main square of the island, and went straight into the fountain on the left to go to the place I wanted to go.

"The goddess of war has gone to the treasure land, and this time has made such great progress. I am afraid there is definitely a treasure in the treasure land to open for her."

"There should be a great chance, where is the strength."

Many aliens knew in their hearts that a strong man like Alice, as long as he was not stupid, would surely draw in.

Treasure land.

After Alice came in, she stepped on a beautiful mountain and looked at it slightly.

"The goddess of war is here?"

There are still many aliens in the mountain, of course, I saw the appearance of Alice.

Without waiting for them to continue their discussion, the next moment, the whole mountain will tremble.

"what happened?"

"The mountain is moving, is it that I am intriguing the treasure?"

Some inheritors roared with great surprise, "Haha, I didn't expect my" Tuo Da "to have this day, the future is in my hands!"

"Put your stinky shit, obviously the mountain that I attracted, the treasure is mine, no one can **** it away." The heirs who refused to lose also howled.

The whole treasure land is boiling.

Countless alien inheritors, humans, etc., who were originally looking for opportunities at various peaks in the distance, quickly rushed towards this side.

"I must have opened the treasure, it's me!"

"It's me. I just touched this big rock, and the whole mountain trembles. Isn't it me or who?"

The alien inheritors on this mountain were all excited and nervous. Although they all saw the appearance of the goddess of war before they caused shock, but they were also in the mountain, maybe it was one of them.

There is a hint of hope that no one will give up. After all, the treasure buried in this mountain is one of 108 treasures.

The lowest level is the treasure level!

"Buzz ~~"

The multicolored aurora lake above the treasure land is directly above the mountain. Suddenly, thousands of aurora began to spin away, like a vortex.

call out! call out! call out!

Suddenly, thousands of aurora fell from high altitude, each of which is tens of thousands of kilometers long, divided into five colors, just like countless meteors falling directly.

Falling down, tightly for a moment, these thousands of aurora completely enveloped the entire mountain, like a bead curtain, lingering around the mountain.

The gorgeous scenery of this scene made countless inheritors excited.

The pressure contained in the thousands of aurora is incredible. It is necessary to know that only one aurora meteor can kill the venerable universe. How much power are these thousands of aurora meteors?

Among the peaks surrounded by it, an invisible force suddenly came, swept through many inheritors, and then they were teleported out directly, leaving the peak.

"Do not!"

"Don't drive me away!"

"The treasure is mine, don't!"

The extremely roaring roar, but all the interracials are red eyes.

In the end it was lost.

In just one second, all the alien inheritors in this mountain were sent away, leaving only one human being—Alice!

"Who opened the treasure in the end?" There were unwilling growls of alien inheritors.

"It's the goddess of war, I saw her appear, and then the mountain shook, and she hadn't been teleported, it must be her." There was a roar of curious resentment from aliens.

How about swine than hatred?

But as strong as Alice, the interracials can no longer be reconciled and can only bear it.

The female **** of war is not something they can mess with.

"Too partial!"

"I also saw that the God of War appeared directly on this mountain."

"Yeah, it's a little eccentric, as if she wasn't coming to this mountain, she just teleported it, and immediately opened it."

Many alien inheritors have a lot of discussion, not willing to resent, sadness, etc. one by one!

Is n’t it fair?

How can this be fair?

Several Hongmeng members sneered at the side!


How can the universe be fair?

The strong can do whatever they want, and the big fist is the truth!

For things like stupid, geniuses like goddess of war, shouldn't the ancestral religion draw in?

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