Plane Universe

Chapter 2016: The wife of the strong cannot be too weak

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"Haha, get rich again!"

"Five Thousand Treasure Points, adding to my existing, and more than 6,500 Treasure Points, this is a huge amount of wealth, but ..."

Cheng Buyun was happy but shook his head secretly.

The wealth of less than ten thousand treasure points is nothing more than a mere nine cents. If you want to copy the star tower, it is still a distant matter.

As a god-class weapon, the Star Tower is not worth thinking about how high it is!

Because he had no money, he never went to the Star Tower.


Can only watch, can't it be awful!

Return to the Palace of Time and Space.

In the hall, the two wives sat and chatted softly, but Xiaohong was attentively serving.

Seeing him coming back, the two stood up busy, and Li Xueyin even said: "Fujun, your teacher told you that there was no big deal in the past?"

"Looking at the husband's smile like this, something good must have happened." Ji Yanran smiled.

"It's a good thing. This time, your husband and I have risen in the status of the human race." Cheng Buyun was full of joy, and he was very proud.

Although relying on Xiao Hong's ability, but he is not capable.

Can others have Xiaohong?


"The status has risen again?" The two eyes were stunned and surprised. According to them, the position of the husband of the character family was already the cosmic supremacy in humans. What if it was promoted?

Is it?

No way!

"Well, as you think, there is a great level of existence." Cheng Buyun chuckled, and it was enough to sway in front of his wife.

Ji Yanran and Li Xueyin were really shocked.

The existence of the Lord of the universe is already the pinnacle of the universe, and the existence of hundreds of millions of corpses can be angered in a rage, which is much more terrible than the ancient emperor.

"Unfortunately ..." Cheng Buyun smashed his mouth and said with shame: "The status is only an invisible reminder, not public, that is, I have the status and authority of the universe master in the human race, but the people below are not Will treat me with a great presence, and only treat him as before. "

"That's also very powerful, husband, you don't have to get cheap and sell well." Li Xueyin smiled, his face very proud.

Marrying Cheng Buyun, although to share with three other women, but at this time in her view, it is only very common.

Because the time of ordinary life is too short, and they have too much time, Cheng Buyun is busy and there is no sister to accompany. It is estimated that these 10,000 years, I do n’t know what it ’s like to be alone.


In the long course of time, love has already become affection. It can even be said that the affection of their four sisters is more profound than that of Cheng Buyun.

"Okay, I have something to tell you." Cheng Buyun smiled, one at a time, holding the two wives in his arms.

Xiaohong glanced at the three people, his expression not sad or envious.

Machine life, what do you envy!

"What is it, are you going to take us to continue to play outside?" Ji Yanran looked straight, even shook his head and said: "Okay, if you encounter the previous thing again, it's not making you more dangerous. ? No! "

"I think so too, it's not necessary." Li Xueyin also shook her head. After this encounter, she knew deeply how much the aliens had to hate their husband.

"Haha, it's not this matter." Cheng Buyun smiled. When the two wives looked at themselves curiously, he didn't understand, and he explained: "I want you to experience it alone."

"Experience it?"

The two were suddenly surprised, and they didn't quite understand what their husband meant. The universe was very dangerous, and the aliens were staring closely. Once they went out alone, needless to say, they would be secretly captured by the aliens and enslaved by the soul.

"That's it." Cheng Buyun said his previous thoughts and laughed: "It's dangerous outside, of course, it's not a random experience, but in these cosmic secrets, no one knows you, as long as it is not exposed. Identity, you are safe, you only need to compete with the indigenous people. "

"Is it okay?" Ji Yanran was eager to try. The kind of vigor hidden in his body was directly inspired.

Don't forget, Ji Yanran, this little girl, was a bit spicy!

Dancing swords and getting swords, a swordsmanship is also regarded as a master in the world of seeking Qin Ji.

There are also many masters of swordsmanship defeated by her.

"This ... not good!" Looking at Li Xueyin, she was very resistant to it.

People who dare not kill chickens, but let her go to fight against those cruel people, isn't that sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?

"If you can't do it, you have to go through it for your own sake. I don't expect you to be super strong, but you can't be too weak in strength." Cheng Buyun made a direct decision and didn't give Li Xueyin the opportunity to oppose it.

"Husband, I hate you, even asked me to do such a dangerous thing as a lady." Li Xueyin almost cried.

"Hum, because the temperament is too weak to have more experience, I am the head of the family, decided, not to object." Cheng Buyun smiled and took out his majesty as a man.

Can I be the man you cried twice, the pear flower will compromise with the rain?


Cheng Buyun felt that the salesman in the waist was twisting his muscles, and could not help shouting deliberately. He even comforted Li Xueyin and talked to her happily, as a wife of a super powerful man with a brand, an identity , The strength can not be too bad to shock people.

That's ugly.

Therefore, we must go to experience, not for his own consideration, but also for his face.

As soon as these words came out, Li Xueyin reluctantly nodded his head in agreement, but then put forward an opinion. When she started her experience, she had to adapt to it. At least, she had to have three sisters Ji Yanran team up together.

Cheng Buyun thought about it and nodded.

Indeed, when I started to practice, the two of them also had a look after them. Take your time, and slowly changing is the right reason.

Then, Cheng Buyun also explained to the other two wives Wang Ya and Zhang Lin in the virtual universe, let them arrange the affairs in their hands and go to experience together.

Wang Ya and Zhang Lin did not contradict this time, and readily agreed to come down.

They were persuaded by Cheng Buyun in one sentence. As the wives of the strong, they will face strong people with certain levels in the future. If they are not strong, they will not be shocked.

At the same time, Cheng Buyun asked Xu Xin and asked her if she hadn't tried to experience it.

Xu Xin did not take the 'eternal substance' because Cheng Buyun intervened, and the body he possessed is still the original body, and he can practice with his own ability.

Xu Xin was also very interested in hearing this, but she said she had to discuss it with Luo Feng.

What's more, she has a family to look after behind her, and like Luo Feng, it takes hundreds of years and thousands of years to go.

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