Plane Universe

Chapter 2447: World Tree blew himself up

The mechanical demon didn't expect that in order to achieve the goal of making the Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Order pay the price, Cheng Buyun would blew himself up hundreds of billions of kilometers away.

Kind of do whatever you want.

Very unreasonable!

Isn't it...the reserve's supernatural power is unlimited?

Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to persist until the human giant axe arrives?

Still want to express deliberately, he has a lot of divine power reserves, and he doesn't care at all!

Yes, Chengbuyun really doesn't care about the loss of divine power. The diameter of the divine power ocean of one light-year can blow up the World Tree clone tens of thousands of times.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

Why care!

It's a bit unreasonable. Can you be normal? Don't use self-destruction all the time.

But this time it blew up, and Vaineng was much more terrifying than the last time.

Even if the distance is hundreds of billions of kilometers, the mechanical devil is shocked to retreat on the land, and with a heavy footstep on the ground, thousands of big footprints appear on the earth.

As for the Lord of Sirius and Lord of Order, even though they escaped, they could not be teleported, but they were still overtaken by the self-detonation power, rushing to and fro in the space mezzanine, and were seriously injured.

Don't even think about resuming it in tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years.

An almost severe injury can hardly be recovered in a short time without consuming resources.

"Wow, the power of this self-detonation is stronger than the last time, at least twice the power of the last time. It's really terrifying!" The Lord of the Sun felt the aftermath of the energy that seemed to destroy everything in front, with a face. Almost horrified.

After the soul is recovered, the world tree can reconsolidate in the ocean of divine power, and under the endless supply of divine power, the world tree's divine body is 100% transformed, and it is directly the ultimate limit level divine power of the universe.

Of course the power that blew up was powerful.

As I said before, apart from the complete transformation of the divine power of becoming a **** for the first time, the two major levels of the universe, the Lord of the universe and the Lord of the universe, cannot completely transform the divine body, even if the divine body is very small.

Humans are small enough, usually two meters, but most of them can only convert half.


Seeing that the human being Cheng Buyun is so unreasonable, in order to achieve the method of harming one thousand enemies, but also self-defeating 80 thousand, the powers of the three peak foreign races have an ugly expression.

All of them couldn't wait to kill Cheng Buyun right away to relieve their hatred.

Unfortunately, they can only think about it.

The means by which mankind has stepped into the cloud are too difficult.

Except for the strongest in the universe, which can scare the opponent, one of those present is counted as one, and it is almost useless to go up.

I'm afraid it will be extremely miserable by the other party's self-detonation method.

After this time, I will encounter human Chengbuyun in the future, and I will never fight him in the terrestrial environment.

Of course, if the Lord of the universe is afraid of Cheng Buyun, it is almost impossible.

If you can't win, the Lord of the Universe can still escape.

In the space mezzanine, there is nowhere to borrow. Everyone is flying at the same speed, and no one is better than anyone.

No wonder the human being Cheng Buyun has been reluctant to shuttle into the mezzanine space. He wants to take advantage of the environment of the Flame Continent!


"Come on, let's continue!"

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved again, but after ten minutes, a new behemoth appeared again.

The Lord of Longxing will apply for a very leisurely sitting on Xiao Honghou's shoulders, so happy he only lifted his feet up.

That look is also very irritating. The foreign race's eyes fell on him one after another, but the little red queen turned her head and looked at him with a look of contempt, "What do you look at? Come here!"

The foreign race ignored Xiao Hong's provocation.


You treat me stupid!

With the strongest in the universe as the vanguard to consume, why do you want to pass?

It's best to let the strongest person in the universe consume all the background of human beings and take away his super treasure, and see how he will explode with his clone in the future.

"Haha, look, the expression of the alien race is really wonderful!" The Lord of Lieyang laughed, and he was in a very good mood.

"Cheng Buyun showed his ability, of course, the foreign race's complexion can't look good." The Frozen Master sighed, a little worried and said: "In fact, the danger has always been there, and it has not been lifted. The giant axe is less than a day away. There will be a great danger of falling. Once the three powerhouses are surrounded and the distance is reduced to a certain level, then...the consequences are really serious."

The problem mentioned by the Frozen Lord is exactly what the Lord of Chaos is worried about.

Don't think that Buyun seems to have the upper hand, in fact, it is really not a big threat to the mechanical devil.

It only played a little bit of procrastination.

It has also reached a final blow.



Every half a day, a loud noise that shakes the world will appear.

And every time, the mechanical demon will be blown into the space mezzanine by that powerful power.

Power seems to be powerful, but in fact it is really not strong, and it can't hurt the hair of the mechanical devil at all.

It can blow up the opponent, but the self-detonation power instantly releases too much energy, making the mechanical devil unable to resist.

The strongest level in the universe is invincible in the original universe and cannot be killed.

Everyone is like this!

Power limit!

Up to six peaks!

With this limitation, how could the strongest in the universe fall in the primitive universe.

Unless the strongest in the universe does not let you attack, it is possible that the opponent will fall.

For example, in the original universe, where is the place where the strongest in the universe dare not force it.

After being bombed hundreds of times, when the Mechanical Demon returned from the space mezzanine again, he calmly said: "Very well, I see how many times you can hold on."

How many more times?

In fact, Cheng Buyun is now considered very dangerous to a large number of foreign powerhouses.

After nearly half a year, the three strongest in the universe have just entered the 500 billion kilometers range of Chengbuyun, and it is also his final distance to control the enemy.

"Humanity is becoming a cloud, you are dead, and no one can save you this time. Even if your human giant ax comes, it is impossible to rescue you from our hands."

Meng Yaozu shouted in a sharp voice, and the huge silver-white snake head showed a proud expression.

"Is it?"

Cheng Buyun smiled calmly, but suddenly yelled: "Let's take your surgery first!"

"Take me to the surgery?"

Meng Yao Zu laughed, and said with contempt: "It's up to you?"

"Are you surprised?"

Cheng Buyun nodded and said: "Yes, just rely on me, look good!"

Suddenly... the World Tree clone disappeared in place without warning. This situation immediately surprised the three strongest people in the universe. I don't know what human Chengbuyun is doing. Could it be that the clone was put away?


In the next moment, the World Tree clone appeared directly beside the Meng Yao Ancestor without any license, almost like a flying dragon riding a face.

"not good!"

Dream Demon Ancestor was shocked immediately, exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to shrink the divine body almost without even thinking about it, but it also took a little time to shrink the divine body, but as soon as the world tree clone appeared, it immediately began to condense divine power and explode.

Meng Yaozu's idea of ​​shrinking his divine body is in no rush!

PS: World Tree riding a face blew up, just ask if you are afraid!

At this point in the plot, the protagonist's abilities that should be shown are all revealed, and the Skyfire Secret Realm is almost over!

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