Plane Universe

Chapter 2011: The highest human anger

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The original secret realm.

Cheng Buyun and Chaos City Lord have returned.

"Chaos Teacher." After Ji Yanran and Li Xueyin came out, they quickly greeted the Lord of Chaos.

The Lord of Chaos smiled and said mildly: "Well, no rites, it's safe here. You can cultivate yourself without worrying."

The spirit of the two is indeed not very good, and the expression is still hanging on the face.

During the attack just now, both Ji Yanran and Li Xueyin had not recovered, and their faces were pale and scary.

It is also true that the super power of the Disaster Lord is too great to be powerful. Every roar and roar can shake their souls. It can almost be said that this attack has frightened them. Seven souls.

Cheng Buyun comforted the two wives on one side, calming their spirits.

Several wives have not experienced much experience, and their soul will not be strong, and even the more powerful realm masters can't compare.

Can only be regarded as the ordinary level of the landlord.

"It's awful, the demon clan is so shameless, and sent the master of the universe like the sunset master to attack the master, and he didn't put us humans in the eye at all." Alice's face was cold, her eyes revealed Deep cold.

I can't wait to find a demon tribe to fight for your life.

She vowed secretly in her heart that when she had the strength, she must go to the trouble of the two old things, the Lord of the Setting Sun and the Lord of the Disaster, to wipe out the souls of both of them, and express this evil spirit for the Master.

"The demon clan saw our weaknesses and knew that we did not dare to fight them, so it was so unscrupulous, so you several of you should work harder and try to one day conspire for humanity." Chaos City Lord encouraged.

The idea of ​​the demon clan is very simple, it is best to kill Cheng Buyun, but not human beings.

Anyway, everyone has the same goal, not just the demon race.

And they are convinced that humans dare not fight with them.

Indeed, there is a great chance that the Lord of Chaos did not dare to shoot, leaving the Lord of Disaster.

Under those circumstances, the stricken lord who can't escape is actually a target. With the power level of the lord of the chaotic city, even with the help of the lord of the setting sun, he must fall!

Cheng Buyun sighed helplessly, he knew the reason.


In the ancient temple.

"What, what are you talking about? Chao Buyun was attacked by the Lord of the Setting Sun?"

"How is the situation, Cheng Buyun now?"

"Damn demon clan, are they actually wantonly at this level?"

"Aren't they afraid to provoke war?"

"It's ashamed!"

In the event of Cheng Buyun being attacked, the Lord of Chaos also made an internal notice, which immediately caused everyone to be angry and clamored to fight against the demon clan.

Since the demon clan has no limit, what kind of demeanor do human beings need?

See who is afraid of who!

Isn't it just an attack?

Kill them!

"If Cheng Buyun is in trouble, I swear, I will rush to the territory of the demon race to kill." The Lord of the Void Gold roared with anger.

One is one, two is two!

He doesn't like Cheng Buyun very much, but Cheng Buyun is very important. It is the precious wealth of all mankind and an important asset of mankind. He will be taken away and destroyed by outsiders. Naturally, he will not have a good temper.

"Damn demon clan, they must have forgotten the fear of the Lord of the Dragon, and even rushed to our human territory to attack our genius members unscrupulously. They are afraid they are not looking for death." The dragon's head roared again and again, and the two dragonbeards of his jaw were also flying, showing the anger of the owner.

The overall strength of the human high-level is half higher than the demon clan.

With the power of Chaos City Lord, it can barely drag the other party's strongest one in a short time, and the fifth-order universe has more humans than the demon.

Without the Lord of the fourth-order universe, the unscrupulous killing is a disaster!

Of course, the competition in the original universe.

Because the strength of the original universe is limited, the strongest is the sixth order.

In the universe sea, the demon clan is the strongest!

"be quiet!"

The Savage Giant took a sip, and the great presence here quickly froze his expression.

The former looked at the Lord of Chaos, his expression full of dignity, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Everyone also looked at the Lord of Chaos.

The Lord of Chaos has a solemn expression and smiles and looks at everyone with a smile: "I arrived immediately and Cheng Buyun was already safe."

Hearing Cheng Buyun was safe, everyone was quiet and his expression was not tight.

The Lord of Dragons asked in surprise: "It's safe. A fifth-order universe master comparable to my strength has attacked. It's safe. What is going on?"

"Won't there be any huge cards revealed!" The Lord of Void Gold laughed.

"It's a good show, but it's still his own response." Chaos City Lord said excitedly: "Cheng Buyun's soul sensing is estimated to be terrible. Before the sunset Lord came to attack, he even sensed it in advance and exhibited After the teleportation, he was finally controlled by the time and space of the Lord of the Sunset, and he was saved by this operation, and he was more than half a light-year away from the Lord of the Sunset, waiting for my support. "

The distance of half a light year, are you kidding me?

Everyone is ignorant. Can half-light years be a distance to the Lord of the universe?

Also, casting teleportation in front of the Lord of the Universe, I'm afraid I'm not kidding!

Once the body melts into the void, without waiting for the teleportation, I am afraid that it cannot be escaped by the solid time and space, and then it is directly suppressed.

"Chaos, hurry, don't hide it." Lord Peng Gong urged.

The mouth of the **** puckered up and smiled with great pride: "Cheng Buyun also has the ability to control time and space."

"It turns out so!" Everyone nodded even.

Isn't it right, a realm master, then the ability to control space-time?

They looked at the chaos master again.

A curious baby looks like, the Lord of Chaos smiled and said: "My disciple, you know that he has the ability to avatar, he had a super avatar before the ancestral god."

Ancestral religion?

The savage giant beat the table and shouted loudly: "Well, it's really good, it's a genius and a genius that we all like, haha!"

Others also reacted.

Is it a doppelganger, and it is also in control of time and space, do you still have to guess?

World Tree!

Almost all the great beings here are excited.

The world tree, that is the strongest plant life, and the divine body is so large and terrifying that the potential is not high.

There is such a doppelganger. Once Cheng Buyun grows up, I am afraid that he can really run wild in the universe.

What they could not imagine was how to make a world tree into a body?

If you do n’t win, they ca n’t imagine!

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