Plane Universe

Chapter 2458: The answer is so exaggerated

As soon as the Lord of Youhou arrived, his eyes fell directly on Cheng Buyun, and a smile appeared on his face full of evil spirits and said: "Cheng Buyun, you played really well, it greatly shocked the human prestige, admire!"


Cheng Buyun also stood up again, and even replied: "It's a pity that he has limited ability and can't do much."

"Haha, it's no wonder that foreign races call you the Lord of Terror!" The Lord of Youhou laughed, then looked at the Lord of Chaos City, smiled and leaned forward and shouted, "Uncle!"

"Sit." City Lord Chaos pointed.

Lord of Terror?

Cheng Buyun vomited in his heart, secretly saying that the foreign race was in a mess, waiting to talk about it, but there was no chance.

An extremely cold breath spread, everyone couldn't help but look around.

A handsome old man with silver hair and white temples with a war sword on his back, and an ancient battle armor with blood on his body, is the Frozen Lord that Cheng Buyun had met before.

The Frozen Lord was cold in character and seldom spoke. When he arrived, he only nodded slightly to the Lord of Chaos, and then took his seat directly. He glanced over the Lord of Longxing and Lord of Youhou, and only slightly nodded.

Finally, his gaze fell on Cheng Buyun, as if he was trapped in the world of ice and snow. The skin on the surface was numb and trembling. Cheng Buyun hurriedly said hello, "Uncle Frozen."

The Frozen Lord's face trembled a few times, and said with an ugly smile: "Okay!"

He is totally different from the character he showed in the Skyfire Secret Realm, it's too cold.

Before, I was just worried about Cheng Buyun's safety, so I talked a lot, but afterwards I was too excited to calm down. I was driven by everyone, so I talked a lot.

At this moment, after the peace of mind, the personality has returned to the original, so it looks very cold.

After a while, an evil aura permeated over, and a figure was faintly visible in the thick black mist, slowly walking around, a large amount of dark aura around, and the figure became clearer.

Wearing a simple black coat, the inside of the black coat is a strange silver-black armor.

Bald head and skin white as jade.

There are very strange and complicated black secret patterns on the head, and the eyes are looking at someone, as if a poisonous snake in the dark night is throwing a core behind his neck.

Even the surrounding time and space were affected by him, and the entire time and space was plunged into a strange atmosphere.


Feeling this peculiar breath, even Cheng Buyun rushed to surprise in secret, too evil and ghostly!

Only today did he know that the Lord of Darkness turned out to be a master of illusion.

In terms of illusion, it is not a little bit stronger than the Lord of Banff, at least one level higher.

If it's not for your own mood and awareness, you probably have to be affected.

"Awesome, it's no wonder that the Lord of Banff can't help you." The Lord of Darkness exclaimed, sneered and said: "Even I can't affect you. It's naive for the little Lord of Banff to want the soul to enslave you!"

Such an evaluation, hiss!

What is the power of the Lord of Darkness? The people sitting are clear, and the Lord of Darkness does not need to lie on this matter.

"Uncle Dark Master, it's too good." Cheng Buyun didn't need Teacher Chaos to remind him, and even stood up and laughed.

Cheng Buyun's level of strength is well understood by everyone. Aside from the crazy and perverted method of self-destruction, he is not weak. In terms of the secret method, he will never look down on the stronger Lord of the Universe. The only difference is experience. .

In general, all aspects are excellent.

"Okay, today my line of virtual universe companies gathered together, and since then, our line has added a new universe master, Cheng Buyun."

After a while, the Lord of Chaos City swept his gaze, and the Lord of Dragon Walk, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Frozen, Lord of Youhou, and Cheng Buyun all looked over, and listened carefully to the former with serious expressions.

Virtual universe company, in terms of status, Chaos City Lord should not let it be the leader of this vein, followed by the leader of the dragon.

And most of the others didn't care about it, many things were made by the Chaos City Lord.

"It is the blessing of my virtual universe company and my human being to be able to give birth to another master of the universe." Chaos City Lord said cheerfully: "Although Chengbuyun's strength is not the real master of the universe, it can be considered a deterrent. Everyone knows about strength in the past three days, so I won’t say much. Chengbuyun is very strong. In terms of survivability, it ranks first among the six of us."

Although this is an exaggeration, there is nothing wrong with it.

The Lord of Darkness knows more clearly that in terms of the incomparably exaggerated step cloud, the ocean of divine power over a trillion kilometers in diameter, any strong person will despair.

Although the Lord of Longxing and the Lord of Frozen didn't know this time, according to their judgment, Chengbuyun's ocean of divine power was definitely not much smaller.

It can support the World Tree clone after a hundred self-detonations, and there is still a lot of power, and they don't believe that it is less than tens of billions of kilometers.

Only the Lord of Youhou would feel surprised, whether this was a bit exaggerated.


"Cheng Buyun, how big is your ocean of supernatural power?"

Under the curiosity, the Lord of Longxing finally couldn't help but ask this question.

The Lord of Frozen and Youhou also looked over quickly.

For Teacher Chaos to leak this out, Cheng Buyun didn't feel offended, and there was nothing to hide. After a while, the aliens could guess it.

When exposed, it will be exposed. What can the aliens do with themselves, knowing that they can deal with it?

"My practice time is still short, only one light-year in diameter!" Cheng Buyun quickly said the answer.

But this answer shocked everyone present in one fell swoop.

In a light-year diameter range, only...

"A light year?"

The Lord of Youhou was dumbfounded, it was too exaggerated, he couldn't even imagine the concept of fighting with him with a light-year-diameter ocean of divine power.

The Lord of Dragon Walk, the Lord of Frozen, the Lord of Chaos, and the Lord of Darkness were also shocked.

"How many did you say?"

The Lord of Longxing looked horrified, and asked again incredulously: "I didn't hear clearly, please tell me again!"

Cheng Buyun shrugged his shoulders and had to answer again: "My divine power ocean clone is within a light-year diameter."


This time I finally heard it clearly, the Lord of Longxing and others were all dumbfounded.

Exaggeration, too exaggeration!

Although Cheng Buyun's ocean of divine power was only one-twelfth the size of the Lord of Nine Nethers, the two were completely different.

The difference is that the latter's divine power ocean can't move at all, and although the endurance is also very strong, but Chengbuyun is abnormal and invincible.

Because he is the ocean of divine power that he carries with him, replenishing divine power anytime and anywhere, the degree of exaggeration is beyond comparison by the Lord of Nine Nethers.

After all, what the Lord of the Nine Nethers is going out is just a clone, not the deity. After death, it will take a long time to condense and rush to the battlefield.

In terms of deterrence.

Not comparable to Cheng Buyun!

No wonder that the World Tree clone blew itself a hundred times before. Chengbuyun didn't care. There was a divine ocean supporting a whole light-year in diameter. Need to care?

No wonder foreign races call Cheng Buyun the lord of terror!

The degree of horror is not to say, it is so horrible in reality, you have to be soft when you hear it!

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