Plane Universe

Chapter 2457: The 19th Lord of the Universe of the Human Race

The constantly appearing visions at the headquarters also seemed to remind City Lord Chaos not to underestimate the ability of your disciples.

"It turned out to be a 100% chance to break through..." The City Lord of Chaos was amazed. Even if the master master trained by the virtual universe company wants to break through 100%, it is impossible.

The chances of one of the 100 strong masters who join the Virtual Universe Company who can make a breakthrough and become an immortal **** is considered high.

Unless it is cultivated from the universe level and spends a lot of resources to be 100% successful.

But the quality of the genius collected by my own disciples can only be regarded as mediocre, but there is such a scene, is it because humans are not doing well in cultivating geniuses?

The geniuses selected by Cheng Buyun from the vanguard army were brought with him, and the quality of those geniuses was naturally not hidden from the Chaos City Lord.

If the human intelligence system really wants to detect the intelligence of a strong man, it is almost impossible to hide it.

Moreover, Chengbuyun itself did not hide, almost all of it was exposed in the intelligence system of the Virtual Universe Company.

As Cheng Buyun's status increased, it became higher and higher, and some low-level intelligence members were not qualified to check the traces of the former, and needed higher-status powerhouses to be able to obtain his intelligence.

Today, apart from the Chaos City Lord and the founder of the Great Axe, no human being can track him.



In the universe inside the body, Cheng Buyun, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and directly opened the email he sent, took a look at it, nodded slightly, and stood up.

In three days, all the masters of the universe have been idle or out of the danger zone, and they can log in to the virtual universe with peace of mind and chat without any worries.

After all, Chengbuyun's participation in the "highest resolution" of mankind is a major event and very grand, so there must be a stable environment.

At the top of the virtual universe Thunder Island, Cheng Buyun appeared here.

This time, the environment is slightly different from the environment we have seen before.

The difference is that there is a floating land above the Chaos Palace.

Surrounded by endless air currents, in the center is a huge blue-gray round table, and around the round table are six huge stone chairs. Each stone chair has a large number of intricate carvings, each of which looks like a large number of phantoms. In the intertwined images, once the weak are immersed in it, they may never wake up again.

At this moment, City Lord Chaos was waiting on the floating land, with a smile on his face as he watched the incoming Cheng Buyun beckoned and said, "Come here."

Cheng Buyun flew up naturally, and said with a smile: "Teacher, I never thought there is such a mysterious place above your palace."

"Haha, there are so many things you don't know!" Chaos City Lord smiled, then pointed to the side and said: "Sit down first, and the second stone chair on the left will be yours."

Cheng Buyun paused in his heart. As expected, he still grabbed Luo Feng's position first, but the sitting times were trivial matters and didn't matter.

After seeing Cheng Buyun sitting down, City Lord Chaos said with a smile on his face: "What I have talked to you before has been passed. The highest resolution of the human race has been passed unanimously. From today on, you are the 19th in the universe of my human race. the Lord!"

"19th place?"

Cheng Buyun pretended to be surprised.

"Is it different from what you know? Haha, what do you think?" City Lord Chaos also showed a smile when he saw his disciple's surprise.

"I human beings have a hidden master of the universe, amazing!" Cheng Buyun expressed his admiration.

"Haha, it's a natural thing."

The Chaos City Lord raised his eyebrows and said with a cold snort, "Hiding the Lord of the Universe can sometimes play a very good role. It can kill alien races by surprise."

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly to express his understanding.

"In addition to the 15 masters of the universe you know, there is one hidden in the giant axe battlefield, titled the Lord of Brahma!" Chaos City Lord said carefully: "The Lord of Brahma is also a very strong Lord of the universe, and his strength is not bad. How many Lords of Longxing have you seen, and the exact strength is higher than Tier 4, which can be regarded as a very powerful existence."

"The Lord of Brahma!"

Cheng Buyun nodded his head to express his understanding. Naturally, the upper level of the master of the fourth-order universe could not be said to be weak, and even the teacher was not 100% sure that he would win the opponent.

The difference in the strength of Tier 1 is easy to defeat but difficult to kill when there is not much difference between the treasures!

"The second one is the hidden master of the universe, the master of the universe, which belongs to the first bank of the universe."

"But the Lord of the Universe is just a newcomer who hasn't been there for long. The strength is not too strong, and it is very close to the strength of the Lord of Sirius that you have killed." Chaos City Lord said.

The lord of the universe of mankind is not all super strong, there are always weak and strong, mainly the super beings of Chaos City Lord are supporting the face.

After all, as far as the pinnacle forces are concerned, the first- and second-order universe masters are a bit too difficult to put on the table, and it takes enough time to accumulate to become stronger!

"The last one is our virtual universe company, the Lord of Darkness, that is, my junior, your Sanshishu, and the teacher of the Lord of Youhou." Chaos City Lord said slowly: "Your Sanshishu is very low-key. He basically doesn’t interfere in human affairs. The aliens who know that he is my strong human are almost non-existent, and few even know his existence. Back then, he was a very low-key and secretive one under the teacher, so he became the lord of the universe. Later, we humans unanimously decided to hide him."

"Your third uncle, the strength is very high, not much worse than mine, it can be said to be very close, he has a great reputation in the universe, the name of the Lord of Darkness, the foreign race is shaking. Shake up a few times." City Lord Chaos said with a smug expression.

The Lord of Darkness, who has no identity concerns, will naturally not keep his hands when fighting, so he has made a name for himself.

"It turns out that my virtual universe company is so powerful." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "I used to think that only the teacher was holding the virtual universe company's card."

"What you said, I was heard by a few of them, I'm afraid it's not going to be beaten!" Chaos City Lord said with a teasing, "Well, this is the end of the introduction. Several members of my virtual universe company, such as the Lord of Longxing You have seen the Lord of the Frozen, and there is nothing to introduce, and you have never seen the Lord of Youhou, who is the same generation as you. Now I summon them, we will see you first."

"Yes, teacher." Cheng Buyun waited quietly.

In a short while, a burly figure appeared in the distance. It was the Lord of Longxing who Cheng Buyun had seen several times.

"Haha, chaos."

The Lord of Longxing laughed and greeted the Lord of Chaos City first, then his eyes fell on Cheng Buyun, and he said, "Boy!"

"Senior Longxing." Cheng Buyun hurriedly stood up to show respect, "wait more for Longxing's humble caregiving friendship."

"Haha, okay, this time is really fun. It not only embarrassed the foreign race, but also shocked the reputation of my virtual universe company, making me feel more face in front of those old guys, hahaha!" The Lord of Longxing is extremely proud Smiled.

The Lord of Longxing had just entered the seat, and the second figure appeared. The visitor was tall and thin, with two ears facing upwards like a beam of ice sickle, and an eye at the center of his eyebrows. He was wearing a set of scaly dark blue armor.

Such an image is the Lord of Youhou.

I'm afraid it's not three eyes and two bright eyes.

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