Plane Universe

Chapter 2084: Qinglong Holy Land

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After ridiculing Cheng Buyun, Xiao Hong did not continue on this topic. Like the former, her gaze also looked at the virtual screen. The names of the immortals and their powerful features also made her stare. Rounded.

"Brother, we are really going to make a fortune this time. Compared to the idea of ​​a profitable business, we will continue to receive a lot of small money in the future relying on panacea." Almost excited.

The corner of Cheng Buyun's mouth also slowly lifted, and his thoughts were generally the same as those of Xiao Honghou.

The previous business, whether it was Jiazhu or not, was still in the divine recovery kit.

Even the following observations, etc., are nothing more than a hammer trade.

Others will benefit for life after buying, there is no need to buy for the second time.

But the medicine is different, it is a consumable, and the strong cannot buy it.

The performance is so good and such a powerful panacea, don't you want to come a few?

There is no strong man who can resist the powerful effect of the law magnifying potion.

Even Cheng Buyun couldn't refuse such a temptation.

Who doesn't want to be stronger?

The only pity is that Cheng Buyun and Chongrou's purchase authority in Tianting Mall is very low. He himself is only a bronze one-star purchase authority, and he does not even have the authority to purchase the rule of power to increase Dan.

The purchase rights of the law Wei Neng Dan need at least the qualification of bronze Samsung, the net worth of one billion holy coins.

This threshold almost stopped most practitioners.

And Samsung's purchase qualification is nothing more than the distribution of ten tablets per year.

This little amount is not enough for the strong people who go out for adventure frequently. The number of ten is really low. Ten times of low-intensity battle can be used up. If it is a high-intensity battle, use it once or twice Finished.

Save it.

The heavy bronze five-star qualification, the number of purchases is one hundred times more than the three-star authority, reaching 1,000 each.

As for why Chongrou holds trillions of holy coins or bronze five-star permissions, there is naturally a reason.

As I said before, relying on the status of commerce in the kingdom of the Immortal Cultivator is at most five-star bronze.

Well, the bronze status restricted by Tianting Bank is not the status of the great immortals.

The status of the major immortal kingdoms is not valuable to some immortal practitioners.

Just like the primitive universe human race.

Without joining the human core circle, the treasures that can be purchased in the virtual universe mall have great restrictions, and the level will never be higher than that of ordinary treasures.

Some restricted treasures can't even be seen.

Because that is not open to you.

Tianting Mall should do the same.

Think about everything you can know with your ass.

Once again restricted by permissions, Cheng Buyun had a little helplessness on his face.

"These powerful forces are really good means. The primitive universe is like this. It's exactly the same here. Everything emphasizes status and contribution." Xiao Hong pouted, his expression looking a little dissatisfied.

She was naturally unhappy. In this case, she and her elder brother had to die for others.

"I'm used to it."

Cheng Buyun said with a faint smile: "If you want to get it, you have to pay."

Of course, it ’s not impossible to buy Vernon Dan more than once. For example, if trillions of holy coins lying in Chongrou ’s account, the operation allocation is doubled, and more than 40 accounts, he can immediately buy 40,000 each The law can power Dan.

Taken together, it is 400,000.

But he disdain to use these small means, and he does not want to be underestimated by the force of Heaven.

Or some Zongmen will do it, but not him.


While Cheng Buyun was pleased to scan the goods, the envoy of the Qinglong Holy Land photographed in Xianjia and his party immediately rushed back to the Qinglong Holy Land with Chongbao.

With the ability of the Kingdom of God to transmit this kind of extreme convenience, find a remote place in the universe a little, the accompanying **** will shock the divine power, and the radiance of the sky will be scattered.

The group has disappeared without a trace.

Qinglong Holy Land.

Located in a fairy palace (cosmic secret realm) in the core of the Qinglong Empire, it houses the royal family of the entire Qinglong Empire, as well as a large number of fairy monarchs and their family members, including the highest person of the Qinglong Empire-Qinglong Xianzun.

However, Qinglong Xianzun rarely intervened in the affairs of the Qinglong Empire. After hundreds of billions of years of development, everything in the Qinglong Empire has been extremely stable.

When there is no danger of life and death in the Blue Dragon Empire or outside strong attack, the Blue Dragon Immortal Venerate rarely appears.

The inner area of ​​Qinglong Holy Land is very broad, with the widest diameter of more than 360 billion kilometers and a length of 1.3 light years. If you can see the Qinglong Holy Land outside, you will find that the Qinglong Holy Land is like a dragon with claws and claws.

Back to the Qinglong Holy Land, the Aoki Immortal King waved away from the people around him, and then entered the simple and luxurious palace alone.

In this simple and luxurious palace, there are already a large group of master refiners waiting to see their looks, all with anticipation and excitement, as if they are very interested in the treasures brought back by Aoki.

This is also true.

It is said that the immortal armor, with its powerful effect function, as long as it is a refiner, will be excited, and it is inevitable to want to observe the mood of personal revelation.

Once it can really be copied, the strength of the Blue Dragon Empire can be increased several times at once.

"Xianjia was photographed, and has been brought back to the Holy Land by the Aoki fairy king, and he will be there soon."

"Xianjia has already arrived?"

"This is great."

The voice of joy rang in the palace, and immediately shocked a group of people.

Almost at the same time, Aoki Immortal King came in, and a group of master refiners immediately greeted them, clamoring like a vegetable market, "Aoki, Xianjia? Come and show it to me."

"Aoki, Xianjia?"

"Hurry up and take it out, don't make it annoying."

A group of refining masters, the status is very high, not to mention that their strength is not under the Aoki Immortal King, even under him, he must be treated with respect.

A master-level refining master, even if the immortal king sees it, he has to meet with a smile.

Master-level refining masters have been able to create superb immortals, although the success rate is not very high, but it can also make a sect of the earth-shaking changes.

Almost most of the first-class sects do not have master refiners, master masters and alchemists, as well as master figures from the three major factions of the formation masters.

Who would like to be attached to the wings of the same strong?

Although the other party will treat him very politely.

As for the baby figures in this group of holy places, Aoki Immortal King is also accompanied by a smiley face, and quickly took out the fairy armor brought back, "This is the fairy armor."

A black ball with a normal human fist immediately attracted the attention of all master refiners. I saw them shining in their eyes, and their eyes radiated a radiant light, just like an old pervert who had been closed for thousands of years. Like a big beauty.

Immediately, a hand stretched out quickly, trying to remove the black ball held by the palm of Aoki Immortal King, but many master refiners naturally disagreed.

PS: Something happened today, the update is late, please forgive me!

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