Plane Universe

Chapter 2079: Cultivation experiment

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Of course, the ugly image of the Devil Race is just a human view.

The demon clan does not necessarily consider itself ugly. On the contrary, the other party may think that human beings are the ugliest life.

This is the so-called value problem!

But indeed, looking at it with human eyes, the Demon Race is really ugly to the extreme. It is no wonder that even Xiaohong's mechanical life criticized it with a disgusting tone.

Cheng Buyun had never seen such an ugly life, and could not imagine that he opened an eye in the main universe.

Regardless of appearances, the Devil looks really deterrent.

The extraordinarily sturdy limbs, the immense body, have considerable strength, and the layer of fine scales like snake scales on the body, the defense is not bad.

Coupled with the huge bat wings behind, the speed is definitely not as simple as the surface.

The three major elements are almost all possessed by the Devil Race.

No wonder when the fairy star King mentioned the Devil Race before, his expression was very ugly.

It is estimated that he has suffered a loss in the hands of the demon clan.

"Top-level body, strong training qualifications, this is a group that is no less than the starry sky monster, but it is much more terrible than the starry sky monster." Xiaohong looked at the intelligence information left by the heavenly star king, He kept awe-inspiringly said: "The bloodline of the peak, almost makes the life of the entire ethnic group is strong, and the human immortal can withstand the competition, which makes me look at it."

Looking at the information, Cheng Buyun was also in shock. This demonic family is really a bit outrageous.

The bloodline is so strong that there are not too many restrictions on the generation of offspring.

Although it is not the same as humans, it is ridiculous to have a one-year childbirth, but the birth rate is very high.

Like the starry sky monster of the pinnacle group, it is a radish, a pit, a life and a death.

This is the price of inheritance.

For example, the human Kaman, first-class lineage, and the gestation time of offspring are like normal humans. Shi Yue gets pregnant, but the gestation rate is extremely low.

A couple of Kaman people who have worked hard for hundreds of years may not be able to conceive a descendant.

Therefore, the members of the Kaman tribe have strong bloodlines, but the tribes have not been many, especially for minor tribes.

To capture the Sheka Barbarian, you must be prepared to be chased to the end of the universe by the Kaman strong.

The issue of fertility is already the consensus of all life. The stronger the physique, the more difficult it is to have offspring.

If Cheng Buyun was at this time, he could not make the four wives meet the conditions of pregnancy.

His own genes are too high, and the quality of genetic genes is too high to complete effective fusion.

In simple terms, it's even an egg, but the one who brought it to fusion was an iron egg.

A blast made the other party's egg explode.

Another example is that both sides are iron eggs, and the shell of an iron egg is too strong to be combined for a long time after collision. It loses its activity under the erosion of time and is either discharged or absorbed by the woman.

The reason is simple.

That's how it is!

But as easily as the Devil Clan, it is a group that is easy to produce offspring. To be honest, Cheng Buyun is really curious.

Have a chance to study.

Everyone will be interested in ways to improve bloodlines without reducing pregnancy rates.

I am afraid that even a big man like the Lord of Chaos will be tempted by this matter.

A high bloodline represents a lot of genius, and it is more likely to appear super strong.

Of course, this matter must be put aside first, anyway, where the devil family can not run, what anxiety.

The important thing right now is to first clarify the cultivation problems of the immortals.

Once again, I took out the cultivation practice I bought before. Of course, this cultivation practice does not have physical objects. When watching, I can only communicate with the Tianting network.

Or virtualize the content in front of your eyes and watch it.

"It's strange, it's very ordinary. How can the speed of cultivation be increased when combined with the idea?" Cheng Buyun looked at the virtual screen in front of him and frowned continuously.

The content is still that content. He knows everything and understands every word. He can even link the content of each sentence to achieve a perfect interpretation.

Exactly the same historical and cultural heritage, there is no secret in the eyes of the immortal practitioner.

But why is this so?

Is the problem in thinking?

During Cheng Buyun's research, Xiao Hong rarely publishes her own remarks, because this is not what she is good at.

She has no real flesh and blood body and does not have the qualifications to practice.

The cultivation of mechanical life is extremely direct and violent. It is enough to fill the core of the body with energy to achieve the purpose of becoming stronger.

Humans can do the same with rich people.

Such as the energy cabin!

In the basic environment, there is wealth to do everything you want.

As for the strength and the state, that is your problem!

Sage robbery, a most basic practice method, is also a relatively cheap practice method. It is a kind of relatively popular thing. It is said that it is the originator of all practice exercises, but it is extremely difficult to practice because this sage robbery has no attributes. As a result, the practice is naturally slow.

After all, there is no attribute, then you cannot rely on your own talents to bless the speed of cultivation, and it will be strange to practice quickly.

Whether the exercises are good or not, Cheng Buyun will not evaluate them for the time being. What he is doing now is experimenting.

The exercise route only needs to look the same, he can thoroughly remember, but this time, he deliberately read it a few times, to the point where he will not forget his memory.

Then he started running the exercise route in his body.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

A cosmic energy is concentrated on the chest, slowly entering from the Fuzhong point, and the meridian flow around the meridian, quickly forming a large circulation, and then deep into the Qihai cave.

Although it was the first time to practice the Immortal Cultivator Techniques, it was not difficult to run with Cheng Buyun's physique, it can be said that there was no difficulty at all.

Almost all immortal practitioners perform exercises much faster.

A cycle of badness is formed in one minute, and the speed of aura concentration is amazing.

However, because Cheng Buyun is a god-cultivator, every corner of the body and even the cells contain a huge amount of power of the Lord.

Therefore, as soon as the absorbed energy of the cosmic energy transformed into the Qihai through the body's meridians enters the sea of ​​qi, it is almost immediately repelled and even consumed by the power of the Lord.

Cause him to do useless work.

One thing you can be sure of is that Cheng Buyun can't make achievements on the road to cultivation of immortals.

Unless he disperses the main force of the realm of the realm, but in that way, it is no better than self-abstraction of martial arts.

Just kidding, how precious he is as the main force of the realm, a high venerable deity may not be able to recover.

However, these are not what he should care about. The hard-working aura is rejected and swallowed, but it also shows a situation where the practice works well.

Otherwise, it will not succeed in transforming Aura.

What he cares about is ultimately to determine a good thing.

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