Plane Universe

Chapter 2141: Last pride

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If the strong man affected by the main gun is better than Xingjun, they are strong enough, the treasure is more powerful, and they are most injured.

And the general will be even below, it will be miserable.

Better, without half of the body, the person was just seriously injured.

If you are unlucky, then you will be embarrassed, and the whole person will be annihilated by the main gun.

As for the fairy king.

The fairy can't stand it, let alone the fairy king!


The main guns of the battleship group were fired only three times, and the fourth bombardment came out. The number of powerful players in the front has become extremely rare.

One man in the heavenly court, all scared at the moment, fled to the distance like crazy.

"Stop!" Xiaohong glanced at the front, indifferently speaking, and then the thousand warships converged, and the mysterious lines of light on a cannon slowly disappeared and even faded.

The results caused by just a few seconds, all appeared in front of us.

The arrival of the three soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Court was actually eliminated within a few seconds after the battleship group was fully fired.

The main reason is that the main gun power is too strong. A bombardment covers an area of ​​100,000 meters, and within a thousand kilometers is the area covered by the main gun power.

One thousand warships were covered with main guns, they could not escape at all, and the space was completely blocked.

In addition, there is the assistance of secondary artillery.

The battleship's main gun attack is weaker than the universe's venerable, but it is definitely not something that the fairy king can resist. The light attack consumes and scares the dead.

The consumption of one shot is comparable to the full net worth of a strong fairy.

If you can't hit the enemy, it means that this huge energy hit the water!

But the result is very gratifying, although it is more expensive.

The three soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Court lost most of them, and all 20 star kings and nine of them were able to survive, but they also suffered injuries of varying degrees.

There is little power to fight anymore.

"This ..." Nine of them all looked at everything in front of them, almost fainting.

After losing so many soldiers and horses, how to explain back?

The fall of more than two million heavenly soldiers and generals, just the cost of the resurrection, had to shock the eyes of countless people.

Even if the Tianting family has a great cause, this kind of loss will be fully supported.

If this matter is changed to the primitive universe human race, I am afraid that more than a dozen universe masters will have the three corpse gods jump, and immediately find someone desperately.

The resurrection of the king-level, even if the lord of the universe is continuously resurrected, will have to consume tens of billions of mixed resources.

Although the Resurrection King is very small to the Lord of the Universe, once it is continuously resurrected, it will naturally be injured and require treasure to recover.

The cosmic crystal is not very useful for the Lord of the Universe.

For example, the lords of the universe with avatars such as the lord of Chaos are okay, and they can slowly rely on the recovery of the universe crystal, while the lords of the universe, such as the lord of the dragon, the lord of Peng Gong and the lord of the virtual gold, must use treasure resources to recover .

They are the pillars of the ethnic group, and they need to go out and fight to contribute to the ethnic group.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Nearly a million Titan fighters with a height of 100 meters moved at this time, rushing fiercely as a team of ten.

Rush to kill.

At the moment, there was no morale for the soldiers and horses in the court of heaven, and the command system was completely chaotic, and almost no system was formed.

When the Titan warriors flew in, many of the sky soldiers had no idea what they should do, should they fight, or should they retreat.

Anyway, it was a mess.

In the end, the only remaining generals who are all in command and ordered by Xingjun to gather troops and then prepare to retreat.

The strength of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is a bit beyond their expectations. The arrogance of the time has completely disappeared at this moment, even if the levels of Tongtong and Xingjun do not want to escape like the dogs of the family.

Moreover, the warship group of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is too strong, and it is impossible for the soldiers to raise the idea of ​​confrontation.

A group of battleships bombarded like a tiger, and the few soldiers and horses left in heaven were paralyzed!

The hordes of Titan warriors and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the heavens collided together. Thousands of secret art attacks exploded in the air. Inevitably, the Titan warriors suffered casualties.

Heavenly soldiers and horses are all elite. Even if they are killed by warship groups, the strength of only hundreds of thousands of soldiers can not be underestimated.

In particular, everyone clearly recognized the power of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and the mistake of their pride, and then fought against them with arrays. Even if the Titan warriors wore armor, thousands of casualties were instantly killed.

Of course, the loss of the Titan warrior is very large, and the strong man on the side of the court is also uncomfortable. Catherine personally sat under the command of the town control kiln, and with her powerful arcane realm, she did not lose at all.

Flesh grinding!

The nine major capitals and twenty star kings are invincible, and many Titan fighters are dead in their hands.

"A group of **** kings also dared to run wild in front of me. I really don't know how to write dead words." All of them rose up in unison, and even spoke wildly.

But I do not know, Catherine has been staring at him early.

Nearly 5,000 Titan warriors waited quietly, slowly approaching the past.


This man wearing a purple robe with a crown of stars and a master of a three-pointed halberd, he slammed his weapon in front of a Titan warrior's chest, and the silver armor was penetrated into it by paper. Inside, with the best of his wrist, the Titan Warriors of incomparable height suddenly flew out of control and were thrown aside, seeing that they could no longer live.

Suddenly, the purple bubble was alert in his whole body, his eyes swept around, the alarm bells were mastered, but thousands of Titan warriors surrounded him unconsciously. When he was alert, it was too late.


The breath of these thousands of Titan warriors climbed wildly, and the breath was more than doubled. They also used their own secret tricks. Countless thunderbolt shadows caused the airflow to come, and the space was also exploded at this moment ...

Every secret attack is at least the power of the fairy king's peak.

The peak of a fairy king is not terrible. One hundred and ten can withstand his strength. Even if thousands of people besieged him together, he will not be afraid.

But when combined, many of the secret powers are superimposed together, which is a bit scary.

I tried my best to resist, the trident or sweep or block, and the figure rushed left and right in it, terribly terrifying.

Even if some secret methods fall on him, they can't do much damage to him.

"Damn, this guy actually has an armor with a treasure level." Catherine could see at once the ability of this man.

Directed the retreat of these thousands of Titan warriors immediately, and this all was also arrogantly chasing after two and three to pursue and kill the retreating Titan warriors.

Proud people are always a little carefree.

Suddenly fell into the trap set by Catherine.

Ten thousand Titan warriors abandoned their opponents, the body of the body immediately solidified, the breath soared, and it was a blow to the purple robe.

More mysterious attacks than before thousands of Titan warriors united appeared.

With a buzzing sound, when the tens of thousands of attacks merged together, the super power that burst out almost scared a large number of heavenly powerhouses.

More powerful attack than the main gun of the battleship, great power!

Even if the Universe Venerable attacked with such a degree of strength, it is estimated that the end will not be better.

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