Plane Universe

Chapter 2445: So outrageous

At this time, many strong men hundreds of light years away heard the sound of the World Tree blew itself.

"Boom! Wow! Peng! Mute!"

It's vacuum!

The sound can no longer propagate. With the point where the World Tree clone blew up as the center starting point, the entire range of one light-year has become a vacuum.

A large number of particles were flowing, and the space cracks flashed and intertwined, as if the scene of the apocalyptic world. Fortunately, at the beginning, many alien cosmos venerables felt wrong. Before the Lord of Sirius came, they fled from this range early.

Otherwise...Just as the World Tree exploded, they might fall with it.

Power is really terrible.

Within a light-year range, absolutely no cosmic master can survive.

Only in the marginal area, it is estimated that only the overlord of the universe can pay a great price to ensure safety, but also the price of serious injury.

And it also depends on the distance. If it is within five trillion kilometers, it will be dead.

If it is within three trillion kilometers, at least the strength of the top cosmic overlord is needed to have a chance of survival.

If the distance is closer, it can only be the Lord of the universe.

After a while, the void gradually calmed down.

Everything is returning to its original appearance...'s a little bit different. The Flame Continent underneath, after the World Tree clone blew up, was greatly devastated.

In the original land, a huge mine was formed. The pit was as deep as the open mouth of a super beast, and hesitated about a super huge pot.

The diameter reaches more than a light-year range!

The deepest point is more than two trillion kilometers, which is where the World Tree blew.

Yanhuo Continent: What's so special, if you hit it, what does it have to do with me? Why do you want to **** me!

Fortunately, the Flame Continent is deep enough, hundreds of millions of light-years away, otherwise... It is estimated that the entire Flame Continent would have to split apart.

Many foreign experts did not make a sound, but looked at them with silly eyes, completely dull.

Such a behemoth would explode if it blew up, wouldn't it shock them?

Such a large divine body, if it wants to recover, the wealth it needs will make the scalp of all the strong people numb.

Will not be willing at all, the price is too high.

But Cheng exploded in just one blow!

"What a terrible power!"

The Lord of the Scorching Sun sighed deeply, suppressing the horror in his heart and said with incomparable emotion: "It's too powerful, if I hit it, I'm afraid I will be hit hard immediately."

The other two great human beings shook their heads. Their two strengths were similar to those of the Lord of the Fiery Sun, so naturally they didn't dare to pat their chests and dare to say a word, they could resist it.

When you hit it up close, the result of the heavy damage was all light.

It's joking, the strongest in the universe are all blown away, and they can't resist a moment with the Xeon Supreme Treasure Guard, let alone the higher level of the master of the universe?

Maybe it's possible to fall!

The City Lord of Chaos shook his head secretly, and with his insight, he knew more about how strong his disciple World Tree clone blew up.

Mo said that he is the master of the third-order universe, even if he is, it is estimated that he will be injured.

It can be said that starting from today, Cheng Buyun is more threatening than he is against alien races.

Not satisfied?

The World Tree clone came out for a walk, everyone would be frightened!


Not satisfied?

Boom again!

Boom until you are convinced!



There was a sudden movement in the space. When all the strong heard the abnormal noise, their hearts suddenly moved, and they couldn't help but turn their heads to look. They saw a pair of huge metal palms sticking out of it, and then vigorously tore the tall metal figure in the interlayer of the space.

The mechanical demon is back.

I saw the Mechanical Demon God full of anger, his head turned and scanned, and it landed on Chengbuyun, two trillion kilometers away from where he was, and snarled fiercely, "You **** human being, I'm going to kill you!"

What a shame!

It was blasted away, unable to resist even for a moment, and it was really embarrassing to be thrown into the house in full view.

What a shame!

"came back?"

Cheng Buyun has a light face, greeting him like an old friend.

"Hmph, don't you think you can hurt me?" The Mechanical Demon looked indifferent, and his divine power was not consumed at all, and it was not even enough for him to breathe, so he completely recovered.

The strongest in the universe, the miniature universe is very large, the smallest is 100 million light-years in diameter, and the cosmic energy absorbed per second is enough for them to become perpetual motion machines.

Will not be too concerned about general injuries.

"Is it?"

Cheng Buyun pursed his brows, his face showed an extremely quiet smile, as if you were coming again, it was really annoying.

The anger on the face of the mechanical devil could not be concealed at all, and he stepped out of the space mezzanine with one foot, the divine body increased again, and continued to rush towards the position where Cheng Buyun was.

The huge vibration of footsteps resounded and spread, and the rumbling momentum was unmatched.

But I want to scare Cheng Buyun a little bit naturally, he smiled and said: "The visitor is a guest, if I don't greet you well, I would seem to be too much, um~~Okay, so happy to decide. ,Come!"

With a wave of words, the avatar of the World Tree appeared again, the huge divine body stood in front of him, and said with a smile: "Come here, you are so enthusiastic, nothing said... I will definitely make you feel at home and please you!"

When the world tree clone appeared again, let alone the mechanical devil, all the foreign powerhouses were completely suppressed, as if seeing the most outrageous thing in the universe, each expression was completely sluggish.

"how is this possible!"

The Mechanical Demon looked at Cheng Buyun with a shocked look, and said with an incredible expression: "You not only have a clone, even the super treasure is real?"

"You think it is!"

Cheng Buyun didn't bother to talk to the other party. With a move of consciousness, the many fibrous roots under the huge divine body of the World Tree clone changed. The orderly combination of a large number of fibrous roots formed four foot-like plant branches, which were awkward on land. Move up.

The fibrous roots of the world tree are very long and very developed, at least about 300 million kilometers, almost about one-third of the height of the trunk.

In fact, seriously speaking, the World Tree clone is more than 100 million kilometers tall, and the correct calculation should be 1.3 billion. However, the root system of plant life is generally deep in the soil and does not like to move. Therefore, a large number of strong people in the universe have not counted the root system of plant life in Within height.

But this is not right.

For any plant life above the level of immortal gods, any part of the **** body contains divine energy, and every part of the **** body has an effect and is a divine power.

Sekaiju took the initiative to attack, and the face of the mechanical demon was very ugly.

Rao's thoughts of the past even appeared in his mind, but when this thought appeared, he immediately rejected it.

The world tree that takes the initiative to attack is not necessarily slower than him, it is a point that absolutely cannot be bypassed, as long as he wants to get close to the human Chengbuyun, then he has to face the opponent's self-destructive power.

can not avoid!

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