Plane Universe

Chapter 2434: The retreat conditions of the Zerg Queen

In the immediate situation, the Zerg Queen no longer cared about Xiao Hong's tone and attitude.

She only hoped to exchange the life of the Lord of Banff.

The superficial attitude still has to show that it is not.

"Release the Lord of Banff. I will stop the Zerg in this conflict and stop intervening to encircle and suppress the human race. What do humans think?" The Zerg queen wanted to end the conflict in exchange for the life of the Lord of Banff.

After all, although the strength of the Lord of Banff is not strong, he is also the master of the universe at the second-order pinnacle level. In addition to the achievement of soul illusion, the Zerg queen will naturally not let the latter be beaten to death in front of her own eyes.

If the Lord of Banff can exchange with humans, sacrifice will be sacrificed.

There are still a large number of powerful aliens watching. If the Zerg queen does nothing, there is no indication, how do the powerful people in the alliance who depend on the ethnic group, and the ten thousand powerful people in the universe?

In particular, those strong in the alliance will definitely be sad and eccentric.

The Zerg queen wanted to save the life of the Lord of Banff, so she offered to stop.

The eyes of the great human beings suddenly brightened and their hearts moved.

One more Banff lord in the Zerg Alliance does not pose too much threat to humans, and one less Banff lord will not have any overwhelming results for humans.

After all, the level of the Lord of Banff is just like that, not as powerful, and any newly promoted Lord of the Universe in the human cosmos can fight against it.

Therefore, the Chaos City Lord and others are still willing to exchange on this condition.

Cheng Buyun is the most important one!

"The Queen..."

"The Queen..."

Before the human side had spoken, the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Mechanical Demon God couldn't help it first, and even uttered aloud to let the Zerg Queen dispel this condition in exchange for the idea.

How can a Banff master compare with human Cheng Buyun?

If the Lord of Sacrifice Banff can suppress mankind into Stepun, that would be great.

If you miss this opportunity and want to die into Buyun again, it will probably be difficult.

Without the help of the Zerg Queen, neither the Dream Demon Ancestor nor the Mechanical Demon God was sure that Cheng Buyun would be sealed, because neither of them had the most powerful palace treasure.

The ultimate treasure of the pinnacle level, it is almost impossible to seal Xiao Hong with such a huge body.

Anyway, Xiaohong Empress is also a divine power at the master level of the universe, with great power, and the ultimate treasure at the peak level.


The Zerg queen shook her head secretly, not because she didn't want to kill humans into Buyun, but because of what happened before her so that she couldn't, she must exchange the Lord of Banff back to stabilize the military.

There is no way to make it clear. If there is a way but not to do it, then... what will the alien powerhouses in the alliance think?

Will the Zerg sacrifice them for profit one day?

Since the Lords of Banff can sacrifice, it is an inevitable result for them.

Naturally, without external interference, the Zerg Alliance collapsed on its own.

"Don’t say it, you also need to consider my difficulties. It’s not that I don’t want to kill humans, but I have the opportunity to exchange back to Banff, and I don’t do it. In my Zerg alliance, how can the foreign powers continue? Trust my family?"

The Zerg queen's voice is soft and firm, indicating that this is her final thought and cannot be changed.

The Dream Demon Ancestor and Mechanical Demon God also knew that it was impossible to persuade them.

Putting yourself in the place to think about it, changing their position in the Zerg queen, they can only do this.

In order to have a chance to kill the human race, regardless of their own ethnic interests, to be considerate of others is almost an absolutely stupid thing, and it is almost impossible to happen.

After all, Cheng Buyun was not only the result of the Zerg tribe's profit, but also the result of the huge future that both the monster tribe and the machine tribe obtained together.

But only the interests of the Zerg race were damaged, and the monster race and the machine race did not have to pay anything.

How would the Zerg queen be willing.


The dream demon ancestor and the mechanical demon sighed secretly in their hearts, showing a look of helplessness.

Why did this change happen?

Damn, they should have been allowed to retreat early.

At the same time, they were also a little gloat in their hearts, Xiao Hong was targeting the Lord of Banff, not the Lord of Sirius or the Lord of Order.

Otherwise, the two of them should scratch their heads.

What will humans do?

Is it to take this opportunity to fall the Lord of Banff of the Zerg Alliance, or to use the command of the Lord of Banff to replace the Zerg power to retreat.

It's all between human thoughts.



Suddenly, Empress Xiaohong finally raised her head, and turned her gaze to the enchanting and hazy body of the Zerg Queen, her expression was extremely contemptuous, and she said in a contemptuous tone: "What do you say? Don't intervene to encircle my brother, what did you do before? It's still bluffing, a group of powerful people are coming. It's a joke. What can you do with my brother?"

Without giving face to the Zerg queen, all the strong men present were shocked and shocked on the spot.

Anyway, the Zerg queen is also the strongest level in the universe, the most powerful group of existences in the universe. If you talk like this, are you afraid that you want to die?

wanna die?

In the original universe, Xiaohong Empress was afraid of who would come!

No one is easy!

In the primitive universe, the power is limited, but the highest is the sixth-order peak. With her body's defensive power, it is generally difficult to break.

After Xiaohong himself has been upgraded once, and once again evolved in Cheng Buyun's body world, in terms of level, it is already the peak limit level among the top palace treasures, and it is almost reach the level of the strongest treasure.

The palace-class treasure, the strongest is the strongest kind, which is a larger level than the armor treasure, when it meets the quality of the peak treasure armor.

And this is also in terms of quality, in terms of solidity, it can hardly be destroyed in the primitive universe.

Even if the mountain guest comes, and it takes a long time to disassemble it with the technique of refining.

So in the original universe, Xiaohong Empress is not afraid of anyone!

I really thought that Cheng Buyun was giving it for nothing, and he went out without any certainty. It was because Xiao Hong was sheltering by his side, which made it possible for him to ignore a large number of foreign powers.

In other words, the mechanical devil has a little threat to Xiaohong Empress, because the mechanical devil possesses an attacking Xeon Supreme, which can break the defense of Xiaohong Empress's body, and she needs to be assisted with divine power.

So for the mechanical devil, Xiaohong Empress has some fears.


When the Zerg queen heard Xiao Hong's mocking words, her voice was full of sullenness, "I don't know what it is, I'm so low-pitched, but in exchange for your human ridicule, human beings become a cloud, do you really think I can't help you? Could it be you? Do you really want to die?"


The Chaos City Lord spoke out, trying to persuade Cheng Buyun and the Zerg Queen to exchange terms, let the Banff Lord leave, and let the Zerg powerhouse retreat.

"Teacher, needless to say, just look at Empress Xiaohong. If she is willing to let it go, she doesn't want to." Cheng Buyun smiled in response to Teacher Chaos, and said lightly: "The threat of the Zerg queen, I really don't want to. In my eyes, and...a cosmic master is under my command, I still look forward to it."


The Lord of Chaos City almost stopped completely stunned. Is a Lord of the Universe under his command? ? ?

Do you want to fart?

Regarding how to take a hostile alien universe lord under his command, the Chaos City lord really hadn't thought about it.

It is almost impossible for the soul to enslave a master of the universe.

The Lord of the Universe is not at the immortal **** level, he can fall into a deep sleep, and when things cannot be done, won’t the opponent explode?

The dignity of the strong will inevitably make it impossible to surrender willingly, even if it is threatened by fall, there is no possibility of success.

My apprentice is really whimsical!

Enslave a master of the universe?

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