Plane Universe

Chapter 2364: It's not as good as coming

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The huge fire column with a diameter of more than one million kilometers, and an extremely exaggerated blow, will directly blast out Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong out of the secret realm.

Can't resist at all.

The fire column from the bombardment was too powerful and wide in scope.


A strange yell, Cheng Buyun hit countless cyclones and fire clouds all the way, it can be said to have taken a shower in the fire clouds.

Changed to a strong man, it is estimated that the person is long gone.

Not to mention the corpse, Ash couldn't find a bit.

Xiaohong quickly flew to Cheng Buyun's side, even escorted him, and said with guilt: "Brother, are you okay? It's all because I'm bad. The response is too slow, so you are hit by a pillar of fire!" "

With Xiaohong’s help, Cheng Buyun finally stabilized his body, and then heard Xiaohong’s words of self-blame, and even laughed: “It’s okay, you still don’t know what I can bear, little fire pillar, then Can hurt me."

Although it was easy to say, Cheng Buyun was also deeply shocked in his heart. He was bombarded by the ground fire pillar, and he was actually lost a dozen points of his body.

Very terrible power.

You must know that he has the highest peak armor and is fully equipped, which can weaken the physical attack to a level of one hundred thousandth.

In this way, more than a dozen gods were killed.

If it is another universe overlord or even the top universe overlord, if it is bombarded in this way, then it can still be alive.

It is estimated that when the bombardment hit, the person would be gone.

Even if it is the most common master of the universe, I am afraid that it will be hit hard if it does not die.

The power of the Earth Fire Pillar is large and small, the weakest is at the level of the Supreme Universe, the strongest kind, the power is comparable to the power of the third-order universe master.

And this kind of power is not a type of secret attack, but is equivalent to a strong self-destructive attack.

Therefore, although the fire column that bombarded Cheng Buyun was not the final type of power, it is probably equivalent to the level of the first-order universe. However, the self-explosive attack power is still fully charged.

Even if the background is deep and strong, such as Cheng Buyun, it also suffered heavy losses.

More than 10% of the loss of the **** body, if you want to replenish it, I am afraid that you need to get 10 treasure points to recover.

In other words, he is an immortal level of divine power, and the energy level is weak, otherwise... it is estimated that no one hundred treasure points can be recovered.

However, Cheng Buyun is not an ordinary person. More than 10% of his body is worn out. With the volume of the sea, it can be fully recovered in at most one year.

"God Body Recovery!"

Under a breath, the **** body has been supplemented by the sea, and the strength of Cheng Buyun's deity has returned to the peak level.


Hearing that Big Brother said it was fine, he joked to appease himself. Xiaohong still secretly blamed herself. "I blame myself for being bad. I still have a small problem in such dangerous places."

In fact, in terms of Xiaohong’s quality, although the ground fire column is powerful and has a large diameter range, it is still impossible to bombard her by bombardment.

After Xiaohong itself is a top flying palace treasure, with a diameter of 200 million kilometers and a very heavy tonnage, she just chased Cheng Chengyun by the power of the pillar of fire just now.

This awkward situation, although long in speaking, is actually just a moment in time.

On the other side, the Dragon Master, who was already preparing to go deep into the realm of Skyfire, was also shocked by the groaning of Cheng Buyun. Hearing the sound and the figure of involuntary flight, he soon discovered that it was not Cheng Buyun?

What's up with him?

Why... I ran into the cloud of fire, do you want to try your ability?

For example, can you try the Peak Treasure Armor donated by the ethnic group?

He thought very strangely in his heart, but in the end guessed that it should have been hit by a pillar of ground fire suddenly appearing underneath, which was also too bad.

However, the bad luck also depends on the level. The so-called misfortune depends on each other, especially for Cheng Buyun.

The fire column that can even retreat into Cheng Buyun can be retreated so far. Obviously, the level is not low, so... is it luck, or is it really bad luck... I think it should be an occasion!

Skyfire Secret Realm has also been there many times. It can count the number of times the Earth Fire Pillar appears.

While thinking about these things, he quickly escaped into the void to hide traces, so as not to be detected by Cheng Buyun and Xiaohong.

Cheng Buyun turned around and looked at it without realizing it.

"Brother, it looks like someone..." Xiao Honghou felt a very slight fluctuation when the Lord of Dragon Walk flashed, so he said quickly.

"I also sensed it, but found nothing. Be careful, maybe our signs have been exposed." Cheng Buyun responded, secretly saying: "Is it a coincidence, or?"

If yes, who would it be?

There is little chance of leaking your own destination.

I only told Chaos teacher, could Chaos teacher still betray himself?

Isn't that a joke!

If it is an enemy, it would be too appropriate. I would never be so unlucky. There was a fire column bombardment in the front, and then it was seen by aliens.

The two appear together, this chance...

The sky fire mystery is so big, and it can happen to be in this position, the probability is almost unimaginable.

So he guessed in his heart that it might be the great existence of mankind.

Of may also be the master of the alien universe.

The only thing that can't be noticed by yourself is the level of the universe's lord, and it is the very powerful lord of the universe.

If it is the master of the universe at this level, once he sees himself, there is almost no chance to let go of such a good opportunity.

Never mind.

No matter who it is, it’s no matter if it’s an interracial one, or anyone else.

It's not easy to find such a big fire secret in Tianhu.

"Huh, the sense of touch is really sharp. I was almost discovered by this little devil. Fortunately, I moved fast enough, and the realm was much higher than him, otherwise... I have to lose face this time." The Lord of Dragons breathed secretly.


Whether it is Xiaohonghou or Cheng Buyun, he is not too worried about his appearance and has never thought of hiding his identity.

"Let's go, we continue to go in. The appearance of the ground fire pillar is even more bombarded. It is an unfortunate thing for other strong men, but for ourselves it is an opportunity and an opportunity." Cheng Buyun Lian said.

The pillar of earth fire equivalent to the power of the first-order universe indicates that there is a treasure.

Once again into the secret realm of Skyfire, Cheng Buyun is quite arrogant. He directly ignores a large number of whirlwind fire clouds and descends.

After passing through the clouds, the sight is full of fiery magma sea.

The incomparably vast magma sea, I don’t know how many trillions of miles, and it extends to a very far range.


Long! Long! Long!

At this moment, in the magma sea below, a magma sea with a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers is constantly rolling and rolling, and it is as if the water has been boiled, and it is violently oscillating.

Many magma are constantly being tossed high and then fall back, just like preparing for the next eruption

Something is coming out under the magma sea!

Obviously... the rank of this thing is not low, otherwise... the treasure should have come out long ago.

Cheng Buyun was also a little excited at the moment. The time he was bombarded just now, I don't know how many times the magma sea erupted, but no matter how many times it was, obviously the number of eruptions was not over.

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