Plane Universe

Chapter 2561: Hengshi Secret Realm

The idea of ​​a large number of saints intercepting Cheng Buyun fell through.

There are a few unwilling saints who have waited in place for more than a month, but they are still disappointed.

They didn't even know that Cheng Buyun didn't go back to the Holy Land after leaving the palace this time, so naturally he would not go in the direction where a large number of saints and powerful men ambush.

Instead, he went in the opposite direction.

Interception and conspiracy could not be achieved. Although the hearts of those saints were stunned, they did not give up.

Wealth of over one hundred billion points is so jealous that it is impossible to give up.

After that, many of the sages and powerful people sent people to inquire secretly, paying attention to the location where Chengbuyun might appear, and patronizing it in time and space.

Many strong people go to the holy land of time and space more frequently.

There are even strong ones who go there every few days.

Even more, many directly live in the holy land of time and space under the name of being a guest.

The purpose is to detect whether Cheng Buyun has come back.

All of this, the powerhouse of Time and Space Holy Land didn't know at all, even Catherine didn't even notice any bit of it, and didn't know the sinister intentions of these powerful people who came.

The Time and Space Holy Land is not a closed place after all. When Cheng Buyun, the state shepherd, did not give orders, he could not refuse the power of heaven to come and communicate.

Cheng Buyun himself, I am afraid he still doesn't know, he left the temple this time, since there are so many powerful people want to intercept him!

At this time, he was still trying hard to hurry in the space mezzanine, using teleport again and again, and heading towards his destination.

After a long time of teleporting, even with his strength level, after a month has passed, he felt mental fatigue and soul weakness.

Using teleport to drive the road is almost fast, but for the caster, it is basically a powerful test.

After teleporting more than 300,000 light-years away again, Cheng Buyun said with an ugly expression: "No way, it's too torture, I need a good rest."

Although the strong are known as perpetual motion machines, the distance range of billions of light-years can be teleported down, and the process will definitely not be comfortable.

At the moment, Cheng Buyun sat down on a space debris, letting the space debris under him drift with the waves.

After some rest, he set off again in vigor.

More than half a year later, Cheng Buyun's current position has been far away from the territory controlled by the heavens and has come to an unowned universe.

Ownerless cosmic regions, even if there are no races to rule and survive, there are many such regions in the universe. It is not that no races can see them, but these places are uninhabitable areas.

How to live in the area covered by the universe secret?

If it is the kind of cosmic secret realm that is not highly dangerous, it has naturally developed suitable life to live, but the cosmic secret realm in front of you is almost impossible.

A super huge celestial body with incomplete transformation, the internal pressure is so strong that immortal gods cannot move in it, and there is death but no life below the level of immortal gods.

The oppressive force is too strong, so strong that the physical strength of an ordinary strong person can't resist that powerful oppressive force at all, and then is compressed into the most primitive molecule.

In the super universe secret realm, the internal pressure is very terrifying, and the influence is also great, and ordinary cosmic sages dare not come.

Even at the high level of the Universe Venerable, you have to go through careful thoughts and thoughts again and again before you generously embrace the idea of ​​dying without being benevolent.

Hengshi Secret Realm.

Super huge cosmic celestial body, which is several times larger than the Skyfire Mystery that Cheng Buyun has visited before. It is about one billion light-years in diameter. The interior is extremely dangerous, and there is no area that can be called a safe place. , All kinds of smoke, wind, rain, and thunder may take the life of a strong man.

According to legend, there have been saint-level powerhouses in this secret realm.

Therefore, it is also called the Secret Realm of Holy Fall, which shows the degree of danger.

But danger often also represents endless wealth.

According to Cheng Buyun's search in the Tiangong, two treasures of the level of Innate Sacred Treasure appeared in this place.

There have been many treasures of the best sacred treasure level after acquired, such as the treasures of the top sacred treasure level, which have appeared in large numbers. The middle and low two-block sacred treasures are as numerous as stars, countless.

Almost one-third of the holy treasures owned by the strong today come from this secret realm.

The degree of madness, even Cheng Buyun couldn't help but venture into this secret realm.

What if you are lucky?

However, the rich resources of treasures represent that the strong are rushing, attracting the eyes of thousands of strong, and it is the first choice for the holy-level strong to navigate the mystery of the universe.

"Who would have thought that the main universe should have such a super universe secret realm?" Cheng Buyun looked at the flashing thunder light in front of him, and said with emotion.

The primordial star of the primordial universe is nothing more than a pinnacle treasure every time it starts.

Moreover, the Primordial Star is not open for a long time, but on a regular basis, which is several levels higher than the former.

There is a big difference between the two concepts: long-term opening and regular opening.

Once the latter is turned on, the strong will swarm forward, because there is no choice, don't miss it, and can only wait for the next opportunity.

The Hengshi Secret Realm is completely different. You can come as long as you want without restrictions. As long as you have the ability, luck and fortune, you can get the innate holy treasure.

The cloud mine area belongs to the outermost periphery of the Hengshi Secret Realm, but the degree of danger is not too strong. As long as the Venerable Universe is somewhat capable, he can resist the falling thunder.

The power of falling thunder is equivalent to the strength of the gods and the strong when they cross the catastrophe, and the ordinary gods and the strong can naturally not get through. After all, the cloud and mine area has a range of tens of millions of kilometers, and it takes a long time to fly at the speed of light.

With the ability of the gods, it is estimated that the divine power was exhausted without completely breaking through the minefield.

Cheng Buyun was naturally not afraid, and he bounced directly up, and he reached the edge of the cloud and mine area with a teleport.

In such dangerous places as Hengshi Secret Realm, he did not dare to teleport indiscriminately.


There was dense thunder and lightning flashing, and Cheng Buyun saw that those thunder and lightning were born out of thin air. There was no warning at all, and the danger was so dangerous that he couldn't help his eyes shrink for a while.

"I wiped it, this is too scary, right?" Cheng Buyun vomited secretly, feeling his soul trembled.

Of course, this little threat is not enough to make him lose his head.

The other **** emperor quasi-sages come, don't he have a chance to come?

Compared with the average quasi-sage and **** emperor, his strength is much stronger. Regarding the amount of **** body and **** power, the Lord of the universe has to be ashamed. As long as the danger is not letting him fall, he does not need to be afraid.


In case you get lucky and get an innate treasure, the benefits will be too great.

He didn't think that the Heavenly Palace would buy him the treasures of the Innate Sacred Treasures, and even if there were, the Heavenly Palace would not give him the authority to exchange them.

So if you want to get the innate sacred treasure, that is, the treasure of the strongest treasure level, you can only rely on your own ability!


Must break!

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