Plane Universe

Chapter 2560: Saint's actions

In the sky, a thousand-meter-long giant bird with a graceful body and pure white feathers flew by, and bursts of glow-in-the-green air currents formed a very peculiar sight in the sky, which turned out to be hazy shadows of birds.

It's just that these green light phantoms quickly rose up like smoke, disappearing in a while.

The old green phantom of the bird disappeared, but the new green phantom of the bird appeared behind him.

It seems to go back and forth, never stopping!

The huge bird swept across the sky, and soon as if it had reached its destination, it plunged its head down.

Sparkling, a faint green smoke rose, and the endless green lake in Shi's sight reflected the entire world.

At the end of the line of sight, a giant island appeared, and the faintly visible outline of the building on the island was hidden in bursts of psychedelic fog, which seemed very mysterious.

As the line of sight approaches, everything in the giant island has appeared in his eyes.

However, the sight of the entrance made people breathe a breath of air-conditioning. The floating peaks were arranged in a certain way, forming a peculiar formation effect.

The verdant trees, strange flowers and weeds, and a large number of palace groups strewn together, appear incomparably illusory under the effect of the formation. It is so unreal.

As if everything I saw was an illusion.

The mist rose and entangled, and the faint sound of the fairy passed from the palace group to all directions.

The pleasant fairy sound is quiet and serene.

At this moment, a huge bird descended from the sky, and a burst of green phantom light spread out. The bird was transformed into a beautiful normal human young man.

The young man transformed from a bird didn't wait for his feet to land, and as soon as his figure moved, he continued to fly forward, and in a while he came to the most majestic and majestic temple on the island.

In front of this huge palace, the young man hurriedly stopped and began to tidy up his appearance. In fact, his appearance was not messy at all, just tidying it up seemed to be more important.

As the young man entered the hall respectfully, the four big golden characters vaguely written on the hall finally revealed his true face.

Mingxi Palace!

Hey, it turned out to be a holy palace?

You must know that the word sacred can not be used casually. Even if a strong person chooses a title for himself, he will avoid this word, which shows that everyone is taboo against this word.

Holy characters, only those who are strong at the Holy Level are qualified to use them.

Just like human beings in ancient times, purple cloth was also a forbidden thing. It was not a royal person. Once used, it was a crime of beheading.

Although the holy characters are not as good as that, but if they are not used by the holy-level powerhouses, it is equivalent to ignorant, and the shame and criticism will be lightened.

It even hurts the teachers and friends behind him, and was taught by other strong men to shame and teach a good junior. The strong are naturally the ones who want to face, and shame is sometimes more important than losing one's life.

It turns out that this huge island is the residence of a saint-level powerhouse. No wonder it's such a wonderful fantasy.

Needless to say, the scene of the temple in the Mingxi Holy Palace is natural. The immortal spirit looks like a fairy family. On the palace platform, a middle-aged man with an extremely majestic and stern look in a purple and gold robes sits on the futon. There was no strange color on his thin face, and a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through the soul stared at the young man who walked in, but did not express anything.

The young man bowed respectfully and said, "Sage, the disciple is back."


Saint Mingxi nodded slightly, and without seeing his lips squirming, his voice resounded in the young man's heart, "You have actually come back. Anything delegated to you has been completed?"

"Returning to the saint, the disciple saw with his own eyes that Kongzhou Mu had left the immortal temple, and tore the space and disappeared directly into the heavenly palace, the disciple hurried back." The young man didn't dare to hide a little bit, and looked at himself. Everything that has arrived is spoken out.


Saint Mingxi smiled and nodded his head, expressing his approval, and said: "Now, you forget about this matter, and you are not allowed to mention it in front of anyone in the future, go!"

"Yes, saint, the disciple visited some friends' places before, and exchanged training experience with friends, now I am back to report." The young man bowed again, the words did not match each other, but Saint Mingxi arrived very satisfied. , "The disciple retire."

In fact, he is a disciple, the young man is just a strange bird enslaved by the sage of Mingxi.

It's just that with the breakthrough of Mingxi Saint's strength and the achievement of the Saint Realm, he feared that the demon clan side would be abhorrent, so let the young man call himself a disciple.

But it's all on the surface, secretly, the identity has not changed at all.



The mad laughter shook in the palace, and the sage Mingxi said with a weird smile on his face, "A small **** repairer, but sitting on such wealth, God does not take it, but takes the blame!"

Such a godsend opportunity, if missed, it would be a pity for a lifetime.

The emperor is nothing but a god, how strong can it be?

At the moment, Saint Mingxi couldn't help it, fearing that the time would be too long and Cheng Buyun would be taken away by other strong men, so he hurriedly set off.

In the blink of an eye, the palace lost his sight.

There are not only Mingxi saints, but many powerful saints who are jealous of Buyun wealth.

After all, during this trip to the palace, Cheng Buyun made a lot of money. Although there is no accurate data on the amount of wealth, a rough estimate can still be calculated.

At least one hundred billion points are calculated.

With such huge wealth points, how can I ask that the strong is not jealous?

The saints are also humans, clinking poor in their pockets. It's almost impossible to open the pot.

But now there is a figure of the **** emperor level with a lot of points wealth, who can sit still.

Hundreds of billions of points wealth is equal to more than one hundred thousand treasure points!

Many sages who were jealous of Buyun's wealth hurried to intercept them, but...they who were waiting on some of the necessary paths, could not even see Cheng Buyun's shadow.

Cheng Buyun didn't go to the Divine Kingdom Teleportation Area of ​​the Earth Immortal Realm at all, and all his goals fell through.

"Damn it, it's been almost ten days, even if it's a tortoise, I'm afraid it should have arrived, where did this guy go?" Saint Mingxi was hidden not far away, his breath converged to the extreme, but at this moment he looked into the teleportation square. The look over there was very sullen, and he couldn't wait to drag Cheng Buyun out and take it off, so as to relieve the mood of being juggled.

After a while, Saint Mingxi suddenly thought, "Couldn't it be intercepted by someone else in the mezzanine, right?"

Sit back and wait, sometimes it may not be a winner, and others always have good luck.

But he obviously didn't believe it, there were so many mezzanine directions in space, any direction would be fine, and it was impossible to intercept it.

But what if?

But I don't know that many of the saints who are waiting in the space mezzanine will also be secretly angry.

The only way to go, even no one saw it, what on earth?

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