Plane Universe

Chapter 2015: Status promotion

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Cheng Buyun's wives are going to experience in the universe's secret territory within human territory, which in the eyes of the owner of Chaos City is just a small thing that cannot be small.

Commanded to go on, some people conspired to plan things well and make Cheng Buyun satisfied.

Without much gossip, the chaotic city master looked at Cheng Buyun, and moved a table and chairs over with a wave of his hand. He laughed casually: "We will sit down and talk."

Cheng Buyun also nodded with a smile, and sat down directly next to the chaotic city master, who had already lifted up a white jade porcelain bottle with fine wine on his table and poured a glass of wine for himself and him.

The two masters and apprentices didn't get so many rules on weekdays.

Like Luo Feng and Zhenyan Wang, the relationship is excellent.

After tasting some fine wine, the Lord of Chaos smiled and said, "This time you were attacked by the Lord of the Demon Race universe, I also told other great beings. They directly filled their chests with anger and anger, especially the virtual gold. Both the Lord and the Lord of Dragons are roaring to fight desperately with the Demon Race. "

Cheng Buyun didn't expect that the Lord of Virtual Gold also attached great importance to himself. Although he had to compete with the virtual universe company in everything, he was still unambiguous in the face of such a big event.

There is a touch in his heart.

This is the human race, the common interest!

After a moment, the Lord of Chaos also sighed and shook his head, saying: "But you also know that I told you before, now is not the time, even if you know that you are losing, you can't stand up and fight against other races because you don't worth it……"

"Because after my human race has you, we have become precious porcelain, and the demon races are like rotten pots. We can't collide with the good pile of rotten pots in the future." The smile on the face of Chaos City Lord, Wisdom light also appeared in the eyes.

"Teacher, you feel like I'm under a lot of pressure." Cheng Buyun laughed, and didn't deny his genius, as if the Chaos teacher's words were a kind of praise to him.

"Stress is the motivation. Both you and the teacher have a lot of pressure." Chaos City Lord smiled: "Even if humans don't show up as your talented descendants, as long as the aliens don't break our bottom line, humans will have to endure. "

"Because we all know that the four pinnacle groups are actually the same. No matter who finds war with them, no matter who wins or loses, they are all losers."

"The teacher's hard work is also for the hope of breaking this balance one day!"

"But since you appeared, I know very well that you are the one who breaks the balance, so your peaceful growth is the key."

The expectation of Cheng Buyun in the heart of Chaos City Master is really great, and it is no longer as simple as a pillar of the ethnic group.

Instead, he hopes that one day, he will become the guardian of the race like the founder of the giant axe!

Once the human race has two guardians 3, plus his top-ranking cosmic master, he will definitely dominate the primitive universe, realize the ancient glory of mankind, and return the entire primitive universe to the era of 'teacher' rule!

"Teacher, I must work hard for it." Cheng Buyun's expression was more solemn.

He knew very well what the teacher Chaos wanted.

"Teacher believes in you." The Lord of Chaos gave him a deep look. For the guidance of this disciple, he never dared to relax, and said with a smile: "Okay, gossip, I will call you over this time, mainly The thing is, after you exposed Xiao Hong ’s powerful combat power, the Lord of the Void Gold told me to invite you to join the highest core and participate in various human affairs. But I refused, thinking that you are now mainly The task is to practice, and finally the giant axe clapboard agreed with me, you will not blame the teacher for his arbitrariness? "

As the chaotic city lord said, he looked at Cheng Buyun and observed him very carefully.

Although he knows his disciples well, how many people can keep his heart under this temptation?

Not to mention, Cheng Buyun has only lived for less than 20,000 years. In his eyes, there is not much difference from a child.

Cheng Buyun was not too surprised, as if he had already expected it.

After being as strong as Xiaohong, it is at least comparable to the Lord of the fourth-order universe. Once exposed, the great existence of mankind can not be ignored.

"How come, the teacher's decision is exactly what I think. I'm far from qualified in terms of participation in human affairs. Besides, I don't have time to manage those big things. I still have a headache. , Thinking about how to break that **** prison! "Cheng Buyun shook his head, a real master, scorn!

Relying on Xiaohong to get higher ranks is not a skill at all, and it makes other races sneer when they say it.

The Lord of Chaos nodded and smiled with satisfaction, "Slowly, the teacher believes that you can, 100,000 years is not enough, then millions of years, tens of millions of years, our group of old guys are still tough, can withstand it!"

Chatting with Cheng Buyun, the chaotic city master sometimes speaks, it is really very casual, and the tone is also very close to the world view of Bu Yun.

"Teacher, don't say that, even if the day comes in the future, you have to be supported by the elders and strong people. After all, you are much taller in terms of knowledge, but young people like me are far better than us in making decisions about major events. "" Cheng Buyun said, patting a fart.

Guan Er, the Lord of Chaos, said that.

After a pause, he laughed again: "Although you don't participate in the core of power, there are still some benefits, such as after the breakthrough of the cosmic overlord, if necessary, the ethnic group will lend a fortune of 1,000 to the treasure point for the new cosmic master to use . "

"What else?" Cheng Buyun's eyebrows jumped, and he looked suspicious.

"If you need it, you can borrow it, but you will have to return 1500 to the treasure point in the future." Chaotic City Lord smiled.

Mom, usury!

Cheng Buyun was surprised!

However, when I think deeply, if I change some cosmic overlords who don't have much information, I really have to borrow this wealth.

As for those who belong to the One Lord, once they break through, they really need this wealth to strengthen themselves with their background.

No matter whether it is used to exchange for treasure or use resources to enhance your own **** body, you can quickly bring yourself to the point of the second-order universe.

In general, the master of the ordinary universe is really not strong. It is estimated that some of the most dominant cosmic overlords will be defeated.

"But because of your importance, the giant axe is a clincher, so that you can continue to borrow another 5000 treasure points, without interest, the same as the previous 8000 treasure points." Chaotic City Lord said lightly.

Human wealth is still relatively wealthy, but it lacks the last two levels of treasures, such as Xeon Zhibao and Pinnacle Zhibao.

Generally, there is no shortage of human beings in the top treasures and advanced treasures. Hundreds of pieces can be brought out at random in the treasure trove.

It is only that the number of Treasures compares with the total number of strong people, and the data is far worse.

You can't do it alone.

Some cosmic venerables, not to mention treasures, can all be equipped with heavy treasures, already considered rich and powerful.

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