Plane Universe

Chapter 1998: Nebula White Jade Hall

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Alice didn't have many surprises when she started the treasure, and she seemed extremely calm.

Because she knew very well that, with her own abilities, the ancestral religion would vigorously attract as long as she was not stupid.

With the power of avatars, immortal gods have more than a billion times more divine power, and the inheritance of beast gods is also the fourth layer. Combined, they can definitely open a very high-level treasure.

If it can't be turned on, then you have to think about it carefully.

The mountain peak rang Zhang Dong nonstop, and a stone platform rose in front of Alice.

The stone platform of the mountain, which is about several hundred meters high, rises, hovering and hovering.

Suddenly, a huge hole was exposed at the bottom of the mountain stone platform, and a trace of wind sounded inside the huge black lacquered hole. After a while, a black ring slowly flew out, and then quickly flew to Alice's eyes, hovering Down.

Alice held out her hand lightly, and the black ring fell freely, lying in the palm of her hand.

Almost the next moment, the soul power wave flickered, and the recognition of the Lord was completed.

At this moment, Alice's face finally had a hint of curiosity and a little anticipation.

She also wanted to know what kind of treasure the ancestral **** gave her!

Spiritual force penetrated into the world ring, Alice immediately whispered, and the face of the mountain also showed a little playful color and said: "The ancestral **** is quite generous, even gave me a treasure palace."

Yes, inside this black world ring lies a diameter of more than three million kilometers and a width of half a million kilometers. The walls of the palace are mainly white, surrounded by a large number of complex silver and gold secret patterns, forming a blossoming like The white clouds irradiated by sunlight seem to feel its incomparable firmness.

A trace of soul fell on the White Jade Palace, and immediately a lot of information poured into my mind, and Alice also had a trace of surprise.

Nebula White Jade Hall!

This is the name of this palace treasure.

The Nebula White Jade Palace is not known for its speed, but it has incomparable solidity. Under the impetus of divine power, it is difficult for the general Lord of the Universe to break through its defenses and not hurt the people inside.

And there is a very strong ability to weaken the soul.

Almost with this palace treasure, you can ignore the power of a large number of universe masters.

"Unexpectedly, the ancestral gods were so willing to give me such a treasure palace." Alice sighed with emotion. Although her personality is not to be entered, it does not mean stupidity. She can give herself such a precious treasure. And metaphor.


Not only to attract herself, but also to the people behind her!

But I have to say that this kind of co-op is very successful. Based on her understanding of her master, the ancestral religion is so generous, and the master will inevitably sell the face of the ancestral religion in the future.

Contribute to work for the ancestral religion.

Cheng Buyun's character is like that, whoever treats him well will remember it in his heart, and he will be able to repay it in the future!

At the same time, the nebula white jade hall finally delivered a message, the beast **** of the earth, the Lord of Yunyu gave!

The existing Octagon Beast God, Alice's eyebrows jumped, with a little surprise!

But it is also reasonable, this low-level palace treasure, for the Eight Beast Gods, has not much effect.

To the point where they are, such a palace treasure, no matter how strong, can be broken in just a few clicks.

After all, Octagon Beast God, each strength is definitely not under the chaos city master, the top strength, high palace treasures can not resist its power.

Not to mention the inferior treasure palace?


The stone platform now paid in front of Alice sank suddenly.

A large number of auroras surrounding the mountain peaked in the sky and quickly flew back into the sky to join the vast and colorful Aurora Lake.


Many interracial heirs red-eyed, looked at Alice with resentment and unwillingness, and the black ring she had in her hand.


Alice glanced coldly at a group of aliens, and snorted loudly, a huge power burst directly into their minds, shocking all the aliens to dizziness, and the floating body also trembling and twitching, with a pale face.

Several of the aliens were also terrified, looking at Alice in wonder.

It was just a cold hum, that even the level of Venerable Master was greatly affected.

If you really shot, I guess it is not the enemy of the goddess of war!


At this moment, Alice's will is stronger than Cheng Buyun.

It is definitely the top level of the top cosmic overlord, barely touching the threshold of the main level of the universe.

Because of the increase in divine power, the power of will will of course become stronger.

After all, Cheng Buyun is still just a landlord.

Deterred by the presence of the alien inheritors, Alice left with a disdainful expression 'teleportation'.

The purpose of coming to the treasure land this time has been completed, and it is useless to stay.

Because of the treasure, each person has only one chance to open the treasure.

"It's terrible. I just thought it was going to die when there was a roar in my brain just now."

"A cold hum made us tremble with a blank mind, and the strength of the female **** of war must not be underestimated."

"Much more terrifying than the Venerable I have ever seen."

A group of interracial inheritors looked at the figure of Alice's departure, and all of them were frightened and trembling.

These alien inheritors have never seen such a terrible existence.

The two alien Venerables next to him knew more about the power of the female **** of war. With a cold hum, they could even affect them.

"This goddess of war is absolutely not to provoke." Venerable Beishan, like a hill, has a shock in his eyes, secretly remembering the face of the **** of war and the soul of the soul in his heart.

For Alien's thoughts, Alice didn't pay any attention to it.

If it is not within the protection of the multicolored Aurora Lake, she will let these aliens know that they are powerful and complement and annihilate them.

After returning from the treasure land, Alice went directly to the inheritance land. Anyway, she still has many glorious points. In addition, there are tens of thousands of inheritance opportunities. It is right to have a free trip.

As long as you get the tips and experience of cultivation in the place of inheritance, it is not a waste.

Thousands of inheritance opportunities, with Alice's savvy, is enough to make her beast **** inheritance to beast **** level.

Under the accumulation of endless resources, progress is a terrible thing!

The average inheritor has only a few opportunities to accept the inheritance, and most of the time he can only rely on himself to practice hard.

For example, King Roar, etc. Since coming to the Ancestral Church, the chance of going to the inheritance land is less than a slap, only twice!

Once when you come, break through the second reward once, as for the inheritance opportunity to redeem with glory points, no!

In the ancestral religion for millions of years, I have worked hard for a long time, and the glory point is less than thirty, sad!

Over a hundred interracial heirs who monitored Alice, seeing her enter the inheritance twice in just ten years, countless interracial eyes showed jealousy and gritted their teeth.

But what about her.

Alice also understands the hatred of foreigners, and the hatred of the four top ethnic groups is very deep.

Over the years you killed me, I killed you, and accumulated thousands of years of hatred, not a sentence or two can be made clear.

As long as there is a chance, the strong men who meet each other will definitely give up their hands and will not take a good hand.

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