Plane Universe

Chapter 2365: I wanted to form an alliance with me

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The level of the first-order power of the Lord of the universe has erupted before. Then... even if the explosion is ended this time, the level of treasures born in the magma sea must be at least in the highest rank.

It will be even more precious.

If it continues to explode, then... The treasures of the soul treasure domain are possible.

In fact, Cheng Buyun's net worth should not be so excited.

The wealth he possesses, for itself, is already richer than 99% of the universe's masters, even top-notch treasures, open for change.

Dozens of items can be exchanged in the ethnic group.

Even though this is the case, it is important to know that Cheng Buyun's current wealth is exchanged for things and ethnic groups. The wealth he has learned through his own experience is simply not much.

It can be said that the adventure income is not enough for the gift of ethnic groups!

For the first time in my life...I am excited!

"Brother, there are enemies next to me!"

Xiaohong looked back into the distance, reminding Cheng Buyun to pay attention.

After hearing Xiaohong, Cheng Buyun reminded him that he even calmed down with the excitement on his face.

No wonder they all say that although the strong guys cultivated in the greenhouse have the strength, they do not understand anything.

I made a huge mistake just now, just like a newcomer who just came out for adventure and experience. There is only the place where the treasure is born, but he has not paid attention to the surrounding environment.

It really shouldn't be.

I sighed in my heart, there are many more to learn!

When he flipped his hand, a silver mask suddenly appeared in Cheng Buyun's hand, directly covering his face. The soul breath also changed for a while, covering up his original appearance.

After seeing the big brother's behavior, Xiaohong laughed strangely and said, "Hey hee, don't you say you don't hide your identity? Then do I have to change my body shape? It must be fun!"

"I didn't say that I want to cover up my identity. I just put on a mask and changed my soul. I can't blame me if I don't know it. Let's guess it!" Cheng Buyun said inexplicably.

But it seems superfluous, and wants to cover it!

Who doesn't know after Xiaohong!

Anyone can guess his identity as soon as he sees Xiaohong. Isn't it the human devil... who can hide it!

"Okay!" Xiao Honghou said reluctantly.

But he whispered softly.

Cheng Buyun's eyes looked into the distance, and his spiritual consciousness stretched silently.

There are more than ten figures standing in the air outside the huge lava sea eruption zone hundreds of millions of kilometers, divided into several groups, or three people together, or two people together.

There are also some strong individual.

At this time, the eyes of all the strong men were staring at the eruption area of ​​the magma sea, and the cold eyes also shifted to the surroundings from time to time.

As far as Cheng Buyun sees, one of them is from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. The number is three, and the strength is from the high to the peak of the universe.

The second party force is the strongest of the thorn ring alliance, alone, the level of universe hegemony.

The third-party human horse is a strong man of the mechanical family, and the two universes are powerful.

The strength of the fourth party, the prison alliance, two cosmic overlords.

The fifth party, the Snow Xinjiang Alliance, is only one word away from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, but it is the difference between the words and the strength is very different.

In terms of strength, the Xuejiang Alliance is not much worse than the top alliance forces, but it is only a large alliance, because they do not have the strongest universe in the seat, and the gap is reflected here.

The number of strong men is five, and the level of the superior universe is respected.

Obviously a squad.

"It's a strong man!" One of the Xuejiang League team looked like the steel casting giant Lian Zhao at the location of Cheng Buyun. Its dark skin surface reflected a burst of arc under the magma reflection.

"How about the strong human beings, none here will be friends."

"Come and come, there are more strong ones, and it will be better to touch the fish in the muddy water when the treasure is born." A strange animal expression with a pair of antlers and a crocodile shape said grinningly.

"Be careful, because we have a large number of strong men, we will definitely become the primary target of the strike. If the enemy really wants to attack us, we will retreat from a distance and pay attention to the opportunity to **** the treasure." Another Snow Alliance The strong even remind everyone to pay more attention.

Several other Snow Alliance alliance powerhouses have been in a hurry. Obviously, they have great respect for this Snow Alliance alliance powerhouse with wings and exudes sharp power.

It should be the leader of the team.

"Brother, are we waiting here?" Xiaohong pouted, apparently wanting to make trouble.

"Just wait and see."

Cheng Buyun looked around and said, "It's still a long time ago, and I'm not afraid that all these aliens have run away."

The strong men waiting for hundreds of millions of kilometers are very quiet.

Except sometimes talking softly with one's own strongman, there is no intention of communicating with other alien strongmen.

The cosmic overlord of the thorn ring alliance noticed Cheng Buyun here and looked at it from time to time, even extending his consciousness to investigate.

I don't know what it means.

Cheng Buyun was determined to be very interesting, so the direct soul transmission said in the past: "Yun Heng, but is there something wrong?"


Yun Heng, the Lord of the Spinning Alliance, was surprised, and it was estimated that Cheng Buyun would first give him a voice. He immediately responded with a happy heart and said, "Your mankind knows me, please? Please forgive me for being awkward. I don’t know if you are a human being. Please let me know if you are strong."

"Since you don't know my name, you don't have to say it. You only need to know that I am a human being." Cheng Buyun Lian said, not knowing what the other party was paying attention to, the tone was so polite.

"Also, then I'll call you a strong human being, friends, all are familiar with it slowly." Venerable Yun Heng smiled happily: "Re-recognize that I am the Honourable Venerable of the Lianhuan Alliance. "

Cheng Buyun nodded and said well.

The two greeted each other.

Soon, His Holiness Historian turned the topic to the upcoming treasure, and said with great anxiety: "Lord of mankind, the treasure that was born this time is not low, and you and I are both weak, although both are cosmic overlords. The strength of the level, but the strength of the other parties is not weak. After a while, we will definitely lose. I wonder if there is any way for your Excellency?"

"You have also seen that I have just arrived in the Heavenly Fire Secret Realm. I don't know anything about it, how can there be a way to think about it." Cheng Buyun sighed deliberately: "This is a helpless thing, my humans are nearby The strong are too far away, and they can't support them at all."

"It's better to do this. You and I have formed an oral alliance. After the treasure is born, we will deal with other strong aliens together. In the end, if the treasure is obtained by you and us, how can we discuss or discuss it in terms of strength?" Yun Heng The proposal said.

Obviously, none of the strong players present can reassure His Holiness Lord Hun. Only the newly arrived human Cheng Buyun can reassure him.

After all, as a pinnacle group in the universe, humans still have a reputation for points, especially in terms of reputation.

It is most appropriate to form an alliance.

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