Plane Universe

Chapter 2508: Go away

King Bailin and King Manluo also refused.

Wealth that should not be taken, if taken, will have a great impact on reputation.

How to face other strong people in the group in the future?

How do you look at them?

"I know your concerns, but this time you have also exerted a lot of effort, and the injuries are not minor. Anyway, some compensation, as long as you don't dislike it." Hitomi Nan Wang smiled calmly and said, "Moreover, some common treasure , It's not worth a few **** yuan, go and clean!"

Long Jade King also nodded and smiled: "What we value is the property here. These are enough."

The Heavenly Shield King and others looked at it, and their faces were cramped, and they felt incomparably emotional. The level of strength was different, so naturally they looked at treasures differently.

Ordinary treasures, I am afraid that they are no longer in the eyes of Longyu King and Tong Nan King, so they are so generous.

In the end, the three of them wanted to open up, happy to clean up the wealth of the other five foreign races.

"Nice armor and weapons." King Tong Nan held the steel fork in one hand and the armor in the other, with an aunt-like smile on his face. This time was a big gain.

He got seven treasures in one go.

Venerable Universe didn't have such a rich harvest when he went out for an adventure.

If you can join the Palace of Time and Space, even if you don't get a reward, relying on the contribution of treasures, you can still be qualified enough to change to the Platinum Divine Armor to increase your strength.

The King of Hitomi dreams of the future. Now is a good time. In terms of resources, it is much easier to obtain.

Especially Xue Luojing, the Space-Time Palace unexpectedly used it for exchange, attracting the attention of the powerhouses of the entire human alliance, from the sage of the universe to the immortal gods, all chasing.

It is for these powerful resources to desperately obtain contributions.

"Laughing so happy, just use it if you like it, and I won't fight with you." Long Jade King joked with a smile on his face.

"Go go, break the armor, who likes it?" King Tong Nan threw the steel fork and armor into the world ring with a look of disgust, and never looked again.

Ordinary heavy armor is just stronger and stronger than the golden king armor, and it has greater power. In terms of performance, it is simply not good at shooting.

Most ordinary heavy-treasure armors can also reduce 30% of material attacks. There is no anti-shock retreat, no anti-soul attack, and no increase in strength.

If there is no need, who would wear such a ragged thing?

Unless the Universe Lord has no choice but to wear heavy armor.

Because the strong people they faced were all at the level of cosmic venerables, the sturdiness of the golden king armor could not withstand such a powerful attack force.

After all, the golden king armor is just a treasure of the ordinary level, and its power has a blocking limit, about 10 million times. The excess power will cause a lot of damage to the armor itself, so it will be destroyed.

Cause the armor to be destroyed.

Therefore, the Golden King Armor can only withstand a blow from Venerable Universe, and it will be broken and unusable afterwards.

Of course, even the Golden King Armor was broken, and the fate of the wearer can be imagined.

Death is bound to die, it depends on the method of death.

It is hard to say whether there is no bones or a complete body.

On the other side, the Heavenly Shield King, who was very happy to clean up the treasures of wealth, heard the words that King Hitomi was disgusting.

I want to die!

Do you still dislike the heavy armor?

Well, indeed, in the immortal **** level, the armor of the heavy treasure level is indeed not as good as the golden king armor.

After all, the only opponents at the immortal **** level are immortal gods. The Golden King Armor is the most peak type in the ordinary treasure level, with many functions and easy to use.

It is indeed better than the heavy treasure armor.

Different levels of strength have different perspectives on treasures.

Emphasize practicality.

It is better to contribute to the race to get a piece of heavy armor, and then replace it with resources to be practical. This is the consensus of many immortal gods.

Unless it is a weapon or an auxiliary heavy treasure, then it is another matter.

Heavy treasure armor is no longer valuable in the human race.

Even Venerable Universe himself disliked it very much.

Isn't Crystal Emperor Armor not fragrant?

In terms of strong defense, it is a top level, and it can be used as a soul treasure, which is more expensive.

There are thousands of treasures, and many cosmic lords cannot afford it.

I can only watch envious drooling.

The Dragon Jade King and the Tong Nan King have distributed the spoils.

The former asked for four heavy treasures, with a lot of effort, a black sword, a shield, a great axe, a long sword, and some of the wealth of the King of Eyes after his fall.

The other miscellaneous treasures and treasures belong to the King of Difficulties.

In terms of harvest, Longyu King is about seven or eight trillion yuan more than Tongnan King.

But these are trivial matters. With the friendship between the two, there is no situation in which one takes more and less.

Longyu King took more this time, and will take less next time.

As for the record, it is naturally equal.

Originally I wanted to use that shield for King Hitomi, but the latter said that he did not want to leave it to her so that her defense would be higher. Even if you encounter an alien universe, you will have a higher defense to resist. Hope to escape.

Best friends, never just think about yourself, you have judgment

The battlefield is cleaned up.

The Sky Shield King and the others were ready to leave, "This time the vine fell seriously, and we are also injured. We need to go back to the group to recover, so we won't talk much...Thank you again."

"Okay, then we shall part." Longyu King nodded slightly.

Just as the three of the Sky Shield King were about to leave, a space several million kilometers away was rippling. In such a situation, it was obvious that some powerful people came out of the dark universe.

Sure enough, ten seconds later, dozens of golden figures appeared, but they were a group of human powerhouses wearing golden king armor.


A group of human powers who are ready to fight, what they see is different from what they expected, so they are all surprised.

"Haha, the Dragon and Lion King, Shilun King, Shixi King, you are here, thank you very much." The Sky Shield King smiled and said hello.

It is commendable that as many as ten human powers can gather together in this very short period of time to support together.

After all, they killed the Heaven Shield King and their alien race, but there were two powerhouses at the invincible level, the others were at the limit level of the king, and there were even three immortal gods who were extremely close to the invincible level.

The number of the strong is reduced, and it won't work if they come, but just add a few more dead souls.

After another greeting, Longyu King and Tongnan King left first.

"The three of you are very lucky. I didn't expect Longyu King and Tong Nan King to be in this secret realm."

"It's really lucky. The Dragon Jade King and the Tong Nan King also came in time. Otherwise, the three of us are really in a disaster this time, and our fall is inevitable."

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