Plane Universe

Chapter 2446: Never give up until the last moment

Yes, it can't be avoided, only hard resistance!

And when he approaches the past, he has to be careful. When the distance is close enough, he still has to control the size of his divine body, otherwise he will increase to a billion kilometers in size at this moment, and his defenses will be thin and be blown by the opponent.

It is estimated that the loss will be great.

Apart from fear, the greed in the heart of the mechanical demon could not be suppressed, and his emotions were once high.

Don't think that the strongest in the universe does not lack divine power, just as scarce as the Lord of the universe.

The strongest in the universe is not invincible without any opponents.

When encountering strong competition of the same level, they fight wildly and fiercely, and the loss of the gods is as fast as the loss of the gods, but the usual battles are not violent, and because the microcosms they possess absorb the energy of the universe faster, they recover to make up for the loss, like There is no loss.

"It turns out that I was the one who guessed wrong, huh, the human kid hides really deep enough. If it weren't for this siege, I don't know how long to hide, and I will be hidden by him for a period of time. I am afraid that even the opportunity to prevent it will be blocked. No more." Meng Yao Ancestor's huge eyes showed sinister eyes, and he was already thinking about how to solve the predicament in front of him.

On the obscure and indistinguishable face of the Zerg queen, the illusion of mist shuddered a little, showing her shocked mood at the moment, "It's really difficult. It’s not infinite. How many times can you blew up?"

I want to use this to delay time, and want the human giant axe to come, I am afraid it is not enough!

Before the arrival of the human giant axe, try to consume the human kid as quickly as possible, break his delusion, and let him know that fall is his only ending.

The three pinnacle aliens of the universe masters, their expressions are not so calm.

All of them showed panic on their faces, and even said they were scared.

Human beings are too abnormal.

Moreover, this kind of abnormality was beyond their expectations, it was so shocking that their heads were numb and their bodies were stiff, which was a fear.

The plant life as high as one billion kilometers, the divine power close to the master level of the universe, might have seen them all.

To deal with such abnormal things in the future, who has that strong confidence?

A madman!

Suddenly I blew you up when fighting, I'm afraid you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Their flagpoles are fighting against such lunatics, isn't that unhappy for themselves!

They all prayed together, hoping that mankind would fall on the spot, even if it could not be completely wiped out, they would take away the super treasures he possessed. the future, let alone go out and compete with each other, they will not sleep well.

They didn't know how much it would cost to condense such a behemoth, but it would definitely not be too big, otherwise Cheng Buyun would explode without any consideration.

In other words, it's just generous on the surface, but in fact it is very reluctant to give up?

It is also possible, depending on developments.


"Isn't it, I just blew myself up, so quickly it came out again?"

Seeing that behemoth with a more vigorous and complete aura than before, the foreign experts were shocked one by one, and even some foreign experts were shocked to slobber.

Even if you have the resources, it takes time to reconcile a clone.

But it's good for human beings to become a cloud. It can almost be said that the clone has been condensed in an instant, and it is still such a huge clone.

Simply rub their knowledge on the ground!

"Even if you have a super treasure, it's not so outrageous!"

"Who knows, maybe it's possible, it's not necessarily that the super treasure has the effect of speeding up recovery."

A large number of foreign experts are talking about it, shocked by the degree of Cheng Buyun's abnormality.

The degree of abnormality almost makes any strong person lose the ability and ideas to confront.

It's abnormal.

none of them!

Never seen before!

Such an outrageous person!

On the human side, everyone was excited. After confirming that what the Chaos City Lord said before was true, Cheng Buyun really possessed a divine power ocean like the Lord of Nine Nethers, and its endurance almost surpassed the sky.

And they all believed that Cheng Buyun was much more terrifying than the Lord of Jiuyou.

Although the strength of the Lord of Nine Nethers is strong, the divine body walking outside is only 10,000 kilometers, which is not a little bit worse compared to Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone.

Can't keep up with the shooting.

There is no Kobe sex!

It is a perverted thing with a height of one billion kilometers, a trunk diameter of 20 million kilometers, and a tree canopy covering a range of 3 billion kilometers.

The power of self-destruction is much!

And now it is only the sage of the universe, if Cheng Buyun breaks through to the master level of the universe, then let the world tree clone play the trick of self-destruction...


I am afraid that the master level of the universe will have to die under such perverted methods. It is estimated that by then, only the strongest in the universe can survive in his hands.

so amazing!

Chengbuyun who possesses this trick can almost be said that no strong man in the primitive universe dares to provoke him.

The three different races frantically encircled and suppressed this time, and they absolutely had to apologize afterwards and took out a gift to expose the conflict.

Otherwise, waiting for Cheng Buyun to retaliate, he will definitely hurt his roots!


Just as the Mechanical Demon God and the World Tree clones were approaching each other at a speed of hundreds of billions of kilometers, a space was torn apart at a position more than one trillion kilometers away on the left.

The piercing sound was a bit harsh.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the noise, and they couldn't help laughing as soon as they saw it. It was the two unlucky ones, Lord of Sirius and Lord of Order.

At this moment, their soul aura has shrunk a little, and they are obviously injured.

"No, Sirius actually came back at this time!"

The Lord of Bones and other strong monsters were very anxious, and even eagerly voiced their souls and shouted: "Sirius, leave soon!"

"Never stay here!"

"Go! Leaving this moment, how far you can run!"

They were only shocked just now, and didn't think of reminding the Lord of Sirius through the incarnation of the clan that Cheng Buyun could continue to condense the clone.

After the Lord of Sirius came back, he didn’t need to be reminded by the strong clan. He turned his head and saw the behemoth, and his heart twitched for a moment. He thought it was an illusion, but the warning from the strong clan was very clear. Tell him that at this moment... it is very dangerous here.


Run away!

Otherwise, the loss will be even greater.

In the previous moment, he had lost nearly 10% of his body, and he was seriously injured two more times.

I couldn't care about anything at the moment, and even wailed, and quickly tore the space in front of him, broke in at one end, and madly went deep into the space mezzanine, "Crazy, didn't that thing blew up? Why is it still? !!!"

The Lord of Order, who was not far from the Lord of Sirius, also had a face full of fear, so he didn't dare to stop and take another look. His behavior was almost the same as the former, and he immediately tore the space and slammed into it.



Cheng Buyun's expression was indifferent, and within the scope of his self-destructive power, he even wanted to escape without paying a price. He really thought he was a bully.


There was another burst of mad laughter, and the world tree clone's divine power once again condensed and burned, and the mechanical demon **** almost didn't even think about it, and immediately reduced the divine body.


PS: Where is this? Like the title of this chapter, the alien will never give up the chance to kill the protagonist until the final despair.

That is a super treasure that assists with one stone and two birds with one stone. How could the alien be willing to give up.

In the next chapter, it is estimated that the strongest in the three alien universes will truly despair!

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