Plane Universe

Chapter 2142: All Star Zone Notice

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The location of the purple robe and dozens of Titan warriors were all annihilated, forming a vacuum zone, and a large number of particles flowed after the space was broken.

Extremely terrible attacks cannot be formed even by space storms.

The power of one blow is terrible!


A powerful commander who had a status even in the heavenly court fell here.

This is something unexpected for everyone.

The powerful immortal monarch who can be a unified leader is extremely powerful, even if he is facing a weaker immortal venerable strongman, he has a chance to survive.

But he didn't want to, but fell into a fierce battle with the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

"Ziyun are all in control!" A few unbelievable exclamations sounded, but the other eight people all looked at this with horrified expression, their eyes lost their past, and their faces became indifferent.


The purple robe floating in the stream of particles was caught in the hands of the Titan warrior.

boom! boom! boom!

In chaos, Catherine used ten or one hundred Titan fighters as a system, and she ran across the battlefield, causing a lot of damage.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of Titan warriors quickly approaching those who are all close to each other, or rushing to those star kings with thousands of formations.

Upon seeing the actions of the Titan warriors, eight of them all, and twenty star kings were almost shocked, and their faces were white, and they waved and said, "Retreat!"

Hundreds of thousands of court soldiers and horses led by a hundred rulers and twenty star kings were frightened to retreat by the little million gods, and no one dared to believe it.

In particular, the strength of these millions of gods are all at the beginning of the **** level. With the power of all powers, they can kill a lot of pieces.

It turned out that they were frightened!

As soon as the other party retreated, Catherine was too lazy to pursue, but sent the Titan warrior howl to scare the remaining soldiers on the court side.

Xiaohong was mischievous, and even commanded the group of warships to rush and rush.

"Quick withdrawal!"

Eight star kings who were all unified and twenty injured, immediately scared a shocking spirit, and even urged, hundreds of thousands of soldiers rushed towards the distance, almost scared and paralyzed by the warship group.

I was very afraid of the warship group once again surging, blasting the kind of beam attack they could not resist.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as he left the space blockade, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses remaining on the side of the heavenly court teleported back to the square where he came.

Before the people who stayed behind asked, all of them even shouted, "Come on, prepare for the teleportation of the kingdom of God, let's go back."

"If you run fast, hum ... otherwise ... hum!" Xiao Honghou growled behind.

The voice came, and the soldiers and horses of the heavenly court had no complexion. For this yellow-haired girl film, who only heard the sounds of the people, they almost smelled and changed, and now there is a little disturbance.

Buzz ~~~

A few seconds later, a few beams of light shone down, covering the standing place, and the light rose into the void ...

In an instant, the square was quiet!

The core area of ​​the Jinshan Holy Land has almost become a ruin. Fortunately, the last battle took place above the sky. Otherwise, the entire Holy Land is estimated to be even more dilapidated.

The more than three hundred strong men in the Jinshan Holy Land escaped when they saw the bad situation before.

What family and descendants of Zongmen were left behind by them.

If the family is gone, it can be rebuilt, and later generations can be reborn.

And their life is only one, but it cannot be damaged here.

All deaths will disappear.

But no one would miss to resurrect them.

The space-time chamber of commerce company that occupied the holy land of Jinshan, they are also cleaning up the mess and concentrating the servants and maids to speak.

These people are innocent, neither Catherine nor Xiaohonghou will be angry with them.

Besides, the other party did not resist the rule of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce. He lowered his eyebrows and tamed his face. Anyway, the Jinshan Holy Land is very rich, and it is not bad to stay as a maidservant.

In addition, there must be a large number of recruits in the future. Under the universe of Cheng Buyun, there are more than 10 billion people in the universe. Apart from the fact that some of the talents are really not good, they work in restaurants and bars.

In the future, it will be nice to call the maidservant!

In Jinshan Holy Land, tens of thousands of families have been wiped out in one go. According to statistics, the seized wealth has reached hundreds of billions of holy coins.

The remaining unstated ones are the wealth of the captured strong men. If they are squeezed out again, it is estimated that there will be more wealth.

The accumulation over millions of years, the time span is so long, the accumulated wealth is really amazing.

After all, this is the force that has ruled a large star area for millions of years.

There seem to be hundreds of billions of holy coins, but there are really few.

Replacing it with ordinary heavy treasures is no more than five pieces. For the High Immortal Venerable, it can barely be noticed.

Take the dry lord of the Mausoleum, it hangs once on the original star, and it can't be recovered for 10 billion years.

(Dr. Witch Lord: Mom sells the batch, and never forget to take me out to whip the corpse, annoying you?)


"From now on, Jinshan Xianguo will be ruled by our Space-Time Chamber of Commerce. All county governments in the territory shall not neglect government affairs and manage their jurisdiction within the county.

"At the same time, all the lords of the prefecture rushed to the Holy Land to see in one month!"

The content of the short announcement exploded directly in the virtual network, and there were those who were surprised and those who could not believe it.

Unexpectedly, Jinshan ’s immortal kingdom, which has hundreds of immortal monarchs and 100,000 immortal kings, has been declared war since the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, and it took less than a month.

The dynasty collapsed and even the Holy Land was occupied.

In other words, the battle of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce was not broadcast live, otherwise it would have been more scary.

All three soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Court were killed and retreated. Is there anything more terrifying than this?

Fortunately, everyone does not know.

Leave a piece of shame cloth to heaven.

"How is it possible, how can the Holy Land fail? And the defeat is so rapid?" In the territory of Jinshan's Immortal Kingdom, a large number of clan sect disciples looked at the announcement hanging in front of them in disbelief. , And finally became numb.

Lost focus!

All Star District notice, anyone who is in Jinshan Xianguo Daxing District, can log in the virtual network to see the colorful banners hanging high in the sky.

The sky is falling.

Yes, the annihilation of the Jinshan Holy Land, the disciples of many family sects are ashamed, and all the honor and good life are far away from them.

I want to enjoy it in the future, only to struggle on my own.

However, there are people who can't ignore the arrogance of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, and Heaven Court hasn't admitted it yet, so you dare to say a notice, where to put Heaven Court?

Conquering a fairyland does not mean that you can rule its territory. You have to admit it by the court of heaven. If the court of heaven does not admit it, it is useless to do more.

"It's really terrifyingly terrifying, and even conquered the Jinshan Immortal Kingdom in a short time." Upon receiving the news, Ao Kun sighed again and again, admiring the power of the Chamber of Time and Space.

When can you own this level of strength for your own use?

Even though he was classified as His Royal Highness, the Qinglong Empire, and his noble status was noble, not many people put him under his command.

Even if many strong men listen to his command, they are only due to their identity, loyal to the empire, and loyal to his Laozi Qinglongxianzun.

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