Plane Universe

Chapter 2541: Annoyed

After turning over the words clearly and plainly, with justification and evidence, Cheng Buyun is naturally grateful.

I will tell you so much for the people who care.

People who have no friendship, don't care what you do.

I don't even tell you.


The King Kong God Emperor, who was a little confused, put the wine bottle in his hand on the table again and shouted angrily: "That group of **** are really too much. They don't look at their own strength, and dare to be embarrassed. My brothers in time and space, I really don’t want to live anymore. See if I don’t kill them."

A little drunk crazy.

The neural response arc is a bit too slow, right?

Where is this?

The King Kong God Emperor, who is greedy for a cup and does not like to run the divine power and consume the power of wine, as he said, drinking like that has no soul, it is better not to drink.

Half-awake and half-fazed, everything comes with open mouth.

"They don't want to live anymore, then what are you going to do?" The Goddess Sparks stared angrily, and the murderous aura filled the past.


Covered by a strong murderous intent, the King Kong God Emperor was shocked on the spot, and Jiu was also frightened by the murderous intent of the Spark Goddess. He looked up at the surroundings with a dumbfounded face, which made people angry and funny, but he smiled again. Looking at everyone awkwardly, "What did I do? Why are you all looking at me like this?"

"What's the matter, don't you know?" The Goddess of Sparks said grimly: "I will pretend to be crazy and be stupid. Knowing you is the misfortune of my life!"

"According to what I said, every time I get drunk, I pull out to have a meal, and I will be good next time." The goddess of Qingying said with a cold face, and then blamed it again: "Drink some wine, dare to say anything, you I thought it was my place, but the wall is no ears?"

The two **** emperors Fang Shui and Fengyan also looked helpless and smiled bitterly. They really didn't know what to say.

Naturally, they knew the character of the King Kong God Emperor very well, so they didn't talk to him, nor did they dare to let him speak.

But he was fine, half-drunk and half-obsessed, suddenly he said such a sentence.

Although that was just a lip-service, I was afraid that others would think wildly. When the time comes, the problem will be serious, and it is reasonable and unclear at that time!

After all, you are angry and said the last sentence killed you face to face. Everyone will not pay attention to it, and the problem is not big. They only think that you say it because of anger.

But secretly, a group of people closed the door and said that they would kill others, which was a big taboo.

It is absolutely prohibited.

"That, I was wrong!" The King Kong God Emperor laughed on his slightly fluffy face, apologizing and apologizing again and again, "When I am confused, I am just because I am angry, so I am fighting the injustice for the brothers in time and space."

"I just said, don't drink him, it's best to drink fruit juice, but you don't agree, okay!" Qingying female figure blamed: "Sure enough, I was talking nonsense. Fortunately, I was prepared and ordered the palace early in the morning. All the maids and guards around are far away."

Everyone also let go of their hearts, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, the Goddess of Qingying was very careful in doing things, foreseeing this situation early on, and did not make things worse.

It's not that you don't believe in yourself, but just in case.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, pay attention to it, especially the King Kong. You are not allowed to drink any more. If you want to drink, you must use the divine power to reduce the wine power." The **** emperor Fang Li's tone was severe and he warned the King Kong seriously. Take a look.

"Back to business."

The goddess of sparks glanced at King Kong, and then fell on Cheng Buyun with a smile: "Achievement record is very important, it should be sooner rather than later, after all, many permissions also require achievement of record to open."


The King Kong God Emperor smiled, and shouted with a grin: "It's nothing more than achievement. With the strength of my time and space brothers, the vague soul pressure has caused me to rush to my heart palpitations. It is estimated that in terms of soul pressure, it is compared with the blue goddess emperor. It’s not too much difference. With this kind of soul pressure, the strength will be worse? Going out and mixing, the achievement of the record is not easy!"

"Just you talk a lot!"

The Goddess of Sparkle snorted, and looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile: "Your strength is just as King Kong said. The eldest sister is very relieved. You don't ask you to kill and defeat the strong at the same level of the alien race, as long as you fight against the alien gods. The emperor-level powerhouse is fine."

"We don't have much to say in this regard, but some of the dangerous situations in the cosmic secrets outside are based on experience, let me tell you." Fang Shui Divine Emperor said.

There are naturally many secrets in the universe.

This is true for any universe, as long as it is in the form of the universe, various celestial bodies will evolve and appear.

It is no different from the original universe.

Only the inner universe has reduced the incomplete celestial evolution in this respect because of man-made control.


The spark goddess and the others are so eager to let Cheng Buyun go out and make a record, because the latter has been unfairly bullied. They know that the latter has already greatly improved in strength, but they dare to use words to ridicule, as if they can scream at will. treat.

How can they not be angry or willing.

Cheng Buyun is the brother they value, and there was no other way before. Now that he has a strong body and is treated so unfairly, everyone can't help it!

At that time, after having some achievements, look at what those guys say, dare to ridicule, dare to squeeze in words!

Give them three hundred guts, and they dare not cool!

The power of the **** emperor is one level higher than Xianzun, and if they don't want to admit it, they have to bow their heads and respect Cheng Buyun a little.

The strong of the Immortal Temple are very united. If they bully one of them, they will come out to take revenge.

Before, those immortals ridiculed them as Buyun, and many gods there directly fought back, even if there were not enough people, they were in a group with each other.

If you can't beat it, the people who bully us just can't.

Cheng Buyun would care about you because of his strength, and those of us who are not at the Divine Emperor level, we should play with you.

It can be said that the strong of the Immortal Temple are united and cohesive, stronger than the human beings in the primitive universe.

For one reason, because of being squeezed from within, only by uniting as one can there be resistance.

In the Temple of Immortality, Cheng Buyun felt a lot of warmth, which was a different experience from the strength of humans in the primitive universe. This place is like a big family, everyone is brothers and sisters, and will never dismiss you because of your low strength.

There is no such thing.

Even at the level of ordinary gods, they can laugh and chat with **** emperors, but the friendship in private is deep and shallow.

The primitive cosmic mankind is much worse in this respect. The strong people that the cosmic venerables intersect are mostly figures of the same level of strength, and it is rare that the ordinary cosmic venerable and the cosmic hegemon gather together.

Ordinary Cosmos Venerables even nodded at most to say hello even when they met with the cosmic overlord.

At different levels, there is very little communication, even a few words.

Even the high-ranking cosmos elders rarely make contact with the cosmic overlord.

Different levels of status and differences in strength are the main factors.

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