Plane Universe

Chapter 2576: Emperor Huaqing

The three peak human forces organizations have more than one hundred saint-level powerhouses, and the following powerhouse levels are even more uncommon. Just an immortal temple has 60,000 god-sovereign powerhouses.

The Immortal Venerable in the Heavenly Palace is several times that of the Divine Venerable, and the power of the Buddha Kingdom that can contend and fight against the Heavenly Court, I am afraid that there will be no shortage in this regard.

The demon race is even more terrifying.

After all, the forces that can fight against the monster race, the strong will be less.

For the three pinnacle forces of mankind, the alien races simply cannot compete.

They belong to watching the excitement and want to participate in the struggle of humans themselves, so they can only choose one side to join.

If you don’t join one party, you will end up participating, and the result will be terrible. As long as one of the three pinnacle human forces is dissatisfied with their ethnic group, the place of survival of the ethnic group will be levelled for you.

The alien race of the main universe is just surviving in the cracks of the three peak human forces, secretly strengthening its own power, hoping to one day rise up, and fight for a place for the race to survive among the three peak human forces.

Don't let humans wave their hands and destroy themselves.

The power of the alien race is very weak. Even if luck is good, there are strong people reaching the Saint Emperor level long ago, which is useless. The backbone of the middle-level and high-level teams is far from human beings.

The total number of Saint-level powerhouses of the three major human forces is estimated to be more than 600, which is extremely scary.

The demon clan still has some strength, and can barely compete.



The quaint, majestic and misty Huaqing Hall covers an area not much smaller than the Immortal Temple. Its front and middle halls belong to the office, while the back hall is the residence of Emperor Huaqing and his relatives. There are a large number of guards inside. The office is extremely strict.

Even the strong people belonging to the Huaqing Temple were not allowed to enter at will without an order.

At this moment, in a hall of the apse, Princess Rose, who was dressed in a green skirt and dress was extremely noble, but her body and face was a little illusory and unreal. In the huge hall, finally walked in from a huge portal beside the throne.

That is the bedroom of Emperor Huaqing, where he usually rests.

In the palace, wearing a purple robe and Mianqi sitting on a luxurious chair, he was reading a book with a vague cover in his hands.

The emperor Huaqing has big ears and looks and looks extraordinary. Even when he is reading books, his expression is full of majesty. He is very serious and not disturbed at all. Even if he notices his most beloved daughter coming in, he looks There was no surprise at all, but there was a very gentle voice, "Little Qiangwei, what's wrong, haven't you gone to the Hengshi Secret Realm? Why are you still free to come here to see me? Difficulties solved?"


But when Princess Rose's energy clone saw his father ignore him, he suddenly groaned.


The Great Emperor Huaqing laughed, put the book in his hand aside, and said in a hurry, "But I have something to discuss with my father?"

"Hehe, father, guess what, I know who I met in the Hengshi Secret Realm just now." Princess Rose said with a mysterious smile.


The emperor Huaqing's heart moved, and his expression showed curiosity, "You can tell me specifically, it seems that the identity of the person I met is a bit unusual."

Emperor Huaqing naturally knew her daughter's character. There were not many young talents in her eyes in the entire Tiangong, and the one who was in the limelight during the letter stage was the one who became the most recent one.


Cheng Buyun went to the Hengshi Secret Realm to explore and practice?

No kidding!

Emperor Huaqing's face suddenly changed. He didn't understand Cheng Buyun's level of strength, so he naturally felt extremely surprised and had some small worries.

Seeing his father's complexion changed, he was as clever as Princess Rose, and he couldn't think of it. Father guessed that what he met was Cheng Buyun.

The father is worthy of being a veteran emperor, and she is so wise that she really admires and admires her.

It's really amazing to be able to determine the candidate because of a word of yourself and some guesses.

In fact, it's not that mysterious, because the Great Emperor Huaqing knew that Cheng Buyun had left the heaven and knew his daughter, so it was easier to judge.

Of course, the worrying change between the expressions of the Great Emperor Huaqing, Princess Rose looked the same, and immediately said: "Father, don't worry, the strength of Daoist Time and Space is very powerful, and ordinary Saint-level powerhouses are not necessarily able to suppress him. ."


The Great Emperor Huaqing was shocked again. What did his daughter's words mean? Could it be that the strength of this little guy Cheng Buyun was not an ordinary God Emperor powerhouse?

"Father, Fellow Daoist Time and Space told me that he has killed the two great bodhisattvas of the Buddha Kingdom, Lingdong and Lingxi." Princess Rose said a piece of news that shocked even the Great Emperor Huaqing.

"What, Cheng Buyun has killed the two Bodhisattvas of the Buddha Kingdom? Killed the extreme quasi-sage level powerhouse, and he has not lost it?” The Great Emperor Huaqing was really shocked. Even the saints don't necessarily dare to brag, and can kill a limit quasi-sage strong.

But her daughter said Cheng Buyun did it.


Cheng Buyun's strength is a bit scary!

This evildoer, I really didn't know that it was the genius strong man cultivated by that old monster, and he had achieved such a brilliant achievement.

From this point of view, Cheng Buyun's strength level should be at a higher level of Saint Level. For example, many Saints in the palace today are powerful.

Such a super genius powerhouse, after all, the god-level powerhouse is so outrageous, if you break through and become a real saint-level powerhouse, then you have it?

That can't be earth-shaking, and the strength has reached the point of being shoulder to shoulder with him!

Even if it is a great emperor like him, facing the same strength, he also needs to interact with the other party.

In the future, Cheng Buyun will definitely have an absolute position in the Immortal Temple, and he will also have a huge right to speak in the Tiangong. As far as his identity is concerned, he is not necessarily much lower than him.

"Good daughter, tell me everything quickly." The Great Emperor Huaqing said very happily.

Princess Rose also reported in detail how her husband and wife explained the process of explaining to Cheng Buyun. The Great Emperor Huaqing laughed and gave her an admiring look and said: "Yes, I really have my style. It seems that you have cultivated your skills over the years. It is not in vain, as for being a person and doing things, you must not lightly look down on any strong, especially those with a mysterious background, and you need to give more respect to the other party. After all, no one knows, when you need it, someone may pull you Handful!"

"It's also father Chunchun who taught her daughter." Princess Rosa showed a luxurious smile.

The Great Emperor Huaqing smiled. He raised his hands in favor of his daughter being able to become friends with Cheng Buyun, and he did not underestimate Cheng Buyun's identity as a **** cultivator.

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