Plane Universe

Chapter 2535: Vibration

Take Cheng Buyun himself, if someone wants to ask for his collection, he might kick them away with one kick.

Are you kidding me?

Am I the kind of person who lacks money?

go away!

Nantian Xianzun had the heart to intersect with Cheng Buyun, so he took out the collection and let him choose what he liked, whether he liked it or not, he gave up.

The other party is affectionate, of course Cheng Buyun can't be unjust!

So the shot is also very generous.

Besides, the rebates given out, except for the precious armor, the blood of the beasts, are very cheap, and you can get a lot of things from your own family!

The chase from the main universe is so powerful that it seems precious and valuable.

Taking gifts back and forth is considered very high-end.

After turning over the banquet, the host and the host enjoyed themselves.

After that, Nantian Xianzun didn't mention men and women anymore, not even hints.

After all, it's only the first time we met, so just a little mention.

Take your time!

Only when they are familiar with each other can the flowers bloom and bear fruit.

If Cheng Buyun had that meaning on the spot, Nantian Xianzun would have to worry about it.

Cheng Buyun smiled and talked to Nantian Xianzun from time to time.

Nantian Xianzun has lived in Nantianmen for a very long time. From his title, one can tell one or two that there is an old qualification.

In Tiangong, he is also a very good person, because his identity is very old, and the saint has to give him a bit of noodles.

A fairy like the lord of the dragon walk, after all, he can tell from what he claims to be.

Surplus, remaining, redundant.

Literally understood, Cheng Buyun judged that it is estimated that most of the characters from the time of Nantian Xianzun have fallen or already existed at the sage level, and he is still at the level of the Xianzun, so it is redundant and surplus.

Otherwise, it would be more elegant to call yourself ‘I’.

As for trying to invite myself today, I also know it well.

After all, he is also considered a man of a generation, with a mysterious background and endless wealth, but today he has shown a lot of strength, and the strong with a little vision will meet.

It was not weird that Xianzun had this idea that day.

Many things range from unfamiliar to familiar. After friendship, some transcendent things can also be mentioned.


After three rounds of wine, the fruits and candied fruits are also eaten at random.

Most of the time has passed, and Cheng Buyun is also ready to leave.

"Zhou Mu, please go temporarily, and come back later when you have time." Nantian Xianzun smiled and stroked his beard, but he didn't say anything about staying in Buyun for more Japanese style.

They are all members of the Heavenly Court, and they can see each other if they are destined, and don't do the things that make people disgusting.

All the way to the gate of the palace, Cui Yi standing next to her, with a little bit of reluctance in her eyes, seemed to have secretly promised Fang Xin.

My God, this is the first time I saw you! ! !

This situation can only show that Cheng Buyun belongs to the kind of character Cui Yi likes.

After all, because of his strength, Cheng Buyun is no longer ordinary in appearance, looks extraordinary, and also has excellent temperament and behavior.

And the identity is also the respect of a country, with many powerful people under his command, and endless wealth, it is simply a good match.

It's a pity that Cheng Buyun didn't have any meaning in this regard, but it's a pity that the beauty turned her feelings secretly.

Since ancient times, passionate and free hate, running water and unintentional love fall!

Cui Yi seemed to like the wrong partner a little bit.

I don't know where Nantian Xianzun found out that Cheng Buyun was not married yet. When I saw him today, he wanted to match his granddaughter together.

Who allowed Cheng Buyun to be alone in the main universe? It is understandable that others have made a mistake.

"Just send it here, please go back, Venerable, I'll go too!" Cheng Buyun said with a smile, and then nodded to Cuiyi, and then soared into the air and headed out of the island.

Cui Yi looked at where Cheng Buyun had left, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

"Chi'er, people are far away, what else to watch." Nantian Xianzun said without repairing: "Look again, your sweetheart will not come back."

Cui Yi seemed to have been said to be ashamed of being ashamed, and shouted with a shy face of anger, "Grandpa, I have a sweetheart, don't talk nonsense, lest others hear the joke."


Nantian Xianzun said: "The male elders should be married, and the female elders should be married. What's so embarrassing about this, you have to be brave enough to pursue your own fortune...Ouch, don't pull Grandpa's beard!

When there are no outsiders, Cuiyi always calls Nantianxianzun his grandfather.

This is also why Nantian Xianzun called Cuiyi's granddaughter before. In his heart, he is childless and the descendants of his disciple are naturally loved like grandchildren.

Just like between Chaos City Lord and Cheng Buyun, although their names are masters and disciples, they usually get along with each other like father and son.

In fact, many strong people are like this, Chaos City Lord treats Luo Feng and all his disciples the same, treating him like his own son.


After Cheng Buyun left the Nantian Temple, he flew all the way, and after he had left the small island far away, he teleported. Within a few flashes, he had already arrived near the Temple.

People in the heavenly palace are not allowed to teleport, and it is impossible to teleport. There are too many restrictions.

The Twelve Capitals celestial array covers the entire celestial palace, and the Lord of the universe cannot break it.

Unless the teleport permission is allowed.

Above the heavenly palace, there is a lot of lively people, people coming and going, from time to time there are strong men stepping on flying swords or various treasures from the sky to fly by, unlike flying all the way, it is a remote place, mostly island buildings, etc. Locally, most of them are islands where the strong live.

"Look, who is that?"

A strong man saw Cheng Buyun flying over and shouted to his friends nearby with excitement.

Some strong people naturally looked over when they heard the exclamation, and immediately found Cheng Buyun, and said in amazement: "It's Time and Space State Mu."

"Ha, what a powerful breath of supernatural power!"

"Sure enough, the news from Nantianmen is true. The divine power and coercion emanating from Guan Shikong Zhoumu's body are indeed at the level of a **** emperor."

"It's really amazing. It's just that in just over a thousand years and two thousand years, there has been such a big increase in strength. What have you experienced?"

"Yes, none of the jumpers are so fast. It's really scary."

Many powerful men looked at the flying clouds and talked about where they were.

A large number of strong immortals also gathered together in groups and talked secretly. The strength of immortals was low, and the strongest was at the level of immortal monarch, so they would dare to talk directly to each other, and still discuss a strong state animal husbandry.

There is nowhere to get justice for being beaten to death.

In any place, strength and status are very important things. If the lower-ranked dare to openly discuss the upper-ranked, it is simply rebellious.

Just as Xianzun dare not talk about the saint, even if it is said, he must be respectful, and don't let others catch the wrong place.

At this moment, Cheng Buyun didn't even know that the moment he was exposed at the Southern Heaven Gate had already caused a sensation in the Heavenly Palace.

It's so fascinating, it's almost like having three heads and six arms.

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