Plane Universe

Chapter 2509: Uproar

A group of human powerhouses sighed.

This time they came to support, they were just doing their duties as human powers. Under the circumstances they expected, the three of the Heavenly Shield Kings had fallen.

No, it happened that the two super powers of Longyu King and Tongnan King were also in this universe secret realm, and they happened to be nearby, thus saving the lives of the three of them.

"By the way, what about the alien races that attacked you? You should fight, right? What's the situation?" The dragon and lion king asked with a curious expression that the residual energy power fluctuates strongly, and he looks at the ruin-like environment around him. , Obviously both Longyu King and Tong Nan King had shots, after all, the residual power fluctuations around them vaguely revealed a sense of familiarity.

Especially the supernatural aura left by Longyu King's hands is still relatively clear and can be judged at a glance.

"Most of them died, and the rest escaped." Heavenly Shield King replied lightly.


"Most dead?"

"Since I received your distress signal, it has only been about half an hour now. There are as many as fifteen aliens?"

"The Dragon Jade King is too powerful." The White Scale King immediately said with an extremely excited expression: "You can't imagine the power of the Dragon Jade King. The power between the hands and feet is endless. It's too outrageous."

Although King Manluo's injury was not light, this club also flew with high interest and said loudly, "King Qingjin knows it."

Everyone nodded, Qing Jin, the invincible immortal **** of the monster race, the strong among the strong, and the leader who took the lead in attacking the Heavenly Shield King and others.

Otherwise, they don't need to gather so many powerful people to dare to come and support.

"Then you know, King Qing Jin is in the hands of Longyu King, just insisting on counting his breath time, and in the end he can't even explode himself?"

"Long Jade King's incomparable powerful and invincible power, and the power of raising hands and feet are all broken."

"Mumu Wang knows, he is also a **** against immortality, but in the hands of Longyu King, it is even more outrageous, and he will kill him with a single knife.

"My God, are you kidding me?"

"A single stab killed an invincible immortal god? Is it the Venerable Universe?"

"I don't know, but now I want to come back to recall the previous Long Jade King's display, its secret magic power is really powerful, and it gives me an unmatched feeling."

A group of human powerhouses are almost confused.

It's like listening to myths and legends.

A single sword can kill an invincible immortal god, which is very difficult at the level of immortal gods.

Or it is impossible.

Unless it is a special life, relying on the tyranny of divine power, it is difficult to do it.

A person with a normal life level is usually about a million times more divine, and it cannot be higher.

Because there is no such resource supply.

Most of the lives of myself and others present have doubled and doubled,

Suddenly, one of the ultimate king-sealing experts remembered something in his heart, and asked repeatedly: "I don't know if you have seen it, the armor on Longyu King seems to be a little different from ours?"

When these words came out, everyone was surprised.

"Yes, the style of armor on Longyu King is similar to ours, but there are still many differences."

The Sky Shield King recalled, he nodded his head heavily and said: "It is indeed a bit different. The overall appearance of the armor worn by the Dragon Jade King is very similar to the golden king armor we wear, but it is similar to the surface of our golden king armor. The color is still different. Take the wink, it's golden, but it's the color that is white in gold."

The White Scale King also continued to say: "Indeed, as Sky Shield said, the armor on the Dragon Jade King is not like the golden king armor we wear. The body just emits a burst of golden light, but a This kind of milky white halo is flowing, and it is also mixed with bursts of colorful light, flowing on the surface of the armor, it looks very dreamy and very beautiful."

"Obviously, the armor worn by the Dragon Jade King is estimated to be a level higher than the golden king armor we are wearing now, or even a larger level." Man Luo Envy made a final conclusion.

"It is very likely that I heard that Venerable Nine Swords has already joined the Lord of Time and Space to serve, and the Dragon Jade King and other powerful people, it is estimated that they should also be merged into the Time and Space Palace and become one of them, so..."

"I guess it is. The King Tong Nan next to Long Jade King just now wears the same golden armor as ours, with the exception of Long Jade King."

"A higher level... or even a higher level of armor jewels, hiss! The power must be much more powerful than the golden king armor, but I don't know how much power can be extended, but according to the power of the Longyu King shot Tyrannical, killing an invincible immortal **** with one move, I'm afraid...very outrageous!"

Gudu, there were close to twenty human powers present, all secretly envied, and sighed why the Universe Venerable he worked for was not under the command of the lord of the time and space palace.

Otherwise, they can borrow some light.


Soon, the news spread among the human race.

In less than half a day, almost all the strong people in the entire circle of human immortal gods knew about it.

I'm discussing in private that all human powers who meet each other will ask the last question, and the time and space palace has produced a new kind of armor, do you know?

What, haven’t heard of it?

Let me tell you that this new armor is very powerful. I heard that it is one level higher than the current golden king armor.

Do you know Longyu King?

The strong man I was asked naturally nodded his head to express his acquaintance. As a veteran and invincible immortal god, in the circle of human immortal gods, no one knows!

But did you know?

Long Jade King was in a cosmic secret realm just now, and he killed the Super Power like the King of Eyes with one move. Within a few breaths, he killed King Qingjin.

Many human experts were shocked when they heard this news.

Especially the existence of dozens of invincible immortal gods, their eyes widened.

The immortal gods are invincible levels, and the strength gap between them is very small.

In the same level, the most defeated, but it is basically impossible to kill.

Now, the Dragon Jade King actually killed the Eye King with a single stab. Could it be that the Dragon Jade King has broken through?

But the level has broken through, and it is absolutely impossible to participate in the fight in the immortal **** level, because humans and foreign races have a consensus.

The two sides maintain a balance to avoid continued competition.

Many immortal gods have little knowledge, and I don’t know why the alien races dare not let the cosmic sages participate. The number of cosmic sages united by the three alien races, the human cosmic sages are just so few, the number is only more than 20,000. Compared with the Cosmos Venerables united by the three different races.

If the Venerable Universe participates, the human side will definitely not be able to stand it.

How can immortal gods know why?

Foreign races are afraid of Cheng Buyun's power, because of the deterrence of Cheng Buyun's world tree clone, foreign races dare not act rashly.

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