Plane Universe

Chapter 2452: End of the song

The mechanical demon **** left first, and the Dream Demon Ancestor naturally didn't want to wait too much. His huge cold eyes looked at Cheng Buyun for a while and said, "Humans, you are lucky!"

Meng Yaozu left, as for the meaning of the words, it depends on people.

Is Cheng Buyun good luck, or is it good luck for humans!

The strongest person in the universe suffered such a big loss in full view, how could he easily let go.

If there is a chance in the future, he will retaliate against Chengbuyun.

The creator of the Great Axe grinned, as if he did not look at the last word of the Dream Demon Ancestor, but looked at the last one, the Zerg Queen, and deliberately asked: "Queen, what else can you do? ?"

"Why ask knowingly."

The Zerzu queen's voice did not change a little, and she said very flatly: "Great Axe, let your human genius hand over the Lord of Banff!"

"How can it not, the Lord of Banff is the result of my hard work and hard work from the human power. I want to get it back without giving any benefits. It is impossible." The founder of the giant axe directly refused.

What a shame!

"Great Axe!"

The voice of the Zerg queen became abrupt and sharp, and the phantom mist light covering her face was shaken and distorted. She took a deep breath, calmed her mood, and restored the grace and noble temperament that she should have originally. Said: "Naturally not, what conditions are needed, please tell me, I will take it."

The founder of the giant axe nodded slightly and said directly: "Yes!"

The Zerg queen did not say a word, waiting for the exchange terms given by the creator of the great axe.

The lord of the human universe such as Chaos City Lord just watched quietly.

At the same time, the Chaos City Lord was still secretly transmitting the voice of his soul, signalling Cheng Buyun and Xiao Hong to keep quiet, everything was decided by the creator of the giant axe.

After all, it is now a dialogue between the strongest in the universe and the strongest in the universe, at the highest level. If the Lord of the universe interrupts at will, it will appear to be uneducated, and the founder of the Great Axe will lose face in front of the Zerg Queen.

Cheng Buyun naturally understood this truth, and even reminded Xiaohong empress not to mess around.

Xiao Hong blinked her eyes and pouted, is she such a restless lord?

Can't see the place!

After a moment of silence, the creator of the giant axe spoke and said the exchange terms, "I want to get back the Lord of Banff, it’s easy. Give me three or five top treasures, I’ll take the charge for Cheng Buyun, and promise you. How about the Lord of Banff handing it back to you!"

"Three or five top treasures?"

Upon hearing such an exaggerated price, the Zerg queen suddenly exploded, "Then you go grab it, there are no three or five top treasures, one is required, huh!"

"Are you kidding me? It's too little to exchange a top treasure for the life of a universe lord." The creator of the giant axe shook his head.

"Just one thing, don't be too greedy." The Zerg queen said in a very firm tone.

"Haha, it's rare to see you bow your head, one piece is one piece, the deal, but this top treasure must be equipment, not a resource material." The creator of the giant axe agreed at once, as if afraid that the Zerg queen would regret it.

Can you agree so easily?

The Zerg queen was very strange, a bit of surprise appeared in her heart, and she didn't understand why the founder of the giant axe was so easy to let go.

However, the Lord of Banff can be exchanged for the price of a top treasure, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The power of the master of the universe is priceless and a very important member of a force. The number of powers at this level directly measures the quality of a superpower.

"Okay, I agree." The Zerg queen quickly agreed to the condition, thought for a moment, and waved her hand after a short pause. A strong breath suddenly appeared next to her, but a light cyan phantom light flowing across her body made the space flow. All appear twisted gorgeous long swords.

Moreover, the sides of this long sword that exudes endless power are also covered with mysterious patterns that constantly twinkling dark light, and at the same time a trace of silver stream flows out of these black runes, moving quickly in the blade.

It's very gorgeous and beautiful, it's full of special effects, it's pretty awesome.

It is estimated that the strong man who forged this weapon is also a super high-profile strong man, otherwise he would not make the weapon such a look.

It can blind your eyes.

And the breath that the sword exudes judges that this is undoubtedly a top treasure, and it is the kind of more precious top treasure.

"Tsk, Green Fantasy Sword, isn't this the weapon you used in the past? You are willing to take it out!" The creator of the giant axe teased.

The Blue Fantasy Sword is very famous. As the most precious weapon used by the Zerg queen in the past, almost no one knows and no one knows. The powerhouses who have lost their lives under this sword are countless.

When the Zerg rose back then, it was not easy either. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was moving to all directions.

There are so many territories. To occupy, you must use force to conquer and kill. The same is true for humans!

"Since we want to resolve the misunderstanding between the two sides, the grade of treasures must not be ignored. After this time, I hope that both of us can return to the same tacit understanding in the past and stop easily provoking disputes."

The Zerg queen said softly, "Did you say it is a giant axe?"


The founder of the giant axe nodded, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said: "Buyun, put away the treasure, and then release the Lord of Banff to the queen!"

"Yes, Great Axe."

Cheng Buyun replied respectfully and nodded after looking at Xiao Hong.

Everyone can't help but look over.

After Xiao Hong, who had been standing behind everyone, made a move at this moment. With a smile, a **** hole was immediately exposed from her waist and abdomen. A figure stumbled and flew out of it after ten seconds.

It is the Lord of Banff.

At this time, the Lord of Banff, completely lost the spirit of the beginning, with a disheveled breath that shrank, and when he came out, he flew directly in front of the Zerg queen, and said with a look of guilt: "Queen, Banff has humiliated you. ."

"Go back first, take a good rest, apply for the lack of resources in the alliance." The Zerzu queen's voice was gentle and relieved, and she didn't mean to blame at all.

"The transaction is complete, then..." The Zerg Queen's eyes fell on Cheng Buyun, and she said softly: "Human Cheng Buyun, you are so powerful, and you have high potential. I mistakenly estimated you. In the definitely have Qualify to become the top level powerhouse."

"Certain Queen's words." Cheng Buyun responded politely and humbled.

"Haha, I human beings are naturally strong, you can't envy you the queen, please!" The founder of the giant axe laughed.

It's finally over.

The Zerg powerhouses began to retreat, and a large number of alien powerhouses also left in twos and threes with shocked expressions, making two discussions from time to time.

Recalling the scenes of fierce and exaggerated abilities exposed by Cheng Buyun, that incomparably powerful power, even at this moment, a large number of foreign powerhouses have a lingering fear.

Even some strong aliens shivered slightly.

PS: Restore book friends 20190514160406148 book friends, that's impossible! If you write like that, the emptiness will be sprayed to death by your lovely book friends!

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