Plane Universe

Chapter 2453: It’s not easy to keep the giant axe

From today onwards, a large number of foreign races know that Chengbuyun is a strong one that cannot be provoke for playing, because of the other side's power, few strong can bear it.

Even if you can hold it, with the crazy energy of the other party, once you stare at you, I'm sorry.

Sure to die!

Maybe even the entire ethnic group has to be buried.

The three pinnacle aliens are powerful enough, right? The strongest player in the universe is enough!

What's more, in the end it was not the same as if you had to bow your head and admit defeat and apologize directly on the spot!

Because of what?

It's not that the deterrent force of human Chengbuyun is too strong, and he can't resist it, so he can only bow his head.

Indeed, the last scene shook all eyes, the earth-shaking powerful power, anyone present had only seen it once, and there was no one who was not terrified.

The distance of trillions of kilometers is not a core position. Powerful people such as the Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Order have suffered heavy losses, and how many powerful people can resist!

Human beings become Buyun, much more abnormal and terrifying than the Lord of Nine Nethers.

The Lord of the Nine Nethers, the divine body is only 10,000 kilometers, the supernatural power of the top level is terrifying, but it is not irresistible.

But human beings have become a step cloud, which is too exaggerated, especially the last self-detonation, which can affect the range of a light-year away, and the power is much greater.

At least... The power is estimated to be the limit level of the primitive universe.

very scary!

"Damn, there was such an exaggerated result. The power displayed by human beings step-by-step cloud has scared even the strongest of the three big universes." The Lord of the Giant Mountains was very annoyed, and said with incomparable hatred: "I'm afraid With the deterrence of human Chengbuyun, the protection of our clan will be difficult to use in the future. It's really damn, why can't you die for one time?"

If it is known by the powerhouses of the three peak alien races, I am afraid that the lord of the giant mountains will have a face, as if you are not afraid of the prisoners, you are brave enough to get annoyed!

The prisoners naturally didn't dare, they only knew how to put a gun on one side.

In other words, their strongest ability, you just let go!

"Oh, it can only be said that human luck is too good. There was the super power of the original ancestor before, and now there is the rising star Cheng Buyun, who is shocked. The time of our clan's rise has to be postponed to that day. "

"It's a pity, why are there so many ways for humans to step into the cloud? Wouldn't the laws of the universe's operation also interfere?"

The other two prisoners of the universe are also full of irritation, very angry, but helpless.

The expected plan failed, and it's weird to be in a good mood.


"Haha, boy, from now on, you are famous, and at the same time, there are not a few strong aliens who provoke you." The Lord of Longxing laughed as he looked at the figures leaving one by one.


The Lord of the Lieyang also laughed loudly, feeling very happy and said loudly: "What does the alien do to provoke? Unless the alien head is not afraid of death, otherwise Boyun will get the clone of the world tree out to bomb, and even give them the place where the ethnic group lives. It’s gone, hahahahaha!"

"With Cheng Buyun in the primordial universe to frighten foreign races, on the bright side, it is estimated that not many foreign races dare to provoke me humans," the Frozen Lord also said happily.

"Haha, he is now stronger than my deterrent to the alien race." City Lord Chaos smiled and said, his face was light, and his smile never stopped.


A group of people laughed brazenly over the Flame Continent.

Cheng Buyun's abnormality is a bit unreasonable.

If the founder of the great axe is a nuclear weapon, it cannot be used all the time, but can only be used to deter aliens.

But Cheng Buyun is not within the limit, and can be dispatched at will. The power is still at the same level as the strongest in the universe. You say that the aliens are not afraid!

I was scared to death.

Otherwise, how could the three great alien races bow their heads, and finally bow their heads and apologize.

After the original ancestor was sealed, it has been a long time for human beings to feel so face-saving and so strong.

Powerful people such as the founder of the Great Axe and the City Lord of Chaos and Chaos all looked at Cheng Buyun, all smiles and admiration.

"Teacher, Great Axe... why are you looking at me like this?" Cheng Buyun was a little embarrassed to be seen.

There was another burst of laughter.

After laughing, the creator of the Great Axe said: "I just made the decision for you and exchanged the Lord of Banff. I hope you will not be dissatisfied. In this matter, I have to make a decision. ."

"Although the Lord of Banff is not important in the Zerg League, he was captured in front of the Zerg Queen. It is impossible not to let it go. If we don’t let go and wipe the face of the Zerg Queen, we will definitely get messed up. A great existence with the strength of the Lord of Banff is very dangerous."

The Chaos City Lord also said in a deep voice: "After all, the Zerg Queen wants to have an explanation, so she will inevitably get revenge. The Great Axe is also worried about this situation. Now that we humans have just entered a period of rapid development, we can not be chaotic, and naturally do not want to chaos. There is no way to make some necessary personal sacrifices. Please understand, the great axe is not easy!"

"Teacher, I understand, it's nothing. I don't have any dissatisfaction with the decision of the giant axe, and with Xiaohong's ability, it is not too difficult to capture the Lord of the universe, haha, miss this time There will be opportunities in the future," Cheng Bu Yunlian said.

In fact, he also thought about the ending of this later, the Lord of Banff would be exchanged back.

Taking the Lord of Banff away in front of the Zerg queen, there is almost no possible result.

Cheng Buyun understood the doorway very well. He was just too angry before, so he captured the Lord of Banff.

"Haha, okay, if you can understand, then I can rest assured." The founder of the giant axe smiled and patted Cheng Buyun's shoulder closely, and said sincerely: "After the race has you, the courage on my shoulders will be loose. That’s too much. Even if I am a little surprised, if you are there, the ethnic group will be a little bit worried. Don’t dare to oppress the ethnic group too much, don’t let me down!"

The creator of the giant axe said this as if he had some feelings for the future.

Cheng Buyun was startled for a moment, and then said loudly, "Great Axe, I will definitely do my best!"


With me, how could accidents happen to you?

Really mean I am dead?

For the fall of the founder of the Great Axe, Cheng Buyun finally paid attention to it.

If you want to save the life of the giant axe, any changes you make are of little use.

Even if there is no Lord of Tan's event, do not grab the map of the bee world, the founder of the great axe will roam there, but with the map, it can go deeper.

There will still be a high chance of encountering a realm beast, and once besieged by a realm beast, you will definitely die!

Therefore, it is not a simple matter to save the life of the founder of the giant axe.

The safest thing is undoubtedly a supreme palace for the founder of the giant axe. The world beasts that have not grown to the later stage cannot break the strong defense of the supreme palace.

In this way, the life of the founder of the giant axe is naturally saved.

Is it simple?

It is simple and easy to say, and it is extremely difficult to say difficult.

Xeon Supreme Treasure Palace, if you are Chinese cabbage, there are all.

Since the original ancestor was sealed, human beings have not even been able to get a single Xeon Treasure for countless years. How difficult is it to say!

The creator of the great axe always ventured in the universe of the cosmic bee world, asking for nothing more than a supreme treasure, of no limitation in type.

As long as it is Xeon Supreme!

Because there is no Xeon Supreme Treasure, the founder of the giant axe can face any foreign powerhouse with a smile, and never dare to offend the other party, afraid that the other party will take his own race powerhouse.

Who can understand the pain in the heart of the founder of the Great Axe!

Regardless of personal honor, regardless of his own face, his greatness is definitely not under the original ancestor.

Why do the 18 masters of the universe respect the creator of the great axe so much?

This is the reason!

Greatness is not enough!

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