Plane Universe

Chapter 2540: Achievement of matching status status

Cheng Buyun is a **** cultivator himself, and of course he has to help his family.

If you don't want to overwhelm the cultivator, at least you have to let the cultivator have the power to resist, instead of relying on human favor.

Immortal cultivators are inherently easy to cultivate, and even the worst talents, as long as they have a chance at the last moment, they still have a chance to fight.

If you don't live or die, it's better than life span and then die.

Woeful death!

No cultivator is willing!

This is why the cultivator can overpower the cultivator.

It was really difficult for Sayo to change the status of a **** cultivator.

Naturally weak, no one can do it!

Unless the probability of becoming a **** is very high, 100% of the kind, but people with that talent, it is impossible to cultivate gods, cultivation of immortals is better.

The question of ideology.

Whether it is a cultivator or a **** cultivator, there is only one purpose, for eternity!

Who doesn't want to exist forever, who wants to fall away from the world!

In fact, there is one thing that a **** cultivator is better than a **** cultivator, that is, there is no disaster when becoming a god, while a **** cultivator does.

When crossing the catastrophe, even geniuses and bad luck will die.

The more genius, the stronger Thunder Tribulation, and the more dangerous it is, just like the shackles of a **** cultivator, it will catch you in the last step.

But when a **** cultivator becomes a god, no matter how talented or evil he is, he will not fall because of his breakthrough.

When a cultivator achieves eternity, he has such a catastrophe, and geniuses should be very worried, but why do they still want to cultivate?

Two words, popular and trending.

After all, there are countless hundreds of millions of people in human beings. Not everyone is a genius and will be eternal. As mentioned before, if you are not sure enough to survive the thunder catastrophe, you can wait to continue to accumulate strength and return at the end of life. Can spell it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Buyun was helpless.

But no matter how helpless, you still have to help, but how to help, you have to think about it.

Now he doesn't have many methods, and he can only get a piece of jewelry, and he can write some articles in it, but it seems a bit difficult to operate.

Mainly there is still a hurdle that cannot be circumvented, and the Cultivating Gods team could not compete with the Cultivating Gods in the early stage.

An eternity will stump any ideas.

With this problem, it is basically difficult to expand aggressively.

Forget it, let's go with the flow!

In the end, Cheng Buyun thought so big that he stopped thinking about it.

too difficult!


Walking along the inside of the palace, several people were also chatting, Cheng Buyun also answered appropriately and was not affected at all.

Soon a few people came to a side hall, and at this moment a table exuding a variety of fruity banquets was set up in the hall.

Human cultivators, as long as they have some status, rarely eat the flesh and blood of various intelligent life, and feel that eating intelligent life makes their heart feel very uncomfortable.

So in many cases, entertaining friends is usually with fruit wine.

In fact, Cheng Buyun stopped eating meat a long time ago. He was allergic to various monsters and disliked it.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone talked a lot.

Divine Emperor Fang Shui and others also revealed a lot of the secrets of the Tiangong that had not dared to talk to Cheng Buyun before. This time because of his sudden and substantial increase in strength.

For example, there are more than 108 sages in the Heavenly Palace. Instead, they have more than two hundred people, but most of them are not in this universe, but are out there.

As for where to go, he didn't continue to tell, but said that he would know in the future.

Obviously, there must be a place similar to the universe sea on the main universe.

But Cheng Buyun is determined to be a bit weird, not in this universe?

What's the answer to this?

But afterwards, no matter how he knocked sideways, God Emperor Fang Shui just smiled.

The careless spark goddess emperor laughed and said: "Brother Time and Space, here in Tiangong, sometimes having strength is not enough, you must have achievements and contributions."

"And what are achievements and contributions?"

"It's to help the ethnic group grow."

"Most of the time, just making contributions is not enough. No matter how much wealth there is, there is no corresponding status and strength. In the eyes of others, you are rich, but you cannot be recognized by others."

"If you want to be recognized by others, you can only show your own powerful strength."

"So, there needs to be achievements!"

"Achievement is a record, and if you want a record, you have to fight with the foreign race to make a name."

The goddess of fireworks smiled and looked at everyone, Fang Shui, Fengyan and others all smiled, let her give pointers to the cloud, "Now your strength is enough, you should get what you want to match. Status, if you want others to respect you, you have to kill."

"If we are here, many of the power positions we have are the result of a lifetime of strength."

"Just like you were ridiculed by those stinky guys just now, they just bullied you for not accomplishing, so they are so arrogant."

"If you have the corresponding achievements and deliberately attack you, they will definitely not dare."

"After all, even though your strength is very strong, your two-level Immortal Venerable will dare to embarrass you because of your lack of achievements and weak strength."


The Goddess of Qing Dynasty also sighed and said: "Your current identity is just a state shepherd, and in the heavenly palace is equivalent to an ordinary-level senior immortal, and such existence, heavenly palace has too many."

"And your position is not right. Those people originally refused you to be the minister of this state. If it wasn't our digital holy master who was fighting for reason, the development of things is probably another possibility."

Achievement record.

Cheng Buyun understands that the strength he possesses is written data, and there is no record of any strength.

Take Cheng Buyun now at the level of God Emperor's strength, everyone knows it, but knowing it's useless!

Whether it can be used or not is the most important question.

If it doesn't look good, no matter how strong it is, it will be an embroidered pillow.

As for the question raised by the Goddess of the Qing Dynasty, he understood very early.

At that time, he had just arrived in Tiangong, and many immortals wanted to give him a chance to understand them.

Without the help of the Immortal Temple, it would be really difficult to be a Shangzhou Shepherd.

Therefore, he still remembered the care that the Holy Master gave to himself at the time.

"Several elder brothers and sisters, I understand." Cheng Buyun nodded heavily, grateful for the care and importance of several people. Although he understands all these things and also knows the importance of achievement, but the other side showed concern , But it is impossible to fake.

As long as the people who care about you will dig out their hearts and minds for you.

"You can understand that nature is the best."

The goddess of fireworks smiled, nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "If you want to go for a break and need a companion, you can talk to the elder sister, and the eldest sister can introduce you to a few trustworthy powerhouses. , Let’s form a team for experience."

In order to prevent Cheng Buyun from having any grudges in his heart, God Emperor Fang Shui also answered: "As for why we are not going to experience with you, it is because we are still in power and cannot leave for a long time. But other things, Just say it, we will do it for you."

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