Plane Universe

Chapter 2209: Advanced auction opens

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When the first medium auction ended, the Space-Time Empire officially entered the eyes of all the people of the Immortal Kingdom.

And think that the future strength of the space-time empire will far exceed all the fairy empire now.

The time and space empire that can forge immortal armor and armor can be judged by individuals.

Unless one day these armours are cracked, other empire kingdoms will be qualified to catch up, otherwise ... it will only be further and further away from the strength of the space-time empire.

In the second member auction, the process is almost the same as the first support, but some of the treasures have changed.

After all, the space-time chamber of commerce company is different from the past, and many strong people are willing to sell the risky proceeds to the space-time chamber of commerce company for auction.

Because the treasure is handed over to the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company, not only can you get wealth, but you can also get contribution points and upgrade your membership experience.

The benefits are many, and naturally, the number of treasures that the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce companies can receive is much greater.

Space-time Chamber of Commerce company is also a refusal to these strong adventurers, as long as they come to accept.

The third game ...

The auction is bustling, and the auction price of A is also rising. The second transaction price is 115 billion holy coins, and the third one has reached 120 billion holy coins.

Many people know that if they don't take action, the auction price will definitely make people vomit blood when they compete with all the strong ones.

What is now held is only an internal member auction. Once the three games are over, the fourth game begins with the participation of the strongest of all mankind's immortal kingdom. The family of the old immortal empire has much more wealth than them.

Ten medium auctions ended.

The auction of Jiangjia was really rushed by countless people, the transaction price was high one by one, and finally it exceeded 150 billion holy coins.

"At this point, every day for ten days, a series of ten intermediate auctions finally ended. Thank you for your support. On behalf of the Space and Time Chamber of Commerce, I thank everyone for your participation." On the auction stand, Fairy Fairy smiled like flowers all around. Thanks, I am very excited.

Being able to stand on such a stage, facing the strong men she didn't dare to imagine in the past, has become a highly anticipated existence.

She had never considered or dared to think about it before, but now ... she did it and became the most famous auction in the human fairyland.

Joining the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and becoming one of them, she is proud of her identity!

The huge auction venue is very quiet, even if there are countless strong people in the entire venue, reaching hundreds of billions, but there is no slight clutter.

Only the voice of Qingluo Fairy covered the scene.

The auction is over, but none of the strongmen withdrew.

They are waiting.

Wait for Qingluo Fairy to announce the time of the last high-end auction.

The last high-level auction, this is the event everyone expects.

In the intermediate auction, there are occasionally a few pieces of superb fairy, not to mention the advanced auction?

It is worth looking forward to!

"Everyone, ten mid-level auctions are over, and the last high-level auction is about to open. The time ... It is also at 12 noon, and it will be held tomorrow, I hope you will not be late."

"The advanced auction held by our Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company is definitely the best of all the immortals, and the treasure is also the most high-end auction, which will certainly not disappoint everyone."

"As our governor Bai Suzhen said, the time selection of the senior auction held this time is too hasty, so there is no limit to the high threshold, as long as the strength reaches the general level, or the cultivator with a net worth of more than 1 billion holy coins , Are allowed to enter. "

"Twelve noon tomorrow, I ... Qingluo Fairy is here waiting for you again, looking forward to your participation!"

"Now ... the last intermediate auction is officially over, thank you all!"

So far, all ten intermediate auctions have ended.

But the storm has just begun.

Almost no immortal country has a lot of talk about this time auction conference held by the space-time empire, and many people are speculating about the content of the last high-level auction.

Treasures at this level of the Need for Immortals are inevitable, but what everyone is talking about is that the level of Needs for Immortals has reached that point!

After all, even the best artifacts, there are strengths and weaknesses, can not be generalized.

Anyway, it is all kinds of expectations.

Looking forward to the last so-called premium auction.

The space-time empire has shown its limelight in this short period of time, overwhelming all the empire of the immortal kingdom, and its reputation is unknown to everyone, and it can be said to be a few years old.

The tone reveals the yearning.

This is a bad signal.

Many senior officials in Xianguo felt caught off guard and considered how to reverse this trend.

It's just, how easy is it to talk about?

Everything still has to watch the last high-level auction. After all, if you have an idea at this moment, you have to wait.


For more than ten hours, for practitioners, even a blink of an eye is not enough.

Even many strong men did not leave Jin Jianfeng, stopped in the venue to talk and talk, and even someone took out the wine and drank it on the spot.

When the time approached 1 o'clock noon, a large number of powerful people flew over like a locust, and the number was so large that it caused numbness in the scalp.

In the entire human fairyland, there are a lot of strongmen. The strongmen of each fairyland empire are calculated in billions. Even the weakest fairyland empire has at least tens of millions the above.

The last high-level auction was very lively. Fortunately, Jin Jianfeng Square was large enough, otherwise it would not be able to hold so many powerful people.

The threshold of one billion holy coins, to be honest, is really not much.

Many Jinxian strong men with a little background can have such a net worth.

So much so that the number of powerful people who participated in this high-level auction reached trillions.

The huge number of people, if they are ordinary people, is estimated to have been a mess.

Rows of seats are occupied by people, and the seats are full, and even the people who have no seats finally land on the surrounding high mountains or float directly in the air.

Grand event!

Almost arguably the biggest event in history.

The auctions held in the past did not attract such a large number of powerful people.

At 12 o'clock, the fairy of Qingluo flew directly down from the mountain peak, and the audience immediately cheered warmly.

"Everyone ..." Qingluo Fairy looked around and smiled. The voice covered the audience and made everyone quiet down immediately. "Thank you for your enthusiasm. You don't have to say more words. The auction, officially ... start! "

boom! boom! boom!

Grand colorful fireworks exploded in the sky, indicating that the auction was about to begin.

"Old rules ..." Qingluo Fairy smiled all over her face. Just after saying this, there were boos around her. Who doesn't know what the old rules of the space-time chamber of commerce company auction are?

Hot auction items are generally high-level treasures throughout the auction.

PS: When the protagonist and Tiangong have completed negotiations on the Wangjia incident, they are ready to break through the achievements of immortality, and then go out for a few big circles.

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