Plane Universe

Chapter 2057: Impact is about to spread

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Many of the strongmen who came to participate in this low-level auction are from a very strong background. In general, their identity is very famous in the Qinglong Empire.

And many people still quite deal with it.

Take the Fairy Cherry Fairy and the Red Tassel Fairy. The two were compared when they were urinated. At first, it was natural to be small, but when they grew up, the competition between them was amplified.

Then they just do n’t like each other!

Insulted by the red tassel fairy, the cherry fairy also responded immediately, angered, and pushed the fairy to the 2.6 billion holy coin mark.

At the same time, the group of licking dogs that followed them also stood up and sprayed.

The spicy eyes of the scene are simply eye-catching.

Seeing Cheng Buyun, he also felt emotion.

Practitioners, in fact, are no different from ordinary people.

Anxious to scold as usual.

Fortunately, both sides were restrained, knowing where this is, and did not fight.

Or have played countless times before, knowing that the other party is not easy to mess with.

The mutual spraying of the two sides did not affect the auction of Xianjia. The strong bidders still bid.

Ghosts have control over this group of spicy eyes.

It's the most practical to shoot Xianjia!

Xianjia's auction price soared, and a new height was shouted by a group of people.

It quickly surpassed 5 billion holy coins, and it seems that this price is not the limit, because many people, at least hundreds of strong players are bidding.

There is only one Xianjia, everyone wants to have it. Even if the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce holds a low-level auction once a month, it will be held every time, and it will only be twelve in a year.

One hundred and twenty pieces in ten years and one thousand and two hundred pieces in one hundred years.

Is it more?

Not much.

The fairy generals who came to participate in this low-level auction have more than a hundred thousand, and they are placed in the Qinglong Empire, which is only a small part.

The strong players of the entire Qinglong Empire are counted in millions, and most of them have the strength to compete with Xianjia.

The Space-Time Chamber of Commerce held the auction for the first time. Because its reputation is not high, and the effect of Xianjia is also doubtful, so many people are still waiting to see and are too lazy to come.

After this auction, I want to easily shoot a fairy armor, it is really difficult.

For Xianjia, many strong people judge that if the effect on Xianjia is true, then the actual price will definitely not lose the best-grade fairy, or even exceed.

Ignoring the early immortal attack, even if it is exceeded, it will be weakened by 90% of the physical attack, which is amazing enough.

Many top-notch fairy armor does not have such an efficient ability, not to mention, Xianjia can also weaken the Jiucheng soul attack and resist the retreat.

These three capabilities of light have made Xianjia the best treasure level.

Not to mention the ability of amplitude strength.

Whoever possesses such a fairy armor can run rampant in the level of immortals as long as he is not too dead to die.

It is a pity that the upper limit of Xianjia is lower, which can not withstand the full attack of the king-level strongman.

A few minutes later, the price of Xianjia surged to eight billion holy coins.

At this price point, many strong men have hesitation.

Before they saw the power of Xianjia, they were still skeptical.

No one's wealth is brought by strong winds.

In the end, Xianjia barely climbed to 9 billion holy coins, and was photographed by a young man from the family of the Qinglong Holy Land.

Photographed with nine billion holy coins, the youth looked very happy, and the earning look made many people secretly regret it.

Why don't you insist on it?

"Okay, the final final treasure Xianjia has also been auctioned. This low-level auction has ended successfully. Thank you to all the guests who have come to participate. Guests who have won the treasure, please contact our Xiaoqing Director of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible. Fairy smiled and said with a smile, with a face and You Rong Yan said: "At the same time I disclose a message here, one year later, when the low-level auction is held twelve times, our space-time chamber of commerce company will hold the first intermediate auction . "

"Intermediate auctions will have more, better and more powerful treasure auctions." Qingluo Fairy's face reveals mysteriously to everyone. "Moreover, intermediate auctions will have a higher level than Xianjia. Auction A. "

Will A?

Treasure with a higher level than Xianjia?

Many people couldn't help widening their eyes, and all their faces were surprised.

Xianjia gave them the feeling that they were already too powerful. What is the powerful scene of the higher level of Jiangjia?

After revealing the news, Qingluo Fairy said a few words to everyone, and then began to exit.

The waitress also came in to guide the strong men away.


The first low-level auction ended and Cheng Buyun was satisfied.

Indeed, as he thought, Bingjia shot a very high price.

Unlimited auctions, the value of the armor is infinitely enlarged, far exceeding the price of selling in the human race.

In consuming the human universe of the starry universe, Cheng Buyun needs to take care of some poor and strong people, so the price of customization is very low.

After all, apart from humans, the Human Alliance has many dependent ethnic groups. If you want these ethnic groups to contribute to humans, you cannot customize the price too high.

After all, the strength of the dependent ethnic group is high, and it is also to contribute to humanity and create and strive for various resources.

Different environments have different behavior styles.

On the side of the main universe, he does not need to sacrifice for whom, nor need to consider who's face, everything looks at the money.

"The people here are really rich. It's just a low-level auction. The total value is about 40 billion holy coins, which is very amazing." Xiao Honghou said excitedly: "The prices have turned several times, and those The treasures in the auction were all robbed by Alice, and they were bought and sold without cost. "

"Even if there is a business, we can make a lot of money." Cheng Buyun smiled.

The auction of a thousand treasures, with the exception of the final armoured armor, has an average price of around 30 million, which is indeed amazing.

In the human race, the most common high-end attack weapon is not more than one million yuan.

Just such a million-dollar treasure, but the price of four million holy coins in the main universe.

The treasures there are cheaper, the expensive ones are secret methods and various cultivation resources.

On the side of the main universe, treasures are more expensive than cultivation resources. In this low-level auction, part of the cultivation resources brought out by Cheng Buyun did not produce too good results.

Some adjustments will be required for the auction items at the next auction.


The low-level auction held by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce seems to be over, but the influence of this auction has just begun.

The young man of the Qinglong Holy Land family who photographed Xianjia immediately took someone to test after receiving Xianjia.

First recognize the Lord, the functions of Xianjia itself were immediately revealed to the youth, but the function is true or false, and it has not been tested, nor is it true.

After all, when the Xianjia is forging, the forgeer can freely describe it.

"Come and come, Yueluo, try quickly to see if Xianjia is so powerful." A group of young strongmen from the Blue Dragon Holy Land looked at each other with expectation.

The young man named Yueluo is the owner of the photographed Xianjia. He is a disciple of the Shangguan family in the Qinglong Holy Land, and his family has a strong background in the Qinglong Empire.

The ancestor of his family is an immortal monarch, and he played under the ancestor of the Qinglong immortal.

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