Plane Universe

Chapter 2577: Mankind's vicious strategy

Regardless of whether it is a **** cultivator or an immortal cultivator, in terms of cultivation, they all have the same goal, and in terms of potential, the **** cultivator is actually higher than the immortal cultivator.

He now vaguely understands that the immortal cultivator is actually a pit, and it is very difficult to figure it out after being carried in.

Because the strength is as strong as the Emperor of Heaven, the strength has been stagnant for countless years, even if the realm is too strong, surpassing many Saint Emperor powerhouses, but there is no way to break through.

It's as if the strength has been suppressed.

"Haha, my dear daughter, next time you come back, you must introduce him to me." The Great Emperor Huaqing said with a flattering smile, his appearance without the slightest demeanor of a strong man.

Princess Rose looked at her father with a smile and said: "When I will invite fellow Daoist Time and Space to the house, my father will definitely see it."

"That's really good, haha!" Emperor Huaqing was very happy, in fact, this is just a daily routine between father and daughter.

In terms of teaching children, Emperor Huaqing did not set strict standards, but gave his children the most friendly smile and gave Chunchun teachings.

It did succeed. The Emperor Huaqing’s family style is really tough. Until now, no one of his children has been crooked. Almost every one of them can be known.

The man's demeanor is fluttering, gentle and polite, the woman's manners are varied, the temperament is noble, and there is almost no flaw in dealing with people and things.

"Father, Fellow Daoist Time and Space now has such an achievement record, and because he has a lot of resources, next time he comes back, will Tiangong consider granting him a higher status?" Princess Rose asked her guess.

The Great Emperor Huaqing almost said without even thinking about it: "It's inevitable! In fact, after Cheng Buyun revealed his strength in Tiangong some time ago, and because of the large amount of treasure resources he possessed, some of our emperors were already discussing. It's a pity that because he didn't achieve a record, he was suppressed because he was afraid that he could not convince the crowd."

"Now, with the power to kill the two bodhisattvas, the spirit of the Buddha and the spirit, it is natural." The Great Emperor Huaqing said with a smile: "I guess that by then this achievement will be reported to the immortal temple. The Saint-level existence over there will definitely propose to give Buyun the first-level status as the'Holy Monarch'."

"How sure is the proposal to be passed?" Princess Rosa was very concerned about this issue with a questioning expression.

Although I have known Cheng Buyun for a short time, she really likes Cheng Buyun's free and easy personality, and she is still a friend. If she can help, she naturally has to help.

"It's very likely." The Great Emperor Huaqing looked at his daughter and asked with a smile: "Why, what are your thoughts?"

"I'm thinking, since there is a higher chance, would my father put a little effort into this matter? In this way, he can sell his personal affection to fellow Daoist Time and Space and let him be grateful to his father." Princess Rose said: "If there is a father like this One of the first proposed that it is much better than the proposal of the strong man in the Immortal Temple. I am afraid that I am afraid that the identity of the Daoist in Time and Space will not pass, so that other great emperors will be dissatisfied with his father.


The Great Emperor Huaqing smiled and said indifferently: "Daughter, you are wrong. In fact, Cheng Buyun's background identity is not a problem at all. I ask you... I know why human beings didn't kill and survive in the universe. An alien group in a remote place?"

"I'll tell you today. It's very simple. The remote territory is actually not important at all, because the more remote the territory, the more sinister it is. There are very few geniuses born, and I humans don't need it."

"At the same time, these territories are the territories needed by alien races. In order to survive, they have been fighting, but they dare not fight against our humans, because the strength of aliens is too far behind our humans."

"Even, a long time ago, a large number of alien races were afraid that our humans would destroy them, so secretly, they continued to cultivate talented people for our humans."

"And why do you cultivate talented people for me as a human?"

"It's very simple. It is for the survival of the ethnic group. They hope to cultivate a large number of powerful people who can speak in humans. When humans are going to destroy them one day, these powerful people will work."

"You can speak for them, because with these powerful people speaking for them, things can't be done absolutely, and they will leave some room for negotiation."


The Great Emperor Huaqing laughed loudly: "This is my human strategy. There are also many powerhouses in the alien races, especially those of the Saint Emperor level. They are still very powerful and have a lot of resources. After all, I only rely on cash. Some cosmic territories want to cultivate more talented and powerful people, it is almost impossible!"

"So we have to rely on external resources. As far as today is concerned, Buddhism or Demon Race, even my Heavenly Court is the same. There are a large number of powerful people taught by foreign races and powerful people. There are even some saints and holy masters. Yes."

"My God!" Princess Rose was shocked. She couldn't think of it, human beings have such a vicious strategy.

Suddenly attached to the alien body to **** blood!

Is there any creeps?

The strategy formulated by the human top is terrible!

A little bit of exploitation, the kind that doesn't work!



Really poisonous!

"You are still young, and you don't think deeply about some things, so you can't see the reason, it's understandable." Huaqing Dadi Education said: "When you look at a thing, you should not just look at the surface, but think from the overall situation."

"Well, you only need to know about this, and you must not talk about it outside." Huaqing Dadi finally confessed.

Princess Rose's mind is all confused at the moment.

The whole person is dumbfounded. No wonder that alien races have been able to linger in remote territories for a long time. She used to be kind to humans and couldn't bear to destroy all alien races.

I only learned today that it turned out that humans did it deliberately, just to **** the blood of foreign races to strengthen themselves.

Seeing his daughter's stunned expression, the expression that would not be able to recover for a while, the Great Emperor Huaqing shook his head secretly. The universe is cruel, and you have to pay to survive.

Can the aliens not see human strategies?

The same can be seen clearly, but this is a shame, human beings are too powerful, and the alien races simply cannot resist.

Even if the alien races unite, there are as many as seven or eight holy emperors, and they cannot compete with humans.

There is a huge difference in overall strength. All the Saint-level powerhouses of mankind add up to 700, and there are more and more. Even in the highest-end combat power, there are nearly 20 mankind.

How can foreign races compete with humans?

As long as the aliens dare to jump out, humans will eradicate them all.

Even the strong Saint Emperor will die!

Therefore, if you can see clearly, the aliens will swallow their anger, pay the price, and give humans enough benefits.

Instead of wanting to be exploited, you can only leave this universe, but is it possible?

Where can ethnic migration migrate?

Micro universe?

How many people can survive? Moreover, in the miniature universe, the limit of potential is the holy level. What is the difference between giving up and growing the race?

Only humans are exploiting them, and they are slowly accumulating strength, hoping to cultivate more talented and powerful people, so that human beings have to pay a huge price if they want to destroy them, then they will succeed.

Even if possible, cultivate a super strong, a strong one that even many humans need to worry about.

Then the ethnic group has risen!

Once the rise of humanity, part of the territory of mankind will inevitably be relinquished.

Humans and aliens, everyone secretly cares.

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