Plane Universe

Chapter 2056: Many people are stupid

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A pair of more ordinary medium treasure combat shoes actually took more than 130 million holy coins, which made Cheng Buyun a little surprised.

On the side of the main universe, there seems to be a lack of treasures!

Holy coins and Hundred Yuan are equivalent currencies, which means that these black fire shoes equal to more than 130 million Hundred Yuan.

And these black fire shoes are only more than 30 million yuan in the human race.

Almost tripled the price.

Typical people are stupid and have a lot of money!

"Sure enough, my own ideas are correct. The Chamber of Commerce makes money, which is much faster than taking risks." Cheng Buyun nodded with satisfaction, "What a grand occasion to wait for more high-end auctions to come up with treasures." ? "

How much can be gained by going out to work hard?

Ordinary levels of treasures are too unimaginable for the human race.

A large number of treasures are stored in the treasure warehouses of human races every year. They are all treasures created by refiners and cannot be sold.

It has accumulated over the years, and the number is so numbing.

After all, it is difficult to become an immortal deity, and the number is small, and it will not accumulate for hundreds of millions of years.

However, many of the cosmic Venerables in the ethnic group go out and wrestle the resources brought back again and again, many of them are useless to the level of the Cosmic Venerables.

The accumulated number becomes more normal.

With the addition of refining masters to build up accumulated treasures, there are even more.

Cultivating refining masters is the top priority of ethnic groups, even if a large number of unused treasures are accumulated, they must be cultivated.

This is not only true for humans, but also for other pinnacle groups.

Only if there is no exchange in competition, of course, their respective cultivation will not make the market prosperous.

Pull away.

The opening of the auction was such a treasure auction, which directly aroused everyone's emotions.

Everyone is waiting for the appearance of the second treasure.

The Space Time Chamber of Commerce company did not disappoint everyone.

Although the second treasure is slightly lower, it is also a high-grade treasure, a fairy armor.

The value of fairy armor is much cheaper, even if the grade is high, the starting price is only one million holy coins, and the final transaction price is slightly higher than the market price.

Five million holy coins!

Each treasure item level is divided into four levels, low, high and top.

The grade of the treasure is also called according to the level of the cultivator.

The layers are more delicate.

It's much better than eating the starry universe.

With the auction of a large number of treasures, the strongmen also exclaimed from time to time, shocked by the generosity of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Almost every treasure is of high grade, and the highest even reaches high grade.

"Okay, now that the auction is over, we have auctioned a thousand pieces of treasures, and the auction has reached the final stage." Fairy Qingluo continued to mobilize the atmosphere in the hall, making the auction enter a climax phase, " The last ten treasures together with the immortal armor are the highest and best treasures in the audience, "

Suddenly, ten hundred meters rise completely, and a treasure is visited on the top, three are attacking immortals, four cultivation resources, one armor, the last two are auxiliary treasures, a ribbon and a pair of wings.

Ten treasures appeared, almost everyone's eyes could not help falling on the last two supplementary treasures.

Supplementing treasures is expensive, but the function is also the best and rarest.

This type of treasure is very rare and very popular outside.

Many auctions held will use this type of treasure as a finale.

At the time and space chamber of commerce company's auction, these treasures are only the last second-round auction items, and the background is strong, which makes people feel emotional.

After this low-level auction, all participating strongmen will keep the name of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce in mind.

Of course, during the auction of these ten treasures, many powerful people are also discussing. It seems that the space-time chamber of commerce in this auction did not even take out a formation-type treasure.

Many people feel very strange.

Formation-type treasures are also a type of treasure that many powerful people are rushing to.

A good formation treasure can limit the enemy or reduce the enemy's strength.

Equivalent to a weakened field treasure.

With the progress of these ten finale treasures, each price is not cheap, after all, even if it is a weapon treasure, where the ranks are also placed, the top quality is top.

Generally used by king-level strongmen, one tens of millions of holy coins.

Two high-end high-quality treasures have been sold for the price of 300 million holy coins, which is quite amazing.

The typical person is stupid and has a lot of money.

Cheng Buyun also showed a light smile.

Although the price of the two auxiliary treasures has doubled, it is nothing more than a nuisance in his eyes.

No matter how many holy coins are auctioned in this auction, the total value is even less than the contribution value of Chongbaodian.

"Okay, all ten finale treasures are auctioned." Fairy Qingluo dialed her hair and smiled at all the powerful people in the hall, saying aloud, "I know that many people are waiting for the appearance of Xianjia I wo n’t say too much, because everybody has seen or heard about Xianjia ’s ability, so I do n’t need to explain it. ”


The last Immortal Armor appeared, with a breathtaking momentum. At the same time as a huge stone pillar rose, the colorful light at the top also shone down and fell on the Immortal Armor, making it more sacred and attractive.

"Fairy Qingluo, let's get started quickly, I can't wait any longer."

Some of the former rules cheered. Although I knew the auction price of this Xianjia was extremely alarming, I still wanted it.

What if other people's brains get caught in the door, and they're **** luck?

Before the auction started, there were many strong people who questioned the effect of Xianjia. Although some treasures have heard of the strength of amplitude, most of them are above the level of ‘spiritual treasures’.

Such treasures are not treasures that ordinary cultivators can possess.

So most people suspect that it is an inevitable thing.

However, doubt or hesitation.

The final finale Xianjia still started.

The starting price is not expensive, just 10 million holy coins.

Each price increase shall not be less than 10 million holy coins.

The people present were not as expensive as this, and almost immediately many people stood up and shouted prices.

They just came for the fairy armor.

The price shopping is very cruel and quite amazing.

Where Qingluo Fairy stood, he was glaring, because the time for each price stay was too short.

Within a minute, Xianjia soared to 600 million sage coins, and soon passed the 1 billion sage coins mark and ran to 2 billion sage coins.

The generals are not ordinary.

The more powerful generals are definitely about 10 billion. If the background is amazing, the valued generals in the family are even more amazing. Many of the generals are comparable to the kings.

"Fairy Cherry Fairy, you bitch, dare you want to **** the Immortal Armor with me? 2.5 billion holy coins." I saw a strong female standing up, glaring toward the side, the language was extremely insulting.

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