Plane Universe

Chapter 2407: Heavenly Lord Venerable

"Too exaggerated. Is this news true?"

"Lively, it seems that this boring primitive universe finally has a little fun, okay!"

The great beings who heard the news were all happily sent in their nature and rushed to the secret realm of fire.

Skyfire Secret Realm Void continues to have misty beams of light flashing, no need to ask to know that it is a bit of super presence.

A large number of strong men rushed towards the cable field in all directions and rushed past as quickly as possible, do not want to miss the wonderful fighting scene.

It is rare to see such a bustling hundred years, and no one will miss it.

I only hope that the four pinnacle groups will not be anticlimactic.

The incident that Cheng Buyun tinkered with was so sensational.

The life level of more than 10,000 times, how exaggerated you are, how can the three major ethnic groups that are hostile to humans let them grow up smoothly, and the fool will know that the three major pinnacle groups will definitely send a great presence to attack and kill the threat. In the cradle.


Inside the Chaos Palace of the Thunder Island Virtual Universe.

The Lord of Chaos summoned Cheng Buyun directly, and he didn’t even want to talk about it, and said without waiting for the latter to salute: "Tu'er, the movement you made this time is a bit too big, what do you think, not telling you about it Order it!"


Cheng Buyun smiled and bowed: "This is not my problem. After all, I have to go to practice. I always have to face the enemy. How can I know that I have been seen through, but can I put the error on my head?" And the demon tribe of Tianhua Venerable Dog Day, the strength is okay, so I spent a little more time to sharpen... one trick to kill the other party, what is the experience!"

"I remind you that now a large number of strong aliens have passed to where you are, especially the great existence of the three big aliens, you must be careful, if you are not sure, take advantage of the time now, quickly kill Venerable Tianhua, and then hide for a while It’s not bad to go out again.” Chaos City Lord reminded, but also wanted to see what Cheng Buyun said, if his expression changed a little... Chaos City Lord had to think about it.

Because it also means that Cheng Buyun is not sure about fighting against the existence of greatness, he must be careful, and the great existence of their group of support must immediately enter the battlefield, and even forcefully take Cheng Buyun away.

"Relax, teacher, with my ability, even in the face of the great existence of this level of the teacher, it is not difficult to win, and life is not difficult!" Cheng Buyun was not humble this time and showed full confidence.

The Lord of Chaos nodded secretly when he heard it, and didn't think his disciples were talking.

The peak-level treasure armor, a huge **** body height of 100,000 kilometers, and a sea of ​​more than one trillion kilometers in diameter, even if he is not sure to fall his disciples.

Smash hard, just hammer.

Fight him badly, it's your job!

"Okay, then I'm optimistic, how much face can you give me, see you play it for a while!" Chaos City Lord leaned on the seat with a happy expression on his face, very relaxed, and there was no way to let it go. Worries.

What to worry about...

In terms of the ability to be beaten, he is not as good as his disciples.

In the case of one punch for one punch, the chaos lord is really better than Cheng Buyun.

The great existence has a higher degree of cohesion of the gods, and of course the defense is more powerful, but the stock of the gods is only so much. Under the terrifying 100 million-kilometer-meter divine ocean stock of Cheng Buyun, Xiaofeitian will not work!

The owner of Chaos City does not yet know that the diameter of Cheng Buyun's You Hai Pang Zhao has reached one light year.

More exaggerated!

He only judged according to the Lord of Nine Nether, thinking that the sea of ​​Cheng Buyun's sea has expanded a little at most now, and he couldn't imagine that Cheng Buyun was a pervert, in fact, he could expand the sea to a light year early. .

But before the breakthrough, it was limited by the laws of the universe.

"Okay, I will definitely give the teacher a big face, and let the teacher show it everywhere in the future, and I have a face, ha ha!" Cheng Buyun laughed proudly and proudly!

Not humble at all!

There is no need to pretend to be in front of Chaos Teacher, know the roots and roots. Apart from time and space, Cheng Buyun really has nothing to hide from Chaos Teacher.

The latter can almost be known to him!

"Well, there is another news to tell you that this time I will also send a lot of great existence to support you, and will never let you fight alone." The chaos city master finally reminded.

This result Cheng Buyun can naturally think of, even with his toes, he can think of it!


Skyfire Secret Realm Xingyuyan Fire Continent.

At this moment, Venerable Tianhua is as if he is living like a year, he suffered a double attack, his body has been reduced quickly, but in half an hour, his body has reached about 50%, and he is seriously injured, or Cheng Buyun can only leave such a half after he stays behind. ...Have been changed to death.

The **** body lost half, its strength is ten, and it is weak and weak to resist. Now it is a high cosmic venerable person who can shock him to the ground.

The divine body consumes 10%, which is not so big, and the strength is about 90%.

The loss of 20% of the divine body is a bit heavy, and the strength is only about 70% of the peak.

If the divine body loses 30% and is hit hard, the strength of one body is only about 50% of the peak.

If the divine body loses 40% and is hit hard, the strength of the body is only about 20% of the usual one.

If the divine body is half worn and seriously injured, there is no strength in one body. At this point, there is little hope of resistance.

If the deity loses 60%, is seriously injured, the consciousness of the immortal deity level may even have the illusion of wanting to sleep.

70% loss, severe dying, coma, no external stimulation, will not wake up automatically.

The loss is more than 80%, and the outside world is falling apart.

However, the overlord of the universe is not in this list, even if the **** body has 10% remaining, it can persist for a long time.

At the level of the Universe Venerable, the will is extremely powerful, and it is basically impossible to beat the Venerable Universe to sleep!

Even if there is only a little left in the body, as long as the outside world has a little stimulation, it can wake up immediately.

"Sovereign Tianhua is finished, and his breath is so weak that even I am confident that one finger will overwhelm him."

"Yeah, it's dead, there is no possibility of survival. It's just a matter of whether the strong humans are willing to kill."

All aliens have been judged now, who is the winner of this fierce fighting.

Mankind has become a cloud!

"Tianhua, it seems that your demon clan did not exist to save you!" Cheng Buyun sneered and glanced at the pale and **** Tianhua Venerable, who was extremely arrogant and screamed with the stick in his hand. : "Let me end your life!"

"Damn... Damn Sirius, I'm in a life-and-death crisis, and I'm still tossing about it. When I break through, I must find your account!" Heavenly Sovereign Venger's anger was nowhere to vent, he could only move towards Cheng Buyun snarled, and his own strength lifted the hammer and smashed it.

But the attack is weak, Cheng Buyun pulls the stick at will, shouting, "Go to you!"

The ten-kilometer body of Venerable Tianhua stumbled to the side as if the child had been pushed vigorously.

"Dead!" Cheng Buyun chased up violently, his face murderous, and the monkey is about to come to an end.

Suddenly, an indescribable thing, "Stone Pestle", slammed his head and covered his face and slammed into His Holiness, slamming his head.

Peng! Boom! Peng! Peng!

The extremely rapid blast spread all around, and Venerable Tianhua even roared to resist, but unfortunately... he was too weak.

The reaction is also sluggish like a seventy to eighty grandmother, the movement is so slow!

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