Plane Universe

Chapter 2408: Sirius comes

On the earth, the body of about ten kilometers long was lying on the potted ground, and the snow-white hairs of the whole body also completely lost their original luster, like a layer of gray, and the original look was no longer visible.

And the huge blood-red hard eye on his head was sternly staring, staring deadly, as if he was not squinting... On his master's left and right hands, he also squeezed a black sledge hammer tightly, and the armor on his body was also a trace Spots, even some places have been damaged.

The fight during the life should be extremely intense to cause such a degree of damage.

Heavenly Lord Venerable is dead.

He was so suffocated that he was beaten to death by Cheng Buyun with an iron rod and stone pestle.

The whole area is tens of millions of kilometers away, and a large number of aliens are quiet.

A top-level cosmic overlord has died in front of him, so shocking!

Venerable Tianhua is also a strong man in the universe. Almost no one in the universe dares to mess with it. Unexpectedly... Today, he was killed by a strong man of mankind.

It can even be said that it was killed without much resistance!

And the existence that can kill Tianhua Venerable is powerful and imaginable.

Many strong aliens looked at Cheng Buyun's proud figure, his eyes full of admiration.

Cheng Buyun held the stone handle with his hands and put the pestle on the ground, enjoying his masterpiece with all his leisure time, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Tianhua Venerable, the dog-day guy, has no idea how many human powerhouses have been killed for hundreds of millions of years. As early as the original star of 10 billion years ago, the dry witch king was killed by this guy.

This time... finally revenge Xue Wu hate for the big brother Wu.

After taking a few photos, Cheng Buyun sent them to the Lord of the Witching Kingdom.

Soon, the Lord of the Matriarch had a reply, "Thank you brother, thank you for avenging me! This time I was so happy, haha, it’s no big deal for me to die once, and Tianhua to die once, hahahahaha ...The loss is much greater than mine."

The Lord of the Witching Kingdom was very happy and almost incoherent.

Nothing beats the sight of the enemy.

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and finally sent the complete battle video to the past.

The battle of the strong is hard to see. Cheng Buyun is naturally ready to record, and the battle scene is extremely complete, which can further expand the vision experience of the strong inside the family.

I even learned something from it.

This last one is the most important.

"Huh, this stupid guy finally hung up, this will not be able to jump up again arrogant." Xiao Honghou flew over, stretched his feet to kick the head of Venerable Tianhua, said with a mocking look on his face : "Let you be arrogant, and don't look at yourself, can you also be arrogant in front of my brother?"

"Don't listen to me, now it's okay, hang up!" The other party is dead, even Xiaohonghou, the little vengeful guy, hasn't let it go, and he has to make a big deal of it. When you hear this remark, you have to be angry and fainted again!

Xiao Honghou's voice didn't cover up at all, and spread directly. All the strange strong people in the neighborhood heard it, but there was no accusation, and the expression was extremely silent.

The winner is king!

The victory is naturally to say what is what, no one will oppose you.

However, the most doubtful thing about a large number of aliens is that since Cheng Buyun killed Tianhua Venerable, why did he not leave and still stay on the scene?

Does he not know where he is now?

Or did the high level of humanity not remind him?

This is the most doubtful place of the alien strong.

Because I don’t have to think about it, Cheng Buyun, whose identity was exposed, was extremely dangerous at the moment. The three major aliens regarded him as a thorn in his eyes.


And the Lord Sirius, who had just shuttled from the dark universe to the Fire Continent, immediately received the news of the death of Heavenly Sovereign, and he was extremely furious.

His rage was not a pity for the death of Venerable Tianhua, but a feeling of being lost face.

Thinking of him going to rescue a great existence, even before he arrived at the scene, the clan to be rescued had already died tragically.

Very embarrassing!

At the same time, he was also rebuked by the dream demon ancestor very unhappy, thinking that he did not work hard, did not do his duty, even more angry and roaring, if the human Cheng Buyun left, he was asked afterwards good looking.


The overwhelming momentum exploded, and an irresistible breath came.

All grass and trees, forests, lava lakes, mountains, streams, etc. on the blazing continent of nearly 1,000 light years have all been restrained by this irresistible force.

After this unstoppable and irresistible force came, all the powerful people from all the ethnic groups on the fire continent were shocked and frightened!

"No, the Lord of the universe has come!"

"Is the Lord of the universe!"

"The Lord of the universe actually landed on this ruined continent?"

Many venerable cosmists of various races who are not well-informed cannot understand why the Lord of the Universe came, but since the Lord of the Universe has come, they are all forbearing and dare not resist the slightest, so as to avoid misunderstanding.

In particular, some alien cosmic overlords dare not show their heads at all.

Although relying on the empty account alone, time and space cannot kill the level of the cosmic overlord, but it can completely make the overlords difficult to walk, and it is very difficult to walk, let alone fly!

The Lord of the Universe completely teleported, and then shot directly to kill his target.

Unless you have a superpower of the universe with the best level of treasure, otherwise... it is difficult to escape in the hands of the universe master.

But it does not include Cheng Buyun.

He looked into the distance with his leisurely eyes, and seemed to see the faint vague shadow through the void, his expression calm and the movement very elegant.

"What a courage, killing me, the demon clan strongman still dared to stay in place and wait, humans... who gave you such a courage!" The shocking void angry voice came with Yan Man, and also let all aliens know The advent of the advent of the universe is a member of that group, and at the same time, he knows who the advent of the adversary is looking for.

Demon race, human!

"Huh, the scope of the universe's mastery of time and space is really wide, even covering the entire Fire Continent, and the binding power is too strong." Cheng Buyun felt the powerful binding power imposed on himself, secretly judging The author is at least a thousand times more than his own level of scope.

"Brother, it's Sirius." Xiaohong's expression was a little dignified, and his eyes became extremely serious, but there was no slightest fear on her face, and she could still see expectation from her eyes.

"Well," Cheng Buyun nodded, and exhibited the time and space range that he exhibited. It was about a light-year range, and Xiaohong used about a hundred light-years because of his powerful divine power.

But still not as good as the advent of Sirius.

Yes, Cheng Buyun recognized who was the Lord of the coming universe.

He will never forget the breath of Sirius!

At this time, Sirius also tried to teleport directly to Cheng Buyun, but failed immediately.

The space and time around dozens of kilometers around Cheng Buyun was greatly disturbed and could not be moved at all.

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