Plane Universe

Chapter 2085: Master Refiner wants to crack Xianjia

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"Hu Lao Gui, do not want to succeed!"

The master next to him responded quickly, and immediately stretched out a hand to stop it. A faint glow of white gas emerged from his palm. That was the power of immortality. Seeing its castration and power, it turned out to be It is the purpose of severing the palm of the former.

So cruel!

"Hah, just want to stop me? Just a little bit!" A middle-aged man in a cascading robe with a bun smiled faintly, and the palm of his outstretched hand immediately changed midway, and the palm also appeared a pale white light. And quickly dodged the blocker, the purpose continued to catch the black ball.

"Qiankun's hand? Are the refining abilities used here?"

"Good fellow, you can't help you."

Several people beside him also blocked their shots, and each used their housekeeping skills. For a time, the phantom flew, and all the palm shadows flew in the air. At the same time, there was a sound of firecrackers like explosions.

Seeing a group of people start to get Xianjia research first, Aoki Immortal King, cold sweat, quickly left the battle circle and hid to watch the excitement.

As for the black ball, it floated in mid-air and flew around, thrown here for a while, and then flew to the other side.

The scene is lively!


In the chaos, I saw a figure flying out of the battle circle, but it was kicked by someone, and then fell to the ground, and it rolled twice, and I saw the Aoki fairy cramps.

"Damn, do you really play?" The master refiner immediately roared and joined the battle again.


As if demolishing the house, the white air flow was flying, and the palace collapsed directly into the corner, and then the front of the vast and luxurious ancient palace was blasted and a wall was immediately collapsed.

Amidst the smoke, there was a faint sound of roar.

Many people near the temple looked up here, but all expressions were not panic, as if they had expected it.

'boom! ’

With a loud noise, the top of the temple was flying with long feet.

The magnificent palace where it used to be is now in ruins.

As many as a dozen fairy kings are fighting, this is already a small scene.

If it is a serious life-and-death battle, it is more terrible than this.

The power possessed by the fairy king-level strongman can't be underestimated.

The palace collapsed, but the dozen refining masters who were fighting did not mean to stop. They were still fighting for the black **** flying in the air.

The scene was a mess.

One by one almost disappeared the previous calmness!

call out!

A streamer flashed in the distance from the sky, and flew here as fast as possible, but it was a man wearing a golden yellow robe. The robe was also rusted with purple dragon prints, representing his distinguished identity.

This person is the eldest son of Qinglong Xianzun, the leader of the Qinglong Empire-Aokun!

Aokun was quite handsome and handsome, and his face was extremely handsome, yet he had a masculine, one-meter and nine-meter head, and soft, long hair scattered, set against the noble robe representing his identity. Noble and extraordinary!

Suspended in mid-air, looking down at the scene below, even he had to smile bitterly, and waved slightly. The black ball snatched from below immediately flew up and fell into his hands.


The black ball flew away suddenly, and a group of people suddenly became furious and roared repeatedly.

They were so eager to fight that they did n’t even know that Ao Kun came, but they yelled and roared loudly, but Ao Kun was not angry and said with a smile: "Masters, there is something to say, who will study Xianjia first, we will discuss A good charter? "

He is persuasive, also because he does not have his father's thorough knowledge, and can deter everyone with one word.

Usually deal with things, mostly in the tone of deliberation.

"Hula", a group of people killed and surrounded Ao Kun, and a master even said: "Of course it is me, my skill in refining is much better than them. I have succeeded in this century. Worked out two superb fairy tools. "

"Ma doesn't know how long his face is, get away!"

"Successfully trained three pieces of superlatives are great? I successfully exercised three pieces of superlatives some time ago, have I been proud? Did you say?"

A group of old guys quarreled, Ao Kun's head was big, no one here could offend him.

Because this group of people not only serve the Qinglong Empire, but also serve the entire force of immortal repairers, they all enjoy a great reputation in the heavenly court and are of great importance.

Finally, there is no way. Ao Kun can only guarantee that he will get more Xianjia research for everyone, and it took a lot of tongue to solve this matter perfectly.

Of course, the person who first got the Xianjia research still paid a lot of promises, such as next time there are good things, to be unconditionally given to others.


Almost as soon as he got the research power of Xianjia, Master Hook could not wait to return to his palace.

First, he admired the black ball in his hand. The pattern of the law wrapped on the black ball was amazing. He was amazed by the degree of perfection. "I don't know who brought it. This is really exciting."

The refining technique used on Jiazhu is that the mountain-mountain refining is based on unique methods and cosmic secret patterns, which is naturally not simple.

The cost of its own value far exceeds the level of ordinary treasures, and even many treasures at the treasure level cannot compare.

What level of mountain rider?

The cost of refining in person is naturally much heavier. Of course, not the material cost of the treasure itself, but the labor cost.

Although Jiazhu is just an additional treasure of "robbery", it is produced by its devouring materials, but how can there be the glory of Jiazhu without the mountaineer's painstaking design and refining with unique techniques!

So in terms of cost, whether it is soldier armor, general armor, or king armor, it seems to be just a treasure of ordinary level, but in terms of its preciousness, it is countless times more precious than the treasure.

Otherwise, the major forces of the primitive universe will not spend countless billions of years to study, dreaming of imitation Jiazhu, in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the strength of the ethnic group.


The mountaineering knowledge is too high, and comes with refining techniques, which is not something that primitive cosmic life can learn.

The life class of the primitive universe is too far apart.

After Master Hook appreciated the Xianjia, he wanted to study it in depth, but the first step was stumped.

The one-piece immortal armor had no entrance for him to go deep into it, even the soul consciousness could not do it.

Because Xianjia rejected his soul scan.

Being blocked, Master Hook was not discouraged. He knew in his heart that this was the protector's means of protection, and wanted to break the shell with a refiner.

But this step stumped him, because Xianjia had no entrance, completely fit into one without any gaps, this is a refining technique he had never seen before.

He didn't dare to break into the door, and he didn't dare to violently crack it. He was afraid that his core would cause the entire fairy armor to collapse.

This result is definitely possible.

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