Plane Universe

Chapter 2433: Human beings have a super treasure

Because everything that Cheng Buyun exposed has to be doubted.

Needless to say about his secret realm, what made them suspect most was that Chengbuyun's power far surpassed the average universe overlord.

The general level of the universe overlord, even if it is very powerful, even if he masters the ultimate mystery of the universe, he is not necessarily as powerful in terms of power.

The mighty power was so strong that even the Lord of the universe could not resist, and he was beaten into a violent retreat.

The size is huge and powerful, but it's not as outrageous as you see.

The power of Chengbuyun is experienced in all aspects.

The strength is unreasonable, the defense is also shockingly strong, and the soul defense is so strong that even the Lord of Banff will suffer.

There is no weakness at all.

The only weakness is that it is not sharp enough, so it will be suppressed.

Based on his performance, isn't it what they guessed, carrying a piece of Xeon?

Sure and sure!

The Zerzu queen's guess and judgment can be said to be crooked, even if Cheng Buyun heard it, he would admire it.

Your sister, she actually took out her own bottom.

Sure enough, the eyesight of the strongest in the universe is really not weak, and he looked carefully, unlike other strong ones, who only knows how to watch the excitement, and even Cheng Buyun does not have an accurate judgment.

Cheng Buyun's current attack power is definitely not under the master of any Tier 2 universe.


"Two... Regardless of whether the human being Chengbuyun possesses a super treasure, we regard him as a real possession, so... we directly make a plan based on this guess and make the guess completely public. Once... Ha Haha!"

The huge silver-white snake head of Dream Demon Ancestor showed a vicious look, and the Zerg Queen and the Mechanical Demon couldn't help looking over, and then all smiled excitedly.

This plan cannot be said to be innocent. Once it is fully disclosed and other super-powerful believe it...then the future of human Cheng Buyun is estimated to be miserable, miserable!

It is also the result they want to see!

Although Xeon Zhibao is good, at this moment and in the future, their first thing to think about is how to restrain human beings from becoming a cloud, and preventing him from rising is the first choice.

Human beings' powerful talents are always a hidden danger, and Xeon Zhibao is always a foreign object.

After all, once Cheng Buyun completely rises, then... the founder of the human giant axe will completely escape from the drag of the ethnic group, and the degree of threat will be even higher.

The competitiveness is even greater!

As the guardian and leader of the ethnic group, the first consideration is the overall interests of the ethnic group, and then the personal interests.

Unless the ethnic group is completely abandoned.

Otherwise, even the strongest in the universe cannot escape this law.

"I agree, everything is to completely knock down the human race into Buyun."

The voice of the Zerg Empress suddenly soared, and her soft voice in the past was a bit more vicious, "Unless he is willing to hand over the strongest treasure in his body to the strong in the clan, but who will be willing!"

Even if you really want to give it, you have to believe in other super powers.

What do you think it is?

Chinese cabbage!

It's everywhere, it's about Xeon Supreme, who would be willing to give it to others.

That's almost impossible!

Because they believe that once they lose the protection of the Xeon Supreme Treasure, the strength of human Cheng Buyun will definitely drop by a large amount. Once they encounter the Lord of the universe, there is no capital to contend.

"Okay, just do what you said about Dream Demon Ancestor, it's just a piece of the strongest treasure."

The Mechanical Demon also nodded in agreement, but finally said: "But the plan is to be kept secret. If the human Chengbuyun can really escape from the sky this time, then start planning."

The Zerg Empress and Dream Demon Ancestor also nodded in agreement. After all, it is about a supreme treasure, and it is best to grab it.


The plan decided by the three strongest in the universe is very sinister, no matter how things develop, they will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and the winners are always their three pinnacle races.

Cheng Buyun didn't even know the conspiracy that the alien race was about to launch against him.

He recovered his damaged divine body again, haha ​​laughed and shouted: "Haha! What, didn't you let you down?"

With a faint sarcasm on his face, he scornfully said: "You almost want to fall to me! Come, let us fight for another three million rounds! Drink!"

"Drink your sister!"

"Fight against your sister!"

I watched Cheng Buyun's divine body return to its peak again. At this time, when he was fighting against the Lord of the Three Great Universes, there was a slight look of collapse in his expression.

An existence that cannot be beaten by a hammer is not broken, and whoever encounters it will have to collapse a bit.

Until now, Chengbuyun has been recovering and recovering continuously, the number of times has reached more than two hundred, which is simply abnormal.

It also made the three masters of the universe, including the Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Banff, shocked and terrified, and finally they wanted to rush away.

It's endless!

When is the head?

They don't want to be a sharpening stone anymore.

It's a pity that it's no longer what they said they didn't want to fight because they didn't want to fight. They have to ask Cheng Buyun's opinion and what ethnicity means.

Is it shameless to encircle and suppress with great fanfare, in full view?

It is a tragedy!

"My God, what I saw before my eyes almost broke my worldview."

"What almost collapsed, is it already collapsed, okay!"

A large number of alien universe masters have been constantly discussing, exploring what kind of means Cheng Buyun can show such a powerful ability.

There is everything, and there is also the Lord of the universe, as the three strongest in the universe guessed, that Buyun has a very large avatar with a divine body.

But this judgment is not accepted by most powerful people. Human Cheng Buyun is a flesh and blood life, and there is an upper limit on body size.

There are also speculations by the master of the alien universe that Cheng Buyun is carrying a super treasure.

At the same time, this conjecture is also supported by most powerful people.

"What a weird thing, where did the supernatural power he added come from? Is it true that, as everyone has guessed, it is impossible to have a super treasure? A weird thing!"

No one is stupid to be able to become a strong existence. The guesses that can be thought of by the three strongest in the universe present can be easily judged by other foreign powers.

Combining everything that Cheng Buyun showed, his power, his secret magic power, his physical defenses, and the powerful aspects of his soul...

Finally, this hand was revealed.

Don’t you have a super treasure in your body? !

If it weren't for having the super treasure in the body, what is the explanation of what human Cheng Buyun has shown?

Only the incomparably powerful auxiliary Xeon Treasure can do everything today.

Looking at the abilities shown by Chengbuyun several times, the realm master can possess 100 million times the power of the realm master, reaching the strength of the cosmic sage, and can even fight against the cosmic hegemon, making the cosmic hegemon helpless to him.

Many strong people in the past were confused.

I only thought it was the treasure that caused everything, but now everything has an explanation.

Super treasure function!

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