Plane Universe

Chapter 2536: Sure enough

It is true.

With a bang, the old hen turned into a duck, jumping from the realm master to the **** emperor level, it was a shocking earthquake that horrified all the strong.

Who is practicing? Didn't that experience a lot of hardships?

Have all suffered?

After countless millions of years of precipitation and evolution, he has a strong strength.

But it's better to be a step cloud. He jumped to the **** emperor level in less than two thousand years. Can you keep others from shocking and fearing?

Call the monster!

A monster is not a monster. Cheng Buyun doesn't care. After showing his strength, he naturally rushes to shock others, and also rushes to fight for the authority status he should have.

There are many good things in the main universe, and although there are not many treasures, they are about to shed endless saliva, almost dripping and coveting.

What is it for grabbing!

If he had the strength, he would really grab it.

Unfortunately not.

You can only gather wealth from the aspect of doing business, wash the nutrients from a large number of powerful immortals, and strengthen yourself.

The consumption power of many immortal superiors is still worthy of recognition. There is no big money, and there is definitely a lot of small money. What is lacking is just resources.

In just over a thousand years, he has contributed trillions of points to Chengbuyun, which is definitely much richer than the primitive cosmic mankind, and its consumption power is two levels higher.

The level of wealth is surprising.

"Time and Space State Animal Husbandry!"

Suddenly, a crisp sound like a silver bell resounded through the sky, shaking the soul, and it seemed like a spring water flowing in the heart, making people feel joy involuntarily.

"Time and Space State Animal Husbandry!"

Cheng Buyun looked over, but a strong female fairy was waving to him again. He even showed a smile and shouted to the strong female fairy: "Fairy Yunxi, Lord Taitian... Everyone, please wait a moment, I will come too!"

The titles such as fairies and venerables are honorific titles in the Tiangong, which are the embodiment of status, and they hold a lot of power.

An ordinary Xianzun can only be Xianzun, and he has no power in his hands!

Two concepts.

Immortal Venerables have relatively ordinary status, fairies and Venerables have higher status, and true monarchs are of a higher level.

Then there is the quasi-sage powerhouse.

Of course, among the true monarchs, there are immortal-level powerhouses with real positions, whose status is still higher than that of quasi-sages, and only the status of saints is higher than these canonized true monarchs.

After a while, Cheng Buyun fell down and stepped into the flower pavilion by the lake. The venerable fairies greeted them with smiles and greeted them one after another.

"Time and Space State Shepherd, don't come here unharmed,"

There are five powerhouses in Hua Ting, namely Yunxi and Taimeng, the immortal couple, the other three are their friends Yunluo Fairy, Mengxiang Xianzun, and the last Ding Yunxianzun.

The five people are not very different in strength, but their status is high and low.

After Cheng Buyun greeted each one, Fairy Yunxi said with a smile: "I can't imagine that in just over a thousand years, Zhou Mu's strength has been so greatly improved. It is really a gratifying thing. congratulations."

"Yes, most of the day before, there was news from Nantianmen. I just heard it, and I couldn't believe it. I was very suspicious." Venerable Tai Meng said with a surprised look.

After the words fell, Fairy Yunmeng took up and smiled: "But I don't want to see it at first, it really is."

"It's simply too much."

"It's even more powerful than the description of the news that came."

"The so-called famous is not as good as meeting. It's amazing to hear it far from seeing it in person."


The five said with a smile, and the tone was full of compliments. Obviously, they should have asked for something.

Under normal circumstances, the strong immortal does not bother to associate with the strong god, and most of the time, it's just a greeting at most.

It was as it is now, flattering the front, only to take Cheng Buyun to the sky.

Yes, he is talented and highly perceptive, and he is also a **** emperor-level strength, worthy of respect from others.

But the high talented gods, the powerful gods, even the holy masters, there are more immortal temples, who has seen so many immortal experts give good expressions?

"Haha, everyone's praise, small achievements, shouldn't be praised by everyone." Cheng Buyun responded with a smile on his face, but he also had a clear heart, and he had already expected what the other party was paying attention to.

"Isn't it humble? With the strong patience of the state shepherd, even in the position of the holy lord, you can look into the distance in the future. I am not the flattering person. There is that sentence."

"Come, come, have a drink first, the right is to celebrate the Zhou Mu."

"Please also enjoy this cup!"

Cheng Buyun was naturally invincible, and he also raised his glass with a smile and drank it all in one go!

Others have intentions, and he takes it consciously, and will not be unable to hand in hand because of his strength and high status.

He also has his own ideas, it's all money bags, cash machines, and there is nothing to do with each other.

After all, the blood of the beast is auctioned again and again, and the wealth comes too slowly.

Although the blood of the beast can also be contributed to the two treasure houses to help sell it, it seems a bit eye-catching, and once the quantity is too large, the value will also decrease.

The fly in the ointment, so it is better to sell it yourself.

Good wine and fruit, the scenery is also full of magical beauty, it's a pleasure.

The six of them were drinking and talking to each other in the flower pavilion, and among the laughter and laughter, it made many outsiders depressed.

In the past, I was afraid of disturbing others' Yaxing, so naturally I could only hesitate and waited in groups of rockery gardens and water pavilions nearby.

In the flower pavilion, everyone chatted, but Dingyun Xianzun suddenly said: "The super auctions that Zhou Mu has held over the years have attracted countless strong people, and the wealth is even more enviable."

As if the mutual visits and discussions had been completed, as soon as Dingyun Xianzun said this, the other four people also looked over, and several pairs of eyes fixedly looked at Cheng Buyun, obviously waiting for him to speak.

Cheng Buyun came secretly, but he also humbly smiled: "It is everyone who gave me some thin noodles, so there is such a prosperous trend. If you don't need it that day, you will be lonely, haha!"

"Zhou Mu really will be joking, haha!"

"Haha, the last few super auctions held by the state domain under the control of Zhoumu, in fact, I have been there several times with a few people, but every time I am disappointed." Mengxiang Xianzun said with regret: "No. We don’t have the financial resources to compete, but we have gone to too many strong people. There are many strong background-level players. We can’t offend too much, so when we reach a certain price, we can only be modest."

"I know a thing or two about this, but... I've also asked me." Cheng Buyun said calmly, "I can't help but let those strong guys bid!"

"of course not."

"I didn't mean to wait, that would offend others."

"I'm just thinking, since I'm so destined to meet, I want to ask if there are any extra treasures of the blood of the beasts on Zhou Mu's body. I'm waiting to put on a few drops to comfort my wish."

"In terms of price, please rest assured that the state and animal husbandry will not be embarrassed by the state and animal husbandry. I will give you the highest price at the auction when I wait."

"What do you think the state animal husbandry?"

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