Plane Universe

Chapter 2010: Endure temporarily

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The Lord of the Sunset turned around and looked, but there was no sound.

The Lord of Chaos is silent, he is waiting for Cheng Buyun's decision.

According to his ideas, it is natural to let the other party leave the situation and let the other party leave. It is now in a critical period and absolutely cannot start a super struggle.

This loss is determined!

His main concern is that Cheng Buyun did not grow!

Cheng Buyun really didn't want to let go of the Lord of Disaster, this time the other party sent out two Lords of the Universe, or the very powerful Lord of the Universe came to attack him, which is quite evil.

He was very angry.

If you can, the fall of a cosmic master will undoubtedly have a great impact, and it can also greatly deter other aliens.

It's a pity ... Obviously, he also saw the idea of ​​Chaos teacher.

Cheng Buyun finally took a deep breath and said, "After Xiaohong, come back!"

"Good luck." Xiao Honghou finally hammered the head of the disaster victim, making the latter subconsciously want to growl, but in this case, he did not dare to be angry.

"City Lord Chaos, congratulations to you that mankind has such a genius." The Lord of the Setting Sun said politely,

‘It ’s easy to say, if you demon clan do n’t do these dirty things, I ’ll be more happy.’ Chaotic City Lord responded with a smile.

"Humph!" The Lord of Sunset snorted coldly, turned his head to look at the Lord of Distress, and then left with anger and dissatisfaction.

What a great opportunity, but unfortunately this guy, the Lord of Disaster, did not cooperate, otherwise ... Even if the Lord of Chaos could be rushed, everyone was suppressed by them, and how to release it to humans!

The Lord of Disaster was helpless, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"No wonder the teacher didn't let you off." Chaotic City Lord looked at Cheng Buyun with a trace of shame.

The disciples were so bullied and arrived as a teacher, but they only played a role of relief, but did not have any anger. It was indeed a bit unreasonable.

"This is the most correct choice." Cheng Buyun put everything in his heart and said quietly: "Everything is for the disciple's sake. It is not strong enough just to hate the disciple."

"If you are strong enough, the aliens will not let the Lord of the universe attack you. The Lord of the sunset is not much lower than my identity." The Lord of Chaos sighed. If the teacher is still there, how can the aliens dare to get here Wait?

Don't dare to dare, don't dare to have such thoughts.

It's a pity that the scenery is gone and you have to swallow your breath if you lose.

And human beings are not prepared to start an infinite war. Just now, if he really fought against the Lord of the setting sun, it would be devastating. Not only will the galaxy be destroyed, I am afraid that most of the territory of the Witch Universe will be ruined.

There are more dead humans.

"You have been wronged this time." The Lord of Chaos stopped talking, but didn't know what to say, as if everything was redundant.

"Teacher, I understand that the teacher can come to help the disciple. The disciple is very grateful. Now is the critical period. The disciple is a little wronged." Cheng Buyun shook his head. Since he was attacked this time, he has not lost anything. Instead, it fell on the face of the Lord of the Setting Sun.

A great existence with a status and strength comparable to the Lord of Chaos, secretly attacking him shamelessly, has not succeeded.

Take it out and say, I'm afraid I have to lose my face.

"You can think of it this way. If you want to be afraid of aliens, and admit your status, you must fight the aliens. This is also the reason why when the teacher arrives, the Lord of the Sunset will immediately do so, because he knows well that he can't fight it. I do n’t dare to scream in front of me even if I know I ’m embarrassed. ”Chaotic City Lord proudly looked at Cheng Buyun and said,“ As for the teacher ’s failure, it is to give you a safe and experienced environment. ”

Cheng Buyun nodded his head and naturally understood the meaning of Chaos City Lord.

Once the infinite war starts, there is no innocent person, and the human race estimates that more than half of life will die in the war.

Cheng Buyun cannot afford such a responsibility, nor can Chaos City Lord!

In fact, it is still strength!

If Cheng Buyun is tough enough, the Lord of Chaos will never let the Lord of Disaster safely leave.


In the other direction, the Lord of the setting sun and the Lord of Disaster that traveled through the dark universe left the territory of humanity and stopped on an abandoned planet in the territory of the Demon Race.

The Lord of the Sunset turned his face in anger and looked at the Lord of Distress. He blamed and said: "A little puppet can hold you back. Disaster, can you still do something? Do you have any ideas?"

"Sunset." The Lord of Disaster said, and he roared with rage. "You can insult my low power, but you can't insult my beast. I asked myself in my heart, since I joined the Demon Alliance, how could I Have you considered a day for your own benefit? Today ’s action failed, yes, I was wrong, I admit, but you are so insulting me, to go to Zhen Yao Clan, Dream Demon Clan, I have to tell you one.

The Lord of Calamity questioned, and the Lord of Sunset also knew that he was speechless, but he was proud of him, but he couldn't say an apology, diverted the conversation, and asked, "That puppet is so powerful?"

"It's so powerful, the power and material defense are not so strong." The Lord of Disaster glanced over and looked at the void in the distance and said: "The puppet's difficulty is absolutely beyond your imagination, not me Exaggerated, I am afraid you will encounter, if you don't pay attention, it will not be worse than my end. "

"Is it exaggerated?" The Lord of the Sunset did not believe it.

"My attack hit the puppet, but it didn't even leave any traces. What do you say?" The Disaster Master turned his head to look at Thunder without curiosity, carefully analyzed and said: "Today, I'm lucky , The human genius and his guardian puppet are separated, otherwise, even if you and I are close to the front, I am afraid that there is no human genius. "

"No, things that don't even have divine power, aren't the ranks higher than the ranks of Sirius Hall of Sirius?" The Lord of the Sunset was surprised.

"What do you say, do you forget who is behind the human genius?" The Disaster Lord said angrily, "Damn mountaineer."

"It's so damn, that human genius has a very strong will to the soul. If that puppet is really as powerful as you said, I'm afraid even I can't let him do anything."

"I'm afraid so, otherwise a genius of such importance, with high potential, how can human beings let him out at will?" The Lord of Disaster sighed.

Damn mountain rider!

The masters of the two universes, noble figures, roared angrily on a deserted planet, greeting mountain riders.

Once again, the mountain rider backed the pot for Chengbu Yun, still the kind of super cauldron.

Because in the universe, the only person who can refine this kind of metamorphosis is he alone, and with his endless relationship with Cheng Buyun, he ca n’t blame anyone for thinking so.

Who knows, Cheng Buyun has nothing to do with Mountaineers!

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