Plane Universe

Chapter 2430: The learning savvy that frightens aliens

Unbelievable things appeared in front of them, and the Lord of Sirius, the Lord of Banff, and the Lord of Order were almost confused right now.

The foreign powerhouses who looked uncomfortable around them were equally bewildered.

The great human beings are also dizzy.

An incredible expression on his face.

They couldn't imagine that Cheng Buyun's divine body recovered to its peak in the blink of an eye. Could this be the trump card that Chaos City Lord said?

My God, the power of the clone!

Such a genius still possesses the ability of a clone, so terrifying, all the great beings secretly swallowed their saliva, which was called envy in his heart.

Many great beings, strong people with the power of clones, are almost rare!

Take the eighteen masters of the universe, the only one who possesses the power of clones is the Chaos City Master.

This shows its rarity.

It can even be said that two or three of the 100 masters of the universe may not have the ability to do so.

The avatar's ability is different from the secret method that can be cultivated, it is a certain kind of life's innate skill, and cannot be forced.

Even if you have the mighty power, if you don't have it, you don't have it.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Buyun also possesses such a rare and hard-to-find clone ability in the universe.


"You still have the power of a clone, my God!"

"This is a big joke!"

"The background is so strong that it makes people jealous!"

"The power of the clone, if it can't be enslaved by the soul, and can't be suppressed, it's basically impossible to rely on killing the cultivation heart of human Cheng Buyun!"

A large number of foreign experts suddenly exclaimed again and again, with shocked expressions on their faces.

There are two levels of existence for strong people with and without the ability of clones.

If there is a clone, there will be no worries, no fear of falling, and daring to fight and break in any dangerous place.

Fighting with the strong is also crazy, and he is the most difficult strong in the universe.

Take the Lord of Jiuyou, who would dare to provoke?

Even the strongest in the universe has to be a little bit thin.

Fair competition is okay. If you use shady tactics against him, you should prepare him for revenge.

It's okay if there is no ethnic group dragged down. If there is an ethnic group dragged down, it would be a tragedy!


"Unexpectedly, you still have the avatar you are capable of, and the level of threat is a little stronger." The Mechanical Demon sighed secretly, and there were more reasons to die into Buyun.

It's just that... the existence of a clone is too difficult to completely fall to the opponent.

Killing is just to **** some treasures.

Planning of things has become particularly difficult!

The Zerzu queen and the dream demon ancestor both shook their heads secretly. Could it be that the road of human beings rising into the cloud cannot be stopped?

Time and time again, always showing some ability that makes them weak.

Seeing that he was about to fall, but showing the power of a clone, killing him was just a **** of some treasures. If you want to cause a huge blow to him, don't think about it.


Our Majesty Yandi also saw a moment of silence, and his expression became more gloomy, but he had to admit that the potential of the Third Junior Brother was indeed much stronger than him.

No wonder the teacher is so partial.

Thinking back to the trivial intelligence chats of the Third Junior Brother that he knew, the sensational events again and again, and his unmatched talent, also made him feel helpless.

Such a monster is destined to be the pinnacle of the universe.

"The power of clone!"

"It's impossible, how can you have the power of a clone? It's impossible, I don't believe it!" The Sirius Lord roared, and everything in front of him made it hard for him to believe it was true.

But the facts in front of them cannot be denied. The divine body can be restored in an instant, only if the clone replenishes the divine energy.

After all, relying on the treasure materials to restore the divine body, there is a recovery time process, which is relatively slow.

"What about the clone? If so, let him fall here with his clone." The Lord of Order shouted fiercely, and the expressionless metal face was full of crazy colors, and roared: " kill!"

"Yes, what about the clone? It's better, you can kill him in one fell swoop." The Lord of Banff also roared again and again: "Go to death!"

A new round of fighting has begun.

"Haha, well, let us fight for three million rounds!"

Cheng Buyun laughed wildly and roared with pride.

Although confronting the opponent's three masters of the universe, they are at a huge disadvantage and there are not many counterattacks, but even if they are not many, they can increase their fighting experience.

At least, if you fight against the Lord of Sirius now, you can do a little counterattack. It won't be the same as the beginning, letting the opponent ask for what you want, and there is no ability to resist.

The situation is different.

As an ordinary person, he may not be considered a genius before encountering time and space, not even an elite human, let alone a genius.

But with the help of time and space.

Growing all the way, it has been completely transformed.

He is a super genius in all the human races of the heavens.

The soul consciousness is powerful.

The level of intellect of the wheel talent, in the entire primitive universe, a level stronger than him, is estimated to no longer exist.

Even the original ancestor of mankind when he was young was not as comprehensible as Cheng Buyun.

Moreover, comprehension will increase with the increase of the rank.


The fierce fighting shook the world, and the Flame Continent underfoot collapsed even more, and the soil was scraped off hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Visible intensity.

Fighting in the dark, seeing a large number of foreign experts dripping with cold sweat.

Being surrounded by the Lord of the Three Great Universes, Cheng Buyun's situation is indeed not much better, but the opponent is not completely unharmed.

As the main attacker, the Lord of Order, due to the need to intercept Cheng Buyun's attack power, the loss was the most, and the divine body had been reduced by about one thousandth.

One thousandth is no less. The total divine power of a Tier 2 universe lord is below 50 trillion times the level, more than 30 trillion times, and one thousandth is more than 30 billion times the divine power stock.

And the Lord of Order’s divine body is very tall, close to 10,000 kilometers,

In the fierce and cruel fighting, Chengbuyun counterattacked more and more, and even suddenly changed his moves many times, making the Lord of Order retreat violently.

The big iron rod drew a semicircle in the air, and slammed on the head of Sirius Lord, blasting it away.

"Damn it, this human kid is getting more and more difficult." The Lord of Order has a wave of fear in his heart, saying that they are beating each other instead of sparring.

Three tool man whetstones!

In the beginning, the human Chengbuyun could only be beaten by them, and the counterattack had no effect at all.

But now?

The fighting skills are getting stronger and stronger, and the reaction is so fast that he sometimes can't keep up, and he is hit directly.

Such a powerful savvy learning is simply a monster level, even a human genius he has never seen before.

Not only the Lord of Order was frightened, but also the Lord of Sirius. The difference between the front and back of human beings is too much.

It was just a fight... growing up, it made him feel terrified and shocked.

How come there is a human genius with such an enchanting intellect.

It's a personal order!

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