Plane Universe

Chapter 2467: Perversion has no limit, only more perversion

What a huge number in a light-year diameter range?

If anyone hears such a number, I am afraid they will be shocked and numb.

Normal Lord of the universe, how big is the divine body?

There are some famous universe masters in the universe, of which the most powerful one is only about 10,000 kilometers.

But Cheng Buyun's avatar is within a light-year diameter range, how many times larger than the normal Lord of the Universe?

In terms of the degree of divine power, Cheng Buyun can be said to be the number one in the universe.

The strongest person in the universe and the Lord of the Nine Nethers were all compared to him.

The Lord of the universe is also life, with seven emotions and six desires.

Will be shocked and fearful.

"How can it be so big?" The master of Peng Gong looked at Cheng Buyun in amazement, as if he had seen a ghost, it was very funny.

"Oh my God, this is crazy!" The Lord of Xujin was also stunned, dumbfounded, and his whole body trembled slightly with a look of horror.

"Such a... huge divine body... huh!"

The Lord of Huang Jian was as shocked as his face, breath was constantly spraying in his nostrils, and the skin of his hideous face was constantly trembling, showing what state he was in at the moment.

Among the Lords of the universe present here, one is counted as one, and he is in a huge confusion, his eyes and mouth are constantly cramping.

Simple is ridiculous.

If this information was not spoken by the creator of the Great Axe, if they hadn't known Cheng Buyun's capabilities before, I am afraid they would have to refute it loudly.

Even if it is the existence they respect, they must spray a few words.

The absurdity is as unthinkable as a fantasy!

They thought that one trillion kilometers was already the limit, and now they know how to get there!

Sure enough, perversion has no limit, only more perversion!

The divine power ocean in the diameter range of one light-year is really huge.

And it can still be carried around, the degree of perversion...


Think for yourself!

It can be said that he is the most difficult to kill under the strongest in the universe.

They even guessed that Cheng Buyun couldn't kill at all.

A light-year-old ghost stuff, and the massive divine power absorbed every moment, I am afraid that the strongest in the universe may not be able to wear it.

After a long time, after everyone laughed at these contents, he took a breath and regained his energy. The savage giant said: "Time and space itself knows how to reverse time and space, and at the same time, there are two new perfect level talent secrets."


The masters of the universe have sprayed it again. The perfect talent for catching your family is Chinese cabbage. You can get it if you want.

The two super talents of Cheng Buyun used to be enough for them to be shocked, but now there are two new ones, can the son of the heavenly choose do whatever they want?

A group of masters of the universe seemed to have been hit by a dimensionality reduction called ‘genius’. Only now do they know what kind of monster a genius is. The geniuses I have seen in the past are simply not qualified to carry shoes with him!

Each of his expressions shrank a little, and his eyes became a little bit dull.

After two or three shocks, no one will feel comfortable.

It is a challenge to the worldview.

This is really a sad topic.

"What's the inside story? Let me tell you it!" The Lord of Qingdong resisted the excitement in his heart, pretending to be plain and said.

Feng Qingyundan's funny appearance fell in the eyes of other people, but they couldn't laugh.

Difficult brothers, who can say who!

"I'll stop here, other chaos supplements." The savage giant said with a smile. In fact, in his heart, it was shocked and inexplicable.

He has reason to believe that when Cheng Buyun truly becomes the Lord of the universe, he is probably not much weaker than the average strongest person in the universe.

The four avatars, I'm afraid to take out one randomly, is the top combat power.

I will be a little more relaxed then.

It’s great to have you in the future!


As a result, everyone's gaze naturally turned to Chaos City Lord. It was clear that the expressions of everyone in the Virtual Universe Company were so calm and calm. Obviously, they knew the details of Chengbuyun early.

I couldn't help but sell the batch for a while!

His eyes are not good.

Being stared at by a group of old guys with a bad look, City Lord Chaos was calm and light, with a calm smile on his face, and he didn't care at all about his appearance.

I guess this will be cool in my heart!

In the Virtual Universe Company's line, except for the old master of Longxing who chuckled from time to time, everyone else had their eyelids drooping, and they didn't show any expression, as if waiting for the Lord of Chaos to speak.

In fact, this group of guys don't know what it is like in their hearts.

"Okay, then I will talk about some hidden information that Time and Space has told me that there is no outside. I will tell you everyone and please listen carefully." Chaos City Lord's face was healed, and after everyone had a heart preparation, he looked Yizheng looked serious and said: "There is a supreme treasure in time and space, but it is not a supreme supreme treasure as everyone thinks, but a supreme soul supreme treasure."

"Soul is the strongest treasure!"

The masters of the universe of other factions, including the savage giants, could not help but exclaimed, with a shocked expression on their faces: "It turns out that there is a supreme treasure, but it is a supreme treasure of souls."

He was a little disappointed in his heart. If it was another type of Xeon, he could still borrow and use it, but the soul Xeon would have no effect on him.

With his current strength, the soul treasure is not longing for it, and there is a top soul treasure that can defend against any soul secret of the same power.

Although Cheng Buyun had the Xeon Supreme Treasure, it was shocking, but everyone had an estimate, so it was somewhat surprised.

"So... how does Time and Space carry such a large ocean of clones?" The Lord of Virtual Gold was a bit confused. The capacity of the world ring is actually very limited, and it is impossible to expand and expand without limit.

Because the realm master can't make such a large world space, because they can't control it.

The world's ring masters of the average level mostly make millions of kilometers, which is already the limit.

The strong will not exceed much.

Or Cheng Buyun had the ability to make a world ring with a lot of space before, but a world ring in the range of one light-year is too exaggerated!

The space contained in the palace treasure is not so big.

The words of the Lord of Xujin also asked the voice of other universe masters.

They all watched with piercing eyes.

Since it is not an assistant to the Xeon Supreme, what kind of treasure is it?

Really curious!

"Speaking of this, I have to mention another hidden information content." The City Lord of Chaos slowly explained the concealment revealed by Cheng Buyun in Thunder Island before in detail.

Oh my God.

It turned out to be such a result!

Inner universe?

The precious wealth of experience for the chaos realm powerhouse?

There is still a way to go after the True God, the Void True God (fusion state), the Eternal True God (integration state), and the chaos state!

What is that existence?


Five hundred and sixty degrees of earth-shaking shock, a group of the masters of the human universe and the strongest in the universe were all dumbfounded.

At this moment, the savage giant was trembling all over, it turned out...the true **** is behind the true **** of the void.

It is also a higher realm after the true god!

It turned out that the law of the universe did not deceive me, it did have a higher realm.

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