Plane Universe

Chapter 2431: Please be a man!

Cheng Buyun's growth can be seen by the strong on the scene.

All the alien powerhouses are also exclaiming again and again.

"It's just a battle, and the awareness of fighting skills has grown to such a high level, and the savvy is so strong that it really deserves the four words'Mingzhen Universe'."

"Haha, it's really amazing, it's admirable."

"Before I thought that his talent was exaggerated, I was very unconvinced. The so-called famous is not as good as meeting. Only by seeing it with my own eyes can I know the greatness of the other party!"

A large number of foreign experts looked at the Wei'an figure in the fight, with a look of admiration, and each was amazed.

As a neutral ethnic group powerhouse, most of them have no conflict of interests.

Because I can't fight even if I want to fight, and I don't want to take orders from other strong people, I can only lead my race to remain neutral.

There are also many masters of the universe who are also alone.

"It's the misfortune of my family."

The lord of the prison clan Juluan shook his head and sighed, his eyes were very sullen and unhappy.

"Human beings have such a talented junior, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger. In the future, our family's interests will be partially compressed."

The dark prisoner expert next to him also sighed slightly.

This is not just talking about it, it is something that will definitely happen in the future.

When human beings are strong, they will compress the territory of the three peak alien races.

However, the three major aliens cannot win the fight and can only spread to other places. Naturally, the surrounding powers will also be damaged.

At the same time, some invisible resources, such as strong trading, will also be biased towards humans to please them.

Another example is the ancestors’ religion, which will give a little bit more face to it, and will try to win over humans in terms of resource allocation.

Just like before the original ancestor was suppressed, as long as humans want to raise their arms, all races in the universe will be surging, praying to be attached to human beings.

"It's nothing more than the power of the clone, so what? Let's fall here with your clone," the Lord of Banff slammed into the shoulder of Cheng Buyun with a lightning strike.


The sharp spear was stuck and blocked by Taiwu God Armor's firmness, and it defended the Lord of Banff’s power this time, but... with a loud sound, the virtual power erupted, and part of the power was still there. The latter's body oscillated inside, causing objective lethality.

The mighty power caused Cheng Buyun's entire body to sway, shaking unceasingly, and quickly unloading the impact force.

"The armor of the treasure outside is really strong, and even my top attacking treasure can't penetrate it. Human beings are really rich, just a little guy, and even give such a simple defense treasure." The Lord of Banff shook his head secretly. , I am very envious.

The level of the supreme armor he wore on his body was nothing more than a top-level and relatively ordinary existence. The mighty power was only average, and it was at least three to four grades worse than the supreme armor he wore on Cheng Buyun.

It was even suspected that the treasure armor on Cheng Buyun was of the pinnacle level.

It's just... so guessing, he himself didn't believe it.

The ultimate treasure of the pinnacle level, human beings are not yet wealthy to that level, giving such an important treasure to a genius junior.

Not too possible!

"Haha, cool, come on!"

Cheng Buyun roared, his eyes full of anxiety that were not suppressed at all, dragging the big iron rod with great pride was a blow towards the Lord of Sirius.

The fierce fighting caused his divine body to fall from the peak level again quickly, seeing that it would exceed 30%.

A large amount of divine power has reduced the power of the secret magic by several levels.

Although damage to the divine body will not affect the strength and exhaustion of Cheng Buyun's soul, the power of the secret magic will be affected.

The number of divine power multiples and the quality of divine power energy can directly affect the ultimate power of the secret method.

Cheng Buyun is no exception.

After all, he is not really the strongest in the universe.

Even if it is the strongest person in the universe, once the divine power is consumed much, the power of the secret magic cannot be prevented from weakening.

"The secret magic power he bombed is no longer a concern. Allies work harder to completely fall here." The Lord of Sirius roared, a pair of claws slashed wildly and slashed, and the clouds were hurting. Change injury.

The Lord of Sirius was about one ten thousandth, and the Lord of Banff, except for the former pit of the cloud, did not have much loss after the battle, which can be ignored.

After all, they are the main attackers, and the two next to them are still looking forward to luck, the host of the class will be enslaved by Cheng Buyun's soul by coincidence.

"Look at me." Of course, the Lord of Order saw the weakness of Cheng Buyun's divine power, and chased him with a roar, and slashed towards Cheng Buyun.

His divine body also lost a lot, almost reaching two thousandths.

"Huh? My secret magic power has weakened. Are you very happy?" Cheng Buyun said with a mocking smile, blocking the blow of Order.

As soon as these words came out, a bad feeling arose in the hearts of the other three masters of the universe.

The premonition rose almost in their hearts, and in an instant, the divine body recovered to its peak again, causing them to almost crush their teeth.

"There is a clone?"

The Lord of Sirius looked dull, and the expression on the entire wolf face was completely shocked.

"Haha, come, let us fight for another three million rounds!" Cheng Buyun shouted, and the big iron rod waved vigorously again, and the secret magic power displayed soared again.


"Haha, a few idiots, just because you want to take my brother? Isn't it qualified!" Xiao Honghou shouted with a look of contempt, anyone can see the contemptuous color on the joint control .

If you were not sure, how could Empress Xiaohong forcefully **** the treasure of Lord Sirius? Wouldn't that put Cheng Buyun into a realm of death?

Really stupid, I really thought that the little red queen would ignore everything for a treasure.

Think too much of her greed!

"The divine body is restored again!"

"It seems that Cheng Buyun has more than a bunch of clones around him, it is very likely that there are many, the hole cards are really strong enough to make people enviable!"




No matter how many hole cards Cheng Buyun has put out, the three masters of the universe will not let go of his chance.

Fighting together is getting crazy!

And the little red empress next to him was still slowly competing with the Heavenly Wolf Palace. After such a long time, it was almost half an hour, and even a Heavenly Wolf Palace was not snatched away.

Who believes it!

A large number of powerful aliens cannot be seen at this time, but Cheng Buyun deliberately fights with the Lord of the Three Great Universes to increase his chances.

Such a fight is a whole day.

During the period, Cheng Buyun's divine body energy fluctuated, as long as the divine body consumes 10%, the next moment it will return to the peak level.

Such a perverted performance not only silly all the foreign powers, but also made the three masters of the universe doubt the life of the strong.

In the end, it will only be a mechanical match against Chengbuyun.

In a daze!

It's even going to collapse!

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