Plane Universe

Chapter 2078: Ugly and powerful demon clan

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5% of the territories are compared with the 20% of the territories of the main universe, which is not to say that the human race is inferior to the human beings in terms of hard power.

Rather, there has been a huge change in the human race in ancient times.

Is the original ancestor.

If the original ancestors had not been suppressed by the rules of the universe and had sheltered the human race until now, it is estimated that they would dominate the entire primitive universe and be invincible in the universe.

Tenth-order strongman, what is that concept?

It is already the greatest force that the original universe can tolerate.

It is also the only tenth-order strongman in the primitive universe. In the primitive ancestry, no one dared to mess with the human race.

Whether in the primitive universe or the cosmic sea, human beings are the most noble group of powerful people.

Even if they grab each other's treasures, the aliens are polite and don't dare to overdo it.

I was afraid that the original ancestors would come to the house and settle the accounts.


It's just a pity that the original ancestors have no way to enter the power, and even dared to provoke the primitive universe rules. After several times, they were irritated and suppressed by the primitive universe rules.

This incident became the biggest loss for the human race.

It also cheers countless aliens!

The days of the great ancestors are over, and the opportunity for their revival comes.

As such, a large number of human races occupying the territories of the primitive universe suddenly lost their original ancestors, unable to care for many territories, and their strength has been shrinking their defenses, giving up many territories.

Only 5% of the site remained.

It can be said that the human strength of immortals in the early days was far inferior to that of human races.

It should be quite far.

Of course, there are no big estimates of what will happen.


Another 80% of the main universe is occupied by several other forces. One of them is a demon clan. The main members naturally need not say much, and there is no difference from the demon clan of the original universe.

However, the demon clan of the main universe is a force close to the immortals, and the two sides are still friendly and not hostile.

Moreover, the living habits of the demon clan are similar to those of the human immortals, and occupy less than 10% of the territory.

The second force is the Buddha's kingdom, the human territory of the Buddha repairer, but this power does not deal with the human fairy repairer, although it does not reach the territory where the knife handle meets, it is not friendly.

Almost don't interact with each other.

Even many Buddhist cultivators are very hostile to human cultivators and always clamor to rule human cultivators.

Cheng Buyun was not clear about what happened when the Celestial King spoke about the kingdom of Buddhism, and did not immediately flaunt his opinion.

The sullenness of both sides was not his turn to worry about the little man who had just made his fortune in the main universe.

The third 'devil' clan is the main hostile force of the human immortals. Its members are all dark red, ugly and fierce, with a height of 8 meters to 10 meters, a strong physical strength, and universal qualifications for cultivation. high.

Occupying the most central place in the universe, the territory has reached nearly 40%, and it is partially bordered by the territory of the eastern human immortal.

In addition to these four forces, although there are still some ethnic groups in the main universe, they are not very influential, at most it is the standard of the powerful ethnic groups of the original universe.

Compared with the four forces, it is too far.

The weakest demon clan are all close to 10% of the territory, which shows the big gap.

After all, only the four major forces occupy 90% of the territory, and the remaining 10%, how many ethnic groups can live.


According to the comparison of strength on paper, human immortals can only be ranked third. The power of the Buddha Kingdom should not be overlooked, and it has slightly suppressed the human immortals.

From small to big, many things can be seen from the territory occupied.

The territory occupied by the Buddhist kingdom is 3% more than that of human immortals, which is three percent.

In terms of the strong, Cheng Buyun didn't ask the Celestial King, at his level, it was difficult to express his opinion on this matter.

Because he is at a very low level, but the fairy king level, the things that can be touched are like that.

If you change the fairy king who belongs to the heavenly court, it is estimated that you can still say that two or five, one person alone, know what is right!

At the same time, Cheng Buyun also asked, where do they usually take risks and earn wealth?

Fairy house.

An internal name, mostly called the universe secret.

Same as the original universe.

"Do you have a cosmic star map?" Cheng Buyun said: "Pass me a copy."

Star map, there are naturally heaven star king, but it is not complete, only part of the area, he also explained to Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun waved his hand and said he didn't care.

The star map is sometimes very precious.

There is no background or path, you need to go to record.

After getting the star map, Cheng Buyun nodded and said, "Okay, come here today. You can go to the Bai Baiguan and she will arrange you."

Celestial King bowed.

After the Celestial King left, Cheng Buyun's thoughts moved, and a star chart was displayed in front of him.

It has to be said that although this star map has only a few parts, it is considered to include the kingdom of human cultivation.

The territory of more than 6,000 stars is really huge.

The Qinglong Empire is relatively remote, at the bottom of the outermost area, bordering part of the territory of the demon clan, but the Milky Way is at the bottom of the lowest corner. It is also surrounded by the sky formed by the universe and has only one exit.

It is also the safest place.

No wonder no one has thoughts about the galaxy, it is too remote.

Long ago, the Milky Way was not called the Milky Way, but the Tianhe System. It was named after the huge sky.

The huge river like a river can affect not only the positive universe, but also the dark universe. It circulates dangerous sea waves and storms all the time in hundreds of light years.

All spaceships flying here are extremely dangerous. If you accidentally destroy the ship, no one will come. Over time, the galaxy will be forgotten.

The impact of such huge storms continued until it stopped millions of years ago.

The life of the Milky Way discovered that it was such a wonderful world outside.

"The Demon Race looks really ugly." Xiaohong next to him said abruptly, causing Cheng Buyun's attention to shift.

Immediately, he saw an extremely fierce and brutal-looking virtual red-skinned figure with a height of about eight meters, which was unusually tall and majestic, and had a pair of curved horns. The wheel-like face was covered with a fine layer The small black scales opened and closed slightly, and looked like a dense nest.


In addition, the half-headed eyes of the child revealed a mad, endless killing breath in his hiss.

A huge nostril that collapsed into a hole, and the opened lips had a pair of sharp black fangs, which were shimmering with cold light, as if they could tear and pierce the enemy's throat at any time.

The stout body, unusually large limbs, and dark red skin as dense as snake scales, long nails, huge bone spurs growing behind the elbows, a row of thorns on the spine, and huge black bat wings spread out.

In this ghost look, even Cheng Buyun frowned, slightly disgusted.

Tainema is ugly.

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