Plane Universe

Chapter 2208: The curtain opens

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But is this a question that cannot be forced?

Bingjia was so bad at the auction that it was enough to explain why.

Once Wang Jia appears, it will directly detonate the entire human cultivation world.

As long as there is enough wealth, no matter who it is, it will be the first time to choose to buy one.

In fact, Cheng Buyun can also reduce the price of Wang Jia, but he still thinks of doing the top route first.

Soldier armor is a universal armor, and armor is a semi-universal armor. King armor is a luxury item, and it is a treasure that countless powerful people above the level of the **** king chase.

I want to have a super treasure that I want to have.

It is more attractive than Chongbao.

A great treasure, even if it is given to you, you have to have the ability to play, but the king armor does not need to, and the divine power is enough to play. If it is a **** level, it is more afraid of perfection.

In this way ... It is inevitable that everyone will pay attention.

Soon, a few days after the two sides negotiated, the Immortal Temple placed an order and asked Cheng Buyun to supply 10 billion pieces of armor, with a total price of 10 billion sacred coins.

A total of 100 million pieces will be sold, with a total price of 10 billion holy coins.

1 million pieces of Wang Jia, the total price is 10 billion sacred coins.

Level 3 armor, all 30 billion.

Cheng Buyun was rich in oil.

However, if the 30 billion sacred coins are replaced with treasure points, it is really not much, only 150,000 points treasure points, and only more than 2 treasure points.

Not much money at all.

It's no more than 3 yuan of energy.

As for the wealth of life fruit sold, it is even more negligible.

(There was an error in calculating the value last time. When calculating, the unit price did not count up 10,000. It was just 1 trillion holy coins divided by 200,000, which resulted in a 5 million treasure point. I was wrong.)

(Everyone just laughs while reading, sometimes writing dizzy is the result.)


"Immortal Temple is still too cautious, Wang Jia customized 1 million pieces." After disconnecting the communication, Cheng Buyun shook his head slightly. He should want to experiment and see the actual results.

If the effect is really good, it will continue to mass customization.

Moreover, the conditions for wearing Wang Jia are actually not harsh, even if there is no bottom line of 10,000 times divine power, as long as the power is reached.

For example, the Amplification Class is powerful enough that God will be able to wear it.

That is, the load is relatively large and cannot be used for a long time.

Thinking of the future universe crystals flying like rain, Cheng Buyun was in a good mood.

There will be a lot of wealth coming soon, and it will be good for anyone to change.

3 yuan energy, not much, not much.

At this time, the space-time chamber of commerce company's auction will also kick off. The immortal temple is just an unexpected visitor. Cheng Buyun's main goal is still the Tiangong.

That's the big head. There are many strong players in the Tiangong Palace. One of the soldiers and horses has millions of fairy kings, and there are countless soldiers like the Tiangong.

The number of fairy kings who fall down every year is beyond count.

Jin Jianfeng of time and space continent.

Countless powerful people gathered nearby, waiting for the auction to open.

As soon as there are more people, it will be lively.

"Fairy smoke fairy king, you can't think of the auction held by the time and space empire. You are also attracted." A young man in a short-sleeved suit smiled at another middle-aged man in casual clothes.

"The time and space empire advertisements are done in our immortal country, so come and see if it is so veritable." The middle-aged man in casual clothes smiled lightly and said lightly: "If you don't even have the best immortals, That would be ridiculous. "

"Why, don't you have a fairy sword? Dissatisfied?" The young man asked in amazement.

"Well, the sword in my hand is still a bit meaningless, but the top fairy, I have not found satisfaction in these years. I hope this time and space empire auction will give me a little surprise!"

"It should be there." The youth secretly did not dare to be too sure, and then paused and said: "But the immortal armor forged by the space-time empire is indeed a bit interesting. According to their meaning, this time there is a higher level than the immortal armor. Xianjia, do not know how effective. "

There are many small groups talking like two people in the vicinity, all talking about what surprises can be given to them in this auction held by the Space-Time Empire.

Soon, the time for the auction was approaching.

But the first to open is the internal auction, which only allows VIP members to participate in three games, and the rest of the guests who are not VIP members can only wait.

There is no way to do this. Previously, the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company was only opened in the Qinglong Empire. At this moment, even if it is a strong person within the Space-Time Empire, there is no qualification.

The process of the auction, even in the middle auction, is to change the soup without changing the medicine, and it is almost the same form as the low-level auction.

The opening surprise was that there were 100 Xianjia hot spots, which directly caused countless people to compete, but the number was relatively large, and the price fell slightly, with an average of only 16 billion holy coins.

After all ... everyone can think of that there are definitely Xianjia auctions in the next two games.

Looking at the actions of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, many people know that the price of Xianjia will become lower and lower in the future.

After 100 pieces of Xianjia, the treasure that comes up is a top-level attacking spear.

Mainstream weapons have attracted countless people to fight.

Mainstream weapons, knives, guns, swords, axes, sticks, and the rest are more biased.

Such as guns, which include halberds and other types, all belong to gun treasures.

In the medium auction, there are sufficient types of treasures, and occasionally there will be an ordinary level of superb fairy artifacts, so that the auction will continue to appear climax.

During the period, there were a batch of 100 life fruits in each group, a total of 1,000 groups, and the starting price of 10,000 holy coins per group, which shocked a group of people.

Resources that can increase your talents are extremely expensive everywhere.

It was almost madly robbed, with an average of 100,000 holy coins per group.

From this, it can be seen how much discount the Chengbuyun deal gave to the life fruit of the Immortal Temple.

Finally, the finale will appear, and the armor will appear!

Countless people are excited by their super defense and powerful effects.

In particular, a group of guys with strong identity backgrounds are madly fighting, and in a short period of time, the value of their home has soared to hundreds of billions of holy coins.


As long as the fairy wears a level of armor, it can reach the armor of the level of the fairy king, and it can ignore the armor attacked by the ordinary fairy king.

For the first time, good treasures are extremely expensive.

112 billion holy coins, which is the final auction price of A, is 11 times more expensive than Cheng Buyun's shot to the Immortal Temple.

Although there are credits for the auction, you ca n’t help but say that it can enable countless people to enhance, this is the powerful effect of the armor.

The first mid-level auction for internal members ended, and all the treasures auctioned were revealed directly on the Internet, detonating almost all the enthusiasm of the strong.

Whether it is the fruit of life, or Jiang Jia, there are a lot of powerful people talking about it, lamenting the effect of Jiang Jia.

As long as the superpowers see the superpowers, who does n’t want to have it?

Even the king-level strongman was shocked and felt his scalp numb.

Especially the low-level king, who has a hard time in your heart, your sister, who has worked **** her own, and others have surpassed you with a piece of armor, is it easy?

It's hard to die.

"My God, this space-time empire wants the rhythm of every day!"

"My special, how exactly is this armor forged? The effect can be so perverted?"

It was the first time I heard that Xianjia and Jiangjia's strongman was so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

Can such a treasure armor be imagined?

PS: Reply to Lin Feng's water source book friend, your question, the protagonist naturally thinks, the problem is, if others do n’t give it, holy coins ca n’t be equal to the points, such as the primitive universe human beings, the venerable universe simply ignores this currency Status, they are mainly based on the contribution value, all transactions are conducted around the contribution value.

Cheng Buyun's ability to redeem the contribution value from the universe crystal is only a privilege, and at the beginning, this latter privilege has also been cancelled.

Cosmic Crystal can not buy treasure level above the treasure.

And ... the previous chapter has already revealed that Cheng Buyun's identity is very awkward, and it can't be solved by taking Out Treasure to exchange points.

Besides, whether the protagonist is now or in the future, energy is his main goal.

He would be able to get out of the treasure for the universe crystal.

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