Plane Universe

Chapter 2466: Lord of Time and Space


A strong Chenghai is still very important.

Perhaps it is pinning one's own dedication to some things, or expressing the importance of some things.

It is even an extension of the dream of growing ethnic groups.

What about yourself?

Is there anything that I value or need to trust!

Cheng Buyun closed his eyes and thought about it. He has the help of time and space. He doesn't forget the people who dig wells when he drinks water. Moreover, he has always lived in the palace as the lord of time and space, which is the most suitable.

I should let the title of Lord of Time and Space shook the heavens and let it flourish and shine on the world.

Therefore, he raised his head to look at everyone, and slowly said: "Great Axe, teacher, and all the seniors here, I have called myself the title of'time and space', which has extremely special meaning to me."

Lord of Time and Space?

"My title from now on will be called the Lord of Time and Space!" Cheng Buyun said with an extremely solemn expression.

This title is a bit too arrogant, but also a bit of a taboo.

Whether the Lord of Time and Space, the Master of Time and Space, will annoy a large number of alien universe masters, it needs to be regarded as Buyun's own.

But since Cheng Buyun also said that this title has special meaning to him, the masters of the universe reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"This title is a little problematic."

The savage giant groaned for a moment, his expression hesitated, and he seemed to disagree with the title Cheng Buyun himself gave him.

The Lord of Chaos City naturally understood what the savage giant was thinking in his mind, and the connecting mouth explained: “This title is in the primitive universe, and maybe it’s not a big problem. After all, the strength you exposed before is capable. Be able to bear it, after all, they are afraid of you and can't mess with you, so they won't provoke you for a title issue and make you unhappy."


"But in the case of Universe, the problem is a bit big." The savage giant also explained again: "Those strong aliens may not understand, thinking that you are provoking, so as to provoke you, block you, and force you to modify yourself. title."

"What's the matter with the Lord of Time and Space? What is the taboo of those alien races? Why do they want to oppress my human being?"

"They can't bear the title of bright spot? Then they can do it!"

"Just call this, I'm afraid of a bird. When Cheng Buyun is able to go to the Universe Sea, I think that the strong alien dare to provoke them and not kill them." The Lord of Longxing also yelled.

"I'm still the Lord of the universe, shouldn't they also be uncomfortable?" The Lord Peng Gong was furious.

Chaos City Lord glanced at everyone helplessly, and whispered: "Don't be angry, I just said that it is possible. In the future, my human race needs to be low-key and able to develop low-key. Naturally, it is better to be low-key."

"What Chaos said is exactly what I want to say, but...Since Cheng Buyun likes this title, it won't be a big deal." The savage giant said even calmly.

"Great axe, teacher."

Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "The so-called water comes to cover up, when those foreign races are dissatisfied with my title problem, and feel that I am not qualified to bear it, then I will educate them with strength and let them be beaten by the strong. ."

"Yes, don't use those **** aliens."

"A group of grassroots, when I was a human being, I pretended to be grandchildren and changed tricks to please."

"Now I am a bit lonely as a human being, and I look down on all kinds of ridicule. I'm going to his mother!"

A group of masters of the universe was so angry that they almost broke out.

City Lord Chaos was too cold to pay attention to these old guys, and looked at Cheng Buyun and nodded and said, "It's fine if you have consideration, but the problem is not big."

The savage giant smiled too. His hesitation was just because he wanted to give Cheng Buyun some reminders. You really think he is afraid of foreign races!

"Okay, the problem of the title is resolved. In the days to come, I human beings will give out this title, let the universe's ten thousand people know that this title is Cheng Buyun's name, let the foreign race have a heart Spectrum." The savage giant said with joy.

"As it should be."

"Don't worry, in a few days, the name of the Lord of Time and Space Cheng Buyun will definitely resound throughout the universe!"

The masters of the universe even said loudly.

With human energy, spreading a message can be done easily.

Tens of thousands of cosmic sages, a large number of immortal gods and strong men, have a little discussion with foreign strong men, and it is not difficult at all to reveal some news unconsciously.

"Well, the question of Chengbuyun's title is over here. From today onwards, the 19th lord of the universe of our human race is called the Lord of Time and Space, and the number of lord of the human universe is one more. Chengbuyun's ability The bottom line, everyone here should know a little bit, so I won’t say more."

The savage giant looked at Cheng Buyun, smiled and said, "As for the avatar he has and all the abilities, I will explain it to everyone here."

"Time and space, everyone knows that there are four major clones. I will mainly say that his secluded sea clone, with a diameter of one trillion kilometers, can be regarded as the top ten in the universe, and the lord of the universe has the highest endurance. With his huge divine power and ocean metamorphosis, once he fights against the enemy, he can despair the strong aliens, because the divine body he lost has not recovered quickly."


All the masters of the universe here held their breath, with expressions of incomparable shock.

They knew that Chengbuyun's ocean of divine power would not be small because of the disclosure of Chaos City Lord, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

The ocean of divine power that you carry with you is one trillion kilometers in diameter. What kind of perverted ghost stuff is that?

No wonder Cheng Buyun made the World Tree clone blew up again and again before not paying attention.

Oh my God!

Do things with a diameter range of trillions of kilometers care about the self-destruction loss of a clone?

Even if the clone height is 300 million kilometers, it doesn't care too much.

My God, there is no limit to perversion, only more perversion!


City Lord Chaos felt a little fidgety in his throat, and he didn't expect that the founder of the Great Axe would suddenly say about this. It would be too embarrassing for the latter to write a quick email and send it secretly to remind him.

The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Frozen, and the Lord of Longxing watched their noses and hearts with their eyes, and their faces were calm as if they had never heard some information.

"Chaos sent me a message?"

The savage giant couldn't help but glanced at the Chaos City Lord on one side. When he felt strange in his heart, he suddenly thought of a certain possibility. Didn't he say something wrong?

He even opened the email, and when he saw the first line of text, he exclaimed, his face flushed slightly on the spot.

"Great axe?"

"Great axe?"

All the masters of the universe thought something had happened, and shouted eagerly.

"It's okay."

The savage giant waved his hand pretending to be calm, holding back embarrassment and saying: "The information I mentioned before is a bit inconsistent. I forgot that Chengbuyun is already immortal, and his divine power ocean diameter range should light year. "


The audience is silent!

The silence seemed to be dead. Except for the Virtual Universe Company, the other universe masters were completely stunned, and there was no thinking to laugh at the embarrassing behavior of the savage giant.

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